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Camera version: v1.0.12
Released on: 23-aug-2024 
Compatible with: Starfield, Steam. Also reported to work on the gamepass version
Documentation: https://opm.fransbouma.com/Cameras/starfield.htm


  • Full, unlimited camera control (gameplay, cutscenes, photomode, conversations)

  • Controller or mouse/keyboard control over the camera

  • Camera shake control

  • Field of view (FoV) control (Also during gameplay)

  • Tilt

  • Game pause / framestep / Gamespeed control

  • Camera paths

  • HUD toggle

  • All aspect ratio's supported, also in photomode

  • Hotsampling (resize the game window to any resolution)

  • No pause menu on alt-tab

  • Configurable input interpolation for smooth camera movement/rotation/fov zoom in/out

- Fixed: 1.0.11 had wrong FoV offset in some parts (FoV offset changed in the latest patch)
- Fixed: The camera wasn't usable inside the new REV vehicles. I wasn't aware the vehicles were already a thing

- Fixed: Fixed for patch released on August 20th, 2024

- Fixed: Fixed for patch released on June 10th

- Fixed: Fixed for patch released on May 15th.

- Fixed: Camera was broken after patch 1.10 released on March 19th 2024

- FIXED: Hotsampling was broken with the latest patch. I missed that spot in the last update. They broke it because they added code to un-minimize the window when the resolution changes, apparently in the Bethesda Universe you can change the resolution through the menu in a minimized game...




This is where the fun begins


You are the best otis :) <3




Awesome, wasn’t sure if you would make one as console commands readily available. Time to test with gamepass


Thank you so much for this:) Unfortunately, for some reason Hotsampling does not work for me - the window is enlarged but not the resolution, when returning to normal size, the window is stretched to the second monitor. In general, the whole process takes a long time and, unfortunately, the game can freeze. I don't have such problems with BG3. :(


Sorry, stupid me. I was too excited and missed it. xD It works perfectly, thank you.



Cuddles Gaming

Will there be a RDR2 camera mod ? 👀


1) don't comment on posts with a random off topic question 2) No. Use: https://framedsc.com/GameGuides/rdr2.htm


Thanks for sharing...I encountered a problem that when I tried to move the camera right, left, forward or back by numberpad 6 4 8 or 5, there's no response. The camera up and down function (numberpad 7 and 9) is not working as well. The tilt function (1 and 3) works. The camera is not locked and all other functions are working normally. Would u please advise a possible cause for this?


I'm not able to move the camera when I'm flying in the space ship, any fix?


Will look at it tomorrow. When exactly is this, when you arrive at a planet? The game uses different pieces of code for different locations hence my question. Please be specific which situation this is.


Sorry I didn't explain very well, I just mean when you are flying in orbit, and you go in the camera mode, you are still attached to the ship, you can change where the camera looks but you can't cant the position of the camera, it will always stay attached to the ship, unless there is an alternative solution I'm missing


I figured it out. It turns out I happened to be in the ship for landing or taking off when I first activated the camera...If the player is in the ship landing on or taking off from a planet you actually cannot move the camera


Alright, will try to reproduce it. As I said above, the game uses various pieces of code to control the camera in different situations, sadly, and these are only used in these particular situations. I thought I had found them all but this situation suggests I missed one. :)


yeah that same bug was reported below your initial post :) Will try to reproduce it today and hopefully fix it.


When I inject DLL for this one, Windows 11 is detecting it as a threat and quaratining it (Behavior:Win32/DefenseEvasion.A!ml). I've used plenty of your photomode mod's before so I know its a false flag, just fyi I don't know if it's happening to anyone else.


The !ml suggests it's an AI suggested 'malware' thing, usually false positives triggered by calls to some functions of windows itself to alter running processes (which I use to hook into the exe at runtime). The quarantining is something that's a little hard to avoid if you don't exclude the folder with the tools from defender, as it's monitoring if a process A (in this case igcsclient.exe) injects something in process B (in this case the game)... Sadly there's little to do about this :( Thanks for the heads up!


I tried to reproduce this, but it works in all cases. Landing/taking off, flying in orbit around a planet (when I'm in the pilot seat, 1st person), flying through space... I can always move the camera...


See post below this one (Jeremy) and the replies. I can't reproduce it... Landing/taking off, it works fine (except for one small part when taking off where the game also doesn't pause, but as the game doesn't pause it's of no use anyway)


Ah I saw in a video you can move the camera to 3rd person view of the ship! Then it doesnt' work indeed. Will fix it


3rd person view of the ship doesn't work indeed. Didn't know that view was even in the game! will fix it


The 1.0.2 update seems to broke the time control. Num 0, by default, no longer stops the game. And in some instances (ex: dialogues) the zoom also doesn't work properly, with the image showing all kinds of artifacts. I'm using the game pass/windows version


Works great now thanks :) one small thing though I see you have a toggle to invert Y direction any chance you can do it with X as well? with controller looking left makes me look right by default


Numpad 0, that still works here. You're sure you have numlock enabled? Steam version The dialogs indeed don't seem to work. I do recall they worked before but it's indeed broken. Will fix it.


Nope. Not here. The previous version is ok. Here's the log if it helps: Initializing... Camera system:: All interception offsets found. Hud system:: All interception offsets found. Image Quality system:: All interception offsets found. Camera dll::>>>>>> ERROR <<<<<< Can't find pattern for block 'AOB_NO_PAUSE_ON_ALTTAB_LOCATION'! Camera dll::>>>>>> ERROR <<<<<< Pause system:: One or more interception offsets weren't found. Pause system:: Feature not available. Initialization completed. Waiting for camera struct interception... Camera found.


FoV in dialogs is apparently read from somewhere else, the location in memory is properly handled but for conversations it's sometimes not read from there but elsewhere. Where that is tho is currently anyone's guess. Weird thing is that the game updates the fov value in the camera manager like it does in other situations... Will require more time to find it. This has apparently been broken since 1.0.0


aha, that explains things... I went for another alt-tab pause variable to stop it from pausing altogether, apparently the gamepass version doesn't have the same code. :( Because it's not found the whole pause subsystem is disabled in the tools. I'll revert to the old variable and make the new one optional so it's only utilized when the code finds it, which should make it work on both versions.


Hi Otis. Unfortunately, it seems to me hat the last update of the game broke the camera detection: [09-10-2023 20:43:51] [ DEBUG ] :: Pattern for block 'AOB_CAMERA_ADDRESS_LOCATION' found at address: 00007FF76CE9D6E1. RVA: 0x249d6e1. Alternative: 0 [09-10-2023 20:43:51] [ DEBUG ] :: Pattern for block 'AOB_CAMERA_WRITE1_INTERCEPT' found at address: 00007FF76D277A85. RVA: 0x2877a85. Alternative: 0 [09-10-2023 20:43:51] [ DEBUG ] :: Pattern for block 'AOB_CAMERA_WRITE2_INTERCEPT' found at address: 00007FF76D268547. RVA: 0x2868547. Alternative: 0 [09-10-2023 20:43:51] [ DEBUG ] :: Pattern for block 'AOB_CAMERA_WRITE3_INTERCEPT' found at address: 00007FF76C77EE91. RVA: 0x1d7ee91. Alternative: 0 [09-10-2023 20:43:51] [ DEBUG ] :: Pattern for block 'AOB_CAMERA_WRITE4_INTERCEPT' found at address: 00007FF76C776E0E. RVA: 0x1d76e0e. Alternative: 0 [09-10-2023 20:43:51] [ DEBUG ] :: Pattern for block 'AOB_CAMERA_WRITE5_INTERCEPT' found at address: 00007FF76C780F3D. RVA: 0x1d80f3d. Alternative: 0 [09-10-2023 20:43:51] [ DEBUG ] :: Pattern for block 'AOB_CAMERA_WRITE6_INTERCEPT' found at address: 00007FF76C783007. RVA: 0x1d83007. Alternative: 0 [09-10-2023 20:43:51] [ DEBUG ] :: Pattern for block 'AOB_CAMERA_WRITE7_INTERCEPT' found at address: 00007FF76BC7DB50. RVA: 0x127db50. Alternative: 0 [09-10-2023 20:43:52] [>ERROR<] :: Can't find pattern for block 'AOB_FOV_WRITE1_INTERCEPT'! [09-10-2023 20:43:52] [ DEBUG ] :: Pattern for block 'AOB_FOV_WRITE2_INTERCEPT' found at address: 00007FF76D2773AF. RVA: 0x28773af. Alternative: 0 [09-10-2023 20:43:52] [ DEBUG ] :: Pattern for block 'AOB_FOV_WRITE3_INTERCEPT' found at address: 00007FF76D26E6B8. RVA: 0x286e6b8. Alternative: 0 [09-10-2023 20:43:52] [ DEBUG ] :: Pattern for block 'AOB_GAMEPAD_ENABLE_ADDRESS_LOCATION' found at address: 00007FF76D6B431D. RVA: 0x2cb431d. Alternative: 0 [09-10-2023 20:43:52] [ DEBUG ] :: Pattern for block 'AOB_PLAYER_COORDS_READ_INTERCEPT' found at address: 00007FF76D7688AF. RVA: 0x2d688af. Alternative: 0 [09-10-2023 20:43:52] [>ERROR<] :: Camera system:: One or more interception offsets weren't found.


I missed today's update it seems (I checked this morning). Will check tomorrow


Thks a lot! Works like a charm with the latest v1.0.4 release.


Having some trouble with Ultrawide -- I also have a DLSS mod enabled - perhaps that is interfering? I can disable HUD, but camera doesn't activate. It worked fine on my old monitor a week ago.


Be sure to use the latest official game from steam. YOu see any errors in the log tab?


Have the latest official version on Steam! No errors: Initializing... Camera system:: All interception offsets found. Hud system:: All interception offsets found. Image Quality system:: All interception offsets found. Pause system:: All interception offsets found. Initialization completed. Waiting for camera struct interception... Camera found. HUD hidden HUD visible HUD hidden HUD visible Pressing camera hotkey gives me nothing. Tried changing hotkeys a few times, no help. Hide HUD hotkey working just fine


Fixed it! My bind had changed with version update - I'm an idiot. Thanks again!


Heyo Otis, is this going to be updated for the new beta update or will it wait for the final release next month? I can't seem to get it to work after updating to the beta

Michał Bąk

Somehow doesnt work with newest version of the game, when i turn on the camera it detach from character but character still runs around when i click WSAD, i see running hands


camera movement isn't bound to wasd but numpad keys, so wasd isn't blocked


Will this be updated? Free Cam is no longer working with latest Aug 20, 2024 update. Now that they have made it fun with the added vehicle, I'd love to have this working along with it. :)

Nguyen Kim Le Nguyen

While using vehicle with patch v1.0.11 (MSI burner turn off) im unable to use free camera mod it will crash to desktop if I pull up the game photomode window (when in vehicle) lagging when using pause during vehicle getting on and off animation sequence crash to desktop if pause during any other of animation as well (sitting in cockpit ready for take off)


Ugh... are vehicles in the main game now? I haven't played it much so I don't know. I don't have the DLC. If vehicles are only in the DLC, I can't fix it. Their engine has custom code for all camera types (1st person/3rd person/cockpit/plane taking off etc...) , so I suspect 'vehicle' is another one. It's odd it crashes tho. usually it simply doesn't work...