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I've released a new Depth of Field system, which works with most newer cameras I've released. It is implemented in the IGCS Connector Reshade addon and a shader, and works similar to how MSADOF works or how the DoF in e.g. Forza works; it'll produce clean, realistic bokeh effects without artifacts. The technical term is 'Accumulation-buffer based Depth of Field'.

Release: https://github.com/FransBouma/IgcsConnector/releases
Sourcecode: https://github.com/FransBouma/IgcsConnector
Guide: https://opm.fransbouma.com/igcsdof.htm

Be sure to read the guide for how to setup reshade, the addon and the shader and how to use it!

Here's a couple of examples what it looks like:

It's an effect which takes some time to render so you can't use it in real-time.

NOTE: if you update to a newer version, always update the shader and the addon. If for some reason it doesn't work even if you have updated the shader, be sure to click 'Clear effects cache' on the Reshade's Configuration tab.


 - Fixed: (Shader) (MartyMcFly) In some low-light situations banding could occur in large out-of-focus areas even though dithering was implemented to mitigate that. This has been corrected, banding should now no longer occur.

 - Fixed: (Shader) (MartyMcFly) When there were no tools injected the shader could show unwanted behavior
 - Fixed: (Shader) (MartyMcFly) The magnifier was showing only per pixel movement
 - Fixed: (Shader) (MartyMcFly) The magnifier is now also covered by the compute shader, avoiding a separate pass.

- Fixed: (Shader) (MartyMcFly) The first frame 'flash' is now no longer present, which likely could lead to less blurry images on lower framewait values
- Fixed: (Shader) (MartyMcFly) The edges of the result image no longer contain darker fades
- Fixed: (Shader) (MartyMcFly) The dithering to avoid banding is now using a better algorithm
- Changed: (Shader) (MartyMcFly) The igcsdof.fx shader is now using a compute shader setup and is much faster
- Added: (Addon/Shader) (MartyMcFly) Cateye bokeh effect, which results in Helios 40-2 like swirly bokehs further away from the center of the frame

- Fixed: (Addon) (Otis_Inf) Way faster rendering, up to full framerate
- Fixed: (Addon) (Otis_Inf) Fringe/Chromatic aberration for circular bokehs is now alighed at the top instead of on the right, so two-color CA is properly divided between left/right.
- Fixed: (Shader) (Otis_Inf) Vignetting in some occasions (Inner to Outer rendering type mostly).
- Added: (Addon) (Otis_Inf) Camera data is now exported to various IGCS_ prefixed uniforms so shaders can obtain that data at runtime. See repo readme which uniforms have been added.
- Added: (Addon) (Otis_Inf) Added buttons next to some value controls so they're easier to choose as dragging them was a bit cumbersome. 

- Fixed: (Shader) (Otis_Inf) On edges it could be there was a brighter border due to lack of blending from discarded samples outside the view port.
- Changed: (Addon) (Otis_Inf) Unchecking the 'Record ReShade state with camera nodes' checkbox will now be preserved across sessions.

- Fixed: (Shader) (MartyMcFly) First frame is now no longer blended twice
- Added: (Shader) (MartyMcFly) Sharper in-focus areas and less moire in highlights due to different blending of HDR samples
- Fixed: (Addon) (Otis_Inf) Angles for aperture shaped shapes didn't start at 0.
- Fixed: (Addon) (Otis_Inf) Changing the render order didn't take effect till you also changed another value which re-triggered calculating the shape steps.
- Changed: (Addon) (MartyMcFly) Reimplementation of spherical aberration so it preserves the light across the entire highlight and no longer leads to dimmed shots in some cases
- Changed: (Addon) (Otis_Inf) Maximum of vertices in aperture shaped shapes is now 10 to make the number of vertices slider be more controllable
- Added: (Addon) (MartyMcFly) Added separate fringe functionality for tiny outlines of highlights
- Added: (Addon) (Otis_Inf) Added separate chromatic aberration functionality (4 types) to displace red/green/blue on the edges of highlights for artistic purposes.
NOTE: be sure to update shader and addon!

- Fixed: (Addon) The preview of the shape in the Reshade overlay was drawn mirrored vertically, so basically upside down. The preview now represents how the bokehs will look in the final result (in the far plane. Shapes in the near plane will be upside down due to how the dof works).
- Fixed: (Addon) The ring angle offset value is now rotating the inner rings more related to the outer rings so it keeps the outer ring in place (and thus the whole shape in place) which makes it easier to define the right shape rotation.

- Fixed: (Addon) A bug in the addon could cause the game to crash when you enabled a shader in reshade during setup, and you didn't have this shader enabled when the game was started
- Added: (Addon) A check has been added to inform the user that if the IgcsDOF shader is disabled in reshade, they first have to enable it and place it at the bottom of the list.

- Changed: (Shader) Marty McFly contributed an optimized shader which uses less memory and is a bit faster
- Changed: (Addon) SirCobra contributed a way to focus with just one slider, so focusing is now a matter of just sliding one slider and you're set!
- Fixed: (Shader) Marty McFly contributed Cone Overlap support for avoiding extrapolated bright color fragments when using a highlight boost nearing 1.0
- Fixed: (Addon) When changing max bokeh size, it will automatically recalculate the focus delta so you don't have to re-focus afterwards. This also fixes the issue when changing aspect ratios while you had setup the focus delta: the image stays focused.
- Added: (Addon) Added an option which makes the progress bar show up in the reshade overlay instead of an overlay in the top left corner.
- Added: (Addon) Added an option to create anamorphic bokehs (Vertical ellipses)
- Added: (Addon) Added an option to specify an optional angle per ring in the bokeh shape to avoid having a grid-like pattern.
- Added: (Addon) Added aperture shaped bokeh shapes using vertices and optional rounding options for hexagon etc. shaped bokehs.
- Added: (Addon) Added spherical aberration support so you can dim center areas of bokeh highlights.

- Added: (Addon) up to 60% speed increase in the rendering phase by rearranging code in the render state machine so more work is now done at the same time. This might result in you having to choose a value for 'Number of frames to wait per frame' that's 1 higher than what you're previously using, but it depends on the game.
- Added: (Addon) Several values are now written to an ini file in the folder where the addon is located, so it will make it easier to use the addon next time.
- Fixed: (Shader) If the in-focus element/subject was too close to an edge of the image, it could be the blurred edges would stretch towards the edge of the image.

- First release with IGCS Depth of Field




I must be missing something. It is not behaving as I expect from your screenshots and descriptions (am newbie with ReShade). I can open the IGCS Connector Reshade addon and start the DOF session. I get all the bars and toggles as in your screenshots. However, when I change the settings, barely anything happens. When I change the max bokeh setting, it just moves the camera left and right while simultanesouly changing the number in the focus delta setting (I can't see a visible change in focus). I never see the doubled/layered view. Changing magnifier setting does nothing. Changing bokeh setting does nothing. I also installed your photomod for the first time. After a hot second I feel like I'm kinda getting the hang of that one, but maybe that is just an illusion and the way that I use it interfers with the shader? (In general, I don't get error messages or anything. It's just that visibly nothing happens.)


Please check if the IgcsDOF fx is enabled (so its checkbox is checked) on the Home tab in Reshade and placed at the bottom.

Maja Misak

Hey sorry to bother you again I have a technical question about setting up a shot. which setting controls how much area is in the focus. I read the guide, messed with bokeh size but that only seams to control how strongly blurred things are blurred. Messed with setting bellow but I can't figure it out. so for example I want to focus on something in the distance but a wider area.. For example, I want a whole small house in the distance to be in focus, rather than just a window while the rest of it is blurry.. I can't seam to set it up properly, can we control that?


You can, but you have to keep bokeh size really small that way, if you don't you get super blurry foreground. So when you set the max bokeh size to a certain value, and then move focus delta x so that the window is sharp, you'll see how much the rest of the shot will be blurred (as the area between the two versions of the elements you see is filled up with blur). So you then might want to decrease the bokeh size to a lower value.


I followed the installation guide and ReShade says that it can't upload addons. I don't know what I'm missing here. I have the latest ReShade and performance is toggle off.


Ah, my mistake. I installed the normal ReShade. Now it shows when I reinstalled the Addon version.


This tool is amazing thank you, I have a question for "vertical" shots (That is, turning the camera 90 degrees to fit a character into the screen) When I do this, and go to start the Igcsdof session, the focus is very messed up and off. It's basically looking at the ground even though the camera itself is focused on the character with no ground on-screen. Adjusting the focus delta doesn't work since the "focus" is way too far off from what is actually on screen. To clarify, I am trying this in Cyberpunk 2077. Is it a bug on my end maybe?


lol.. It was definitely some kind of bug. I decided to disable and re-enable the camera, so I had to reposition it, and everything looks good again. Sorry for bothering


Hi, I have a problem in Cyberpunk. When I run the blur renderer and try to focus, the camera shifts and there is no depth of field but only a blurred image.


Love this for bg3, but now post patch I hard crash a lot with it now, it closes both the game and whole steam lol, I'm not blaming it right away on the reshade but if anyone else has this issue and got it resolved, anything would help! this and camera mod together are a must for me


The hotfix patch they released 2 days ago? Will try tomorrow. Haven't heard any other people having problems tho...


Hey, So ive added the IGCS Connector file into the same folder as the exe for cyberpunk, and followed the steps. When I load into the game, the effect shows up in reshade but i dont see the tool in the add-ons tab, using latest version of reshade with add-ons & update igcs camera tools you posted for cyberpunk. Am i missing something?


Be sure to use the reshade version with addon support (it's the bottom download button on https://reshade.me


why i do not have the folders“reshade-shaders”?then i open the reshade it shows “no effect files(.fx) found in the effect search paths”🥲(sorry I am not English native speaker.Did I clarify the problem? Thank you


Run the reshade installer it'll give you a selection of shaders to install and it'll configure it propery for you. *however* if you use baldur's gate 3 with vulkan for instance, it might be the shaders are installed for d3d11 but not for vulkan. In that case, run the game with d3d11 (works fine).


question, am i able to use igcsDOF and hotsample? when trying this i receive a black screen. idk if im doing something wrong or its just not compatible.


You get a black screen when you hotsample while there's still a session going on in igcsdof. What I do is usually setup the shot in normal resolution, test igcsdof with low quality to see if the bokeh is big enough etc. When I think it's ok, I end the session of igcsdof (so click the button 'end session') then hotsample to the shot resolution, start a new dof session, sometimes have to fine tune focusing a tiny bit, increase the quality and render.


Hi there, thanks for the release. I encountered a minor problem which is quite annoying though. Everything works fine for me save and except after I adjust the focus delta and all other settings and click "start", the focused area is ALWAYS a little more blurred than the original (just very little more blurred but I am pretty sure the focus delta is accurately set by using the magnifier), when I click "end session", I can immediately tell that the focused area becomes a little more sharpened. Would you please advise the possible solution for the above? Did I do anything wrong? Thanks!


Be sure you have set the number of frames to wait to a value that is high enough. Eg in cp you need to set it to at least 5


Hello, I'm so happy that I got the UUE and the Reshade. I play Hogwarts Legacy, which that game does not have photomode at all. So my main issue is, my IGCSconnector control is checked on addson, as well as the igcsdof. So when I go to addson, I don't see any depth of field control. The cinematicdof is also confusing to use. Everything else is fine I think, I just can't take that nice cinematic picture because the control isn't there. The other addson work fine tho, but I want this type of DOF. I don't know what I'm also missing. Reshaders for texture/shaders are also good. I replaced the files as said on the guide. Please help, thank you!


For CinematicDOF, please check if you have setup the depth buffer correctly. You have to set 'REVERSED' in the global variables to 1. See this guide: https://framedsc.com/ReshadeGuides/setupreshade.htm#checking-depth-buffer-access For the addon: be sure to have the igcsdof.fx at the bottom of the reshade shader list and enabled, and the setup opacity setting (the only setting of the shader) set to 0.5. You can setup the igcsdof properly? (With this guide: https://opm.fransbouma.com/igcsdof.htm#getting-started)


Thank you so much! That fixed it and that was my issue. it's working perfect now. I appreciate it.


hi, so i am pretty sure i probably just misclicked some thing but, i cant figure out whats happened-- i was switching to apeture shaped bokeh, and upon switching out i went back to spherical and noticed the faded center part of the sphere preview was black... i didnt think much of it but when i go to render the image starts rendering black, and slowly fades into color but its incredibly dark. not sure if i maybe misclicked some setting or something else is going on


It's likely the fringe value you moved. If you can't find it, you can delete the igcsconnector.ini file in the game folder and you'll get the defaults back.


i need help to set up this mod ;-;


Hi and thank you so much for your amazing work! I've run into a problem and seem to be unable to solve it myself: whenever I start the game (BG3) and open reshade, it says "[IgcxDof.fx] has failed to compile" and upon hovering over it, it says preprocessor error: could not open included file 'Reshade.fxh'. Now, when I installed reshade, the reshade-shader folder wasn't created automatically and I did so manually but idk if that has anything to do with the issue. Also I'm using GOG but again, don't know if that's part of the issue.


I think you forgot to install any shaders. Did you check any checkbox with the reshade installer when it asks to install shaders? As you should keep the defaults checked at least. Reshade.fxh is the root file for all reshade shaders so it has to be there. Please re-run the reshade (with addon support!) installer.


Thanks for the reply! You were correct and I forgot to install shaders :') That's fixed now, however, I ran into another problem and hope it's okay to ask about it as well. I haven't been on my pc today to reinstall the camera mod (to see if that might fix it), I only have a screenshot of the log I took yesterday. I can provide more infomation if they're necessary but to sum it up, there are a lot of error messages regarding the camera dll (e.g. "Can't find pattern for block 'AOB_CAMERA_DISABLE_ISMOBILE_CHECK2'") and it also says that the camera system feature is not available among other error messages. Sorry if the solution is sth super obvious


Be sure you use the latest game patch (Patch 4/hotfix 10) and the latest camera. It looks like you're not using the latest game version. (it should update automatically via steam)


that's me again, i downloaded reshade of the last version with add-on support, when i load in bg3, i see igcxdof in add-on menu, i enable it, but there's no panel with settings in any tab. i tried re-installing, reset, reload and other things. what can it be? i installed it by your docs here: https://opm.fransbouma.com/igcsdof.htm


Did you follow the guide? I.e. install the igcs shader, enable it, enable the camera? Did you expand the IGCSConnector addon in the addon's tab? You have to expand it as the settings are in there. (See the screenshots in the guide)


Hi! Amazing work you do!! The links arent working for me?


The links in the post above? They work for me just fine, you get a 404?


Hi ! I put the IGCSConnector in the same file as Reshade but when I launch Reshade in game I can't see it in the Addon menu. Should I try to uninstall/install Reshade again ? Thank you !!


You have to install Reshade with addon support :) the second download button on the reshade download page


Does this work for cyberpunk too?


Brilliant work. Does this fix the blur that can be found in BG3 scenes? I believe this is caused by the Depth of Field but I can't be 100% sure :) Also, will this work with 1.9 camera as I'm using that until the next fix :3 Sorry for the questions.


This replaces depth of field in shots, so disable the in-game dof indeed :) It's not real time tho, so only for shots. Yes it works with the bg3 camera

Veronika Policerová

Hello, do you somewhere have an account for all your screenhots? I would love to see more of your amazing pics, if you do <3

Voyagers Revenge

Thank you Frans. Anything like this for Batman Arkham Knight?


This works with the latest BAK tools :) (Marty even uses BAK to test his changes on the shader :) )

Cherisse Hurley-Catlin

I just updated to the latest version of reshade. When updating everything I get an error from reshade saying the ICGS connector page on github cannot be found. It's trying to pull from the ICGS 2.5.1 version instead of your latest 2.5.2. The camera and shaders work fine in game but I can't get the ICGS rendering to work. It gives either blurry screen once its rendered or goes black. Is there a work around or step I'm missing? Thank you for any help, its much appreciated! Thank you for your amazing work!


Oh that's on me. I should have notified crosire. Will do so asap. You can download it from its releases page on github https://github.com/FransBouma/IgcsConnector/releases

Lorena Schubert

Hi there! I’m not very tech savvy but I just downloaded ICGS 2.5.2 to update and put all the folders where they are supposed to go but when opening reshade it still shows me the 2.5.1 version. Also, I can’t seem to get the magnifier to appear any more. This has been happening for a while, I thought because I needed to update. I did try Clear effect cache, but nothing. Am I doing something wrong?


Please check the addon path in the addons tab of reshade, it might be you're using a vulkan based game and the addons have to be in a different folder.


Yo! I'm super hyped to try this mod, it's my first time downloading it. My goal is to utilize it to step up my cyberpunk photo game, however.. while the instillation was successful and I took my time reading everything. I can't get the dof to register on cyberpunk, what I mean by that is, the tab and all its settings are there, but when I hit render, I notice little to no changes. I've spent a while reading other comments under this release and trying workarounds but I fear I am not making any progress. Could you help me out?


I fixed it by disabling performance mode in the reshade menu, but I'm experiencing an issue with the blur now, for some reason I can't get the background only to blur, it blurs my character instead.

Maja Misak

Hey I only now updated to newest version, just wanted to check smth.. I noticed v2.5.2 doesn't have subfolder "textures" and the file monochrome_gaussnoise.png. is that ok, is it not needed anymore? thanx :)


It's not used anymore indeed :) (wasn't for a while but I forgot to remove the texture from the zip)