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I finally came up with an idea that I'm excited about for my next personal illustration.  I feel like it has been a while since something really sang to me like this idea and sketch do.  Here is the super rough initial work in progress that I have so far.  I think it will be somewhat in the same vein as Anxiety.  I hope you guys like it so far!!

Art Pack update

I'm also planning on sending rewards out tomorrow.  Almost all the pledges have been processed, but I did notice that one or two was declined, so if you would like to recieve the art pack and continue your support, pretty please check your payment method and make sure it is up to date.  

It would also be great if everyone made sure their mailing addresses are up to date.  I always get a little bit of anxiety when I'm sending out prints that someone might have moved and not updated their address.  Would hate for people to not be receiving their print rewards.  

I have also started slowly working on sprucing up this place.  I have been on Patreon for a few years now, crazy how time flies, and I feel like my page is in need of some sprucing up.  So I have started with the front description page.  Its not done yet, but some stuff has been updated.  No reward changes or anything, purely visual.  

I do really want to give the reward tiers some more fun titles though and draw some corresponding icon art to go with it.  I think I might start a discussion for you guys to throw some ideas my way in the community tab.

Aaaaaaand, a bit  of fun news.....

I AM GOING TO PARIS THIS WEEK!  Ahh..  I have never been but this week is a holiday in Sweden so I am taking advantage and taking a couple extra days off of work to take a long weekend trip to Paris.  I have never been and have been told that it might be disappointing because Paris is so romanticized in media but I'm still excited and ready to absorb all the beautiful art in that city.  

I don't know how much art will actually get done (If I'm being realistic, probably not much... I tend to not be very good at making art while traveling), but I'm sure I'll take some photos that I might share here with you guys.... for those that are interested... 

Have a wonderful week guys!  




Ohhh I like the concept here!


Oooh, looking forward to the photos! ^_^ Got to take advantage of those Holidays.