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When it comes to drawing, we all have subjects we are more comfortable with and subjects outside of our comfort zone.  An easy trap that artists fall into is thinking that they lack the ability to draw subject matters outside of their comfort zone.  “I can draw this, but I can’t draw that.”
It's all fine and well to stay safely in your comfort zone when you are only drawing for your own enjoyment and don’t have a need or desire to expand beyond that box.
But what happens when a job or project comes up that requires to draw or paint something that you have never even attempted before?
Or maybe you get an idea for a new piece but it will require you to get outside of your comfort zone.
Whatever the case, you will need to tackle drawing something new… and maybe something you don’t think you are capable of drawing.
But I’m here to tell you that you ARE capable.  With the right tools and attitude, you can do so much more than you realize!
So let’s get into it!...(continued in article)

In this article I go over techniques I use to draw "anything" including subjects that are outside of my comfort zone.  We go over ways to use reference, shapes, and even so called "cheating" methods like tracing and photo-bashing.  

The pdf of the article is attached to this post for you to download and read at your leisure!

I hope it gives you some helpful insights and ideas!

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