Elden Ring photomode mod v1.0.17 (Patreon)
Camera version: 1.0.17
Released on: 24-jun-2024
Compatible with: Elden Ring v1.12+, Steam.
Documentation: https://opm.fransbouma.com/Cameras/eldenring.htm
NOTE: This game uses anti-cheat, which has to be disabled. Please read the enclosed readme how to do that.
NOTE: I've attached a hud toggle based on my Reshade addon 'ShaderToggler'. which isn't required but could be handy, especially when hotsampling 21:9 screens as some of the hud elements magically reappear when you hide the HUD with Del in that case. See the Framed guide on ShaderToggler for how to install it.
Camera control: (Also in cut scenes)
FoV control
Free unlimited camera movement and rotation
Timestop / game pause control
Camera paths support ('dolly cam') for defining moving camera trajectories for movies.
Camera shake support
Game speed control (slow-motion, speed up)
Hotsampling (resize the game window to any resolution)
HUD toggle
Configurable input interpolation for smooth camera movement/rotation/fov zoom in/out
Pillarbox/letterbox removal in custom aspect ratios
Vignette removal
Chromatic Aberration (CA) removal
Higher LODs
Setting for being invisible to enemies
Sun light direction control (pseudo Time of Day)
- Fixed: The chromatic aberration removal code wasn't correct: it caused foggy indoor areas at the roundtable later in the game and some boss areas in the DLC weren't rendered correctly.
- Fixed: The used resolutions in the hotsampling tab weren't saved to the settings ini file.
- Added: Hotsampling support.
- Fixed: Fixed for game patch 1.12
- Fixed: Time of Day in camera paths now works properly
- Added: Ability to configure which gamepad trigger is used for moving camera up/down
- Added: 3 camera position save slots (Ctrl-F1/F2/F3 to store, F1/F2/F3 to recall) when the camera is active.
- Added: Ability to configure which gamepad stick is used for rotating/moving the camera (for left-handed users).
- Added: Keybinding for appending a new node after the active node on the current path
- Added: Camera shake controls in both manual movement (for hand-shot videos) and camera paths.
- Added: Keybinding for deleting the current path
- Added: Support for the IGCS Connector 2.0+ for Reshade support per camera path node.
- Added: Keybinding for deleting the active node on the current path
- Added: Mouse sensitivity slider for people using high dpi mouse devices
- Added: Shift / Shift+Ctrl are now usable on the sliders to have them move slower and even more slower
- Added: The mousewheel can now be used on the sliders to move the value.
- Added: The ability to append a camera path node after the current node; both in the camera path window and using keybinds (Shift-F10)
- Changed: Applying the fast movement multiplier doesn't affect rotations anymore.
- Added: When closing the client when the game is still running, you're now asked whether you actually want to proceed.
- Fixed: Fixed for game version 1.0.5
- Added: Camera movement/rotation/fov interpolation factors. These factors can be used to make the camera movement/rotation/fov be interpolated over multiple frames so you can get smooth camera movement, rotation and fov zoom in/out for videos without the need for camera paths.
- Added: Support for the IGCS Connector so you can create automated horizontal panoramas and lightfield screenshots.
- Added: Player-relative camera path playback has been added. This isn't 100% ideal tho: when crossing a cell in the world with your player, it will display a single frame that likely looks off. This is unavoidable.
- Fixed: Fixed for game version 1.0.4
- Added: When the camera is enabled, the engine's dithering/transparency of objects near the camera is now disabled.
- Fixed: Fixed a game crash on Windows 11 or other situation where injecting the dll would cause the game to crash.
- Fixed: When opening the camera path window, the mouse cursor would disappear
- Changed: I finally found the real game pause function (the menu explanation pause), everything pauses perfectly: grass, no TAA blurriness. So the addition added in 1.0.2 has been removed as it's no longer needed. Just press Numpad 0 to pause.
- Changed: The timestop wasn't ideal, due to the TAA mitigation causing physics issues. I decoupled these now, see below.
- Changed: Changed the timestop to a better pause. This freezes the engine better so it's not prone to random crashes. See below.
- Fixed: Mouse cursor vanished when it was over the camera path window
- Fixed: Higher LODs selector now doesn't crash the game anymore at random
- Fixed: Time of Day control didn't always work
- General: First version