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🌿The elven mage sighed as she sat down on the rickety wooden bench that rested against the wall outside the small cottage 🏡.
Could it really even be called a cottage? Honestly the hut was kind of a shit hole... a little shit hovel on the outskirts of a tiny, middle of no where village. But it was hers.
🌿Being the resident hermit wasn’t so bad. She wasn’t sure how long she would stay but when she had arrived here, she knew that she was DONE. Done adventuring, done trying to change the world, and done with trusting people.
Now, what she wanted was to build a calm and settled life with her cat. And why not do that here? The hovel with the ill-attended garden had been vacant and this village was boring as hell. The perfect place to settle down, not be found, and maybe make a little coin by selling herbs to villagers.
The elf brought one leg up onto the bench and rested her jaw in her palm, leaning an elbow onto her raised knee as she sighed, envisioning the quiet life ahead of her. Yeah, she might stay a while.


Of course, life probably will NOT stay quiet for this elf mage, even if she thinks that’s what she wants. Haha

It’s been a bit! Like I mentioned in a past post, am trying to explore a little bit more storytelling with my pieces. I have a lot to learn but it’s pretty fun! I’m actually in the middle of about 3 pieces right now but they have all been really challenging me, so it’s taking a while... hence my quietness lately. I hope you guys are doing well!

Rewards for this piece will be in Art Pack36:

  • Full Res Art
  • PSD with Layers
  • Sketch
  • Lineart

When will I receive rewards for this piece? These rewards are part of ART PACK 36 released in early June 2020. Sign up or change/stay on your pledge for June to get these rewards.




I love the story, and I love how this piece turned out! The green and orange of her outfit look so nice together!


OMG! Thank you!! I struggled so hard with this one so I am SO glad you like it! 😭 ❤️


Ahh! Thank you so much!! I struggled with this one quite a bit so i am SO glad you like how it turned out!!


Done trying to change the world, and done trusting people. Big mood right here.


This is very cool! Love her hair and her matching top and boot socks :)


Awesome work! The colors are so nice! I like that bit of storytelling too, it adds some context to the piece!