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She is slowly starting to come together!  And guess what... I'm finally planning a test comic page.  Its so daunting, but I'm excited.  This will be part of that, but also works well as a stand alone illustartion.  
Obvs, I when I finish this I'll be sending out the uncensored version with art pack 27.


I have been trying to figure out her name.  I really have been struggling.  I think I want it to be something really literal.  

I'll give you some background, she is a water nymph of a pond/small lake in a forest.  She was born when that body of water was born so she is quite old, but also has only ever known that pond and forest, so in her lack of actual experience, she is quite naive.  

I have been playing with her name being something as simple as "Lake" or "Spring", but I'm still not sure if that is quite right.  If any of you have some ideas, I'm open to hear!


Aaaaand, HOLY MOLY you guys!  We have reached 40 patrons!  I think that's the highest we've had at once!  Thank you guys so much for your support!  I know I say it all the time, but I can't say it enough.   THANKS!



Christina Minton

This is adorable! I'm so glad you came back to this piece! A few names I thought of were... Marina, Maya (in Hebrew it means water and to the Romans Maya is an incarnation of goddess of Spring and Water!) That or the name Raine. Makes me think of a character from Tales of Symphonia plus its basic and straight forward to her character? Idk 😅 Really excited to see more of this character!


Thank youu! Ooo! I do really like Maya! Thank you so much for the suggestions!! Hopefully we'll be seeing a lot more of her as I actually get to working on her story/

Christal Bell

Mist? Dew? Raindrop? I love the color palette it makes me think of the avatar


*looks up Swedish word for pond just because* Damm... Droplet 💧


Haha... I mean damm could potentially work but would likely be misread a lot. hahah

Devin Sunde

I love this, and look forward to seeing what you can do with sequential art. Comics are SUPER daunting to start, but get easier as you go.


Thank you! Yeah, I do hope it gets easier and faster... haha,. xD It takes me so long to work on a page right now