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Hey folks!  Sorry it has been so quiet around here.  


I am, as you guessed, needing to take a little hiatus for the next month or so.   I'm still very busy working on my sailboat, and am going to be moving aboard in March.  So, once I am settled at the end of March, hopefully I will be back and doing more art!  

I will finish your sketches!

 For those waiting on sketches, don't worry! I haven't forgotten you, and I'll be cranking out those sketches before the end of this month.     

You won't Charged by Patreon

 As usual, when there is not a completed art pack for you by the end of the month, you will NOT be charged any money, so no need to worry about being charged for the next month or 2. 


If you are curious about what's keeping me so busy, you can check out my sailing website: 


 and my sailing youtube channel: 





Invisible Rain

Good luck on sailing, Chris! Tailwind! :)


Neat! Congrats and have a great time making this transition!