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Ooooh boi!  The free webinar is now open for registration!

Click here to read more about it and register:  https://wacom.zoom.us/webinar/register/6815907432865/WN_mI32X8RfQbuYCIyZjLz9Fg 




Registered 💪🏻 thank you Chrissa, it looks like a very useful webinar, looking forward to your tips 💜

Sabrina College

It is possible to take part if had just clip studio on y iPad? My pc is broke since a long time I put the clip studio app on my iPad to use it there.


Yeah! I mean the webinar itself will be me doing a demo and explaining stuff, so people can watch even if they aren't following along right at that moment. But also, everything I am planning on showing should also work on the app version of the ipad.

Allie Hayes

I wish I had clip art studio I’m mainly photoshop, I’m not sure how similar they are or if the same techniques apply to both


The bulk of the techniques are applicable to photoshop. Obviously the clip specific brushes will be different but the actual layer modes that I use for shading are the same or similar

Allie Hayes

Perfect I’ll get registered 😊

TheFallen0786 (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-28 04:30:11 Whooo! I just remember to register today! ... a little late, but i made it! <3
2020-06-01 12:27:32 Whooo! I just remember to register today! ... a little late, but i made it! <3

Whooo! I just remember to register today! ... a little late, but i made it! <3