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In this short video I show how to create a screenshot with my camera tools for Baldur's Gate 3 and then edit it in post using Lightroom CC. Not mentioned in the video: I do change the FoV with a small amount.
The video illustrates how to set up the shot, to apply reshade shaders, and after taking the shot, how to edit different areas in Lightroom for the final result.
It's not a video illustrating how to get started, as it assumes you have everything setup already.


How to create and edit a screenshot

In this short video I show how to create a screenshot with my camera tools for Baldur's Gate 3 and then edit it in post using Lightroom CC. Not mentioned in the video: I do change the FoV a small amount. My camera tools are available on patreon: https://patreon.com/Otis_Inf Used material: Music: Ambient Twist, composed by me using FastTracker on an old 60mhz PC, back in 1995. Pascal Gilcher's shaders used in the video: https://www.patreon.com/mcflypg Game: Baldur's Gate 3.



Great tutorial! Adding a mask to reduce glare - that’s SUCH a good tip!


Where I can get this presets for light and darkbackground?


they're not presets but separate shaders. Depth darkness is here: https://github.com/FransBouma/OtisFX/blob/master/Shaders/DepthDarkness.fx, the others: see the video description


I might need to update my ReShade as I don't think I've got the shaders used in this video (apart from that nice IGCS DoF you created last year.) Does that Depth Darkness you mentioned to someone above come as an installation option when you install ReShade?


these shaders are not coming with reshade, some of them from another creator. depth darkness is installed with the whole otis.fx package


When installing ReShade, which effect packages besides OtisFX are good ones to install?


I might've missed this, but does the Relight shader (Martymod) come with Reshade or is it a separate download? Being able to adjust the lighting manually like that seems so useful.


Ah nvm! I ended up finding what I was looking for! Thank you so much :DD


That's not part of my tools but an addon you installed in reshade. Perhaps you installed a preset from someone?


@harry thanks, I'm aware. please don't post links to these sites here for obvious reasons.


Hi, when I use Relight I cannot seem to arrange them like you do in the video, when I move them back and forth they are either really big or disappear, so it's impossible to set a light for example right next to the characters face like you did in the video. Any tips why this can be the case?


Be sure you've setup the depth buffer in reshade correctly (both you pick the right depth buffer and also whether it should be reversed or not (it should be 1 in bg3). See for a guide: https://framedsc.com/ReshadeGuides/setupreshade.htm#checking-depth-buffer-access


How did you get Marty's mod relight and Marty's mod RTGI ? Because i don't find them...

Mo Mos

Hi! Thanks for making this amazing tool! But when I use relight and depth of field control, the light effect generated by relight seems to be floating around in the process of rendering. Do you have any suggestions for this type of issue?


please follow the relight/immerse documentation. enable the launchpad shader, put it at the top, make sure reshade's depth buffer is setup correctly ...

Maja Misak

Thank you for this great tutorial video, also, your character looks badass :)


Thanks :) This is lae'zel btw. After 2 playthroughs I remodeled all standard characters to keep it a bit fresh :) I used the appearance mod for this, it still works ok :)


This post is about a video, not a game/camera. 'the camera' and 'the game' are too vague. Please post below the camera post with a question regarding that camera/game

Isabel Martinez

When i pause the game using Numpad 0 the game does pause but two black bars appear top and down the screen and can't get rid of them is there a way to get rid of them or i'm doing something wrong?


BG3? Check which reshade shaders are enabled when you press numpad 0. I do recall there's a preset for reshade which has this effect.


Thank you for this! It got me to buy Marty’s effects, however I cannot get any of it to work due to the Display Depth not working. My whole screen is blue (I can see the characters through it) and not colourful like it should be. I’ve fooled around with the “edit global preprocessor definitions” but no luck. Could it because of MSAA? How do I disable if it is?? I’ve been at this for like 6 hours and the display depth is ruining my plans 🥲


Which game? MSAA does ruin depth buffers, if you can pick another AA option I'd pick that. Also see this guide: https://framedsc.com/ReshadeGuides/setupreshade.htm Plus, Marty has a discord, perhaps you can get help there?

nawaf y

Hello, I have a problem with taking pictures. Why are they not saved in 4K resolution? The other problem is that when I take a picture directly, my screen turns black and the igcs cooectorb file disappears.

nawaf y

Black screen appears when I render the image

nawaf y

I need a lighting tool, where can I find it?