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UUU version: v4.6.12 RTM
Released on: 17-jan-2024
Compatible with: Games built with Unreal Engine v4.11+.
Documentation and supported game list: https://opm.fransbouma.com/uuuv4.htm

NOTE: Attached to this post are also cheat tables which can be used in conjunction with the UUU for certain games, e.g. when the UUU isn't sufficient. 

NOTE: As some games only work with certain versions of the UUU, I've kept the last 5 versions attached to this post at the bottom. Please use the newest UUU first, as that's the version with the latest features and bug fixes.

NOTE: The supported game list on the UUU's documentation page has specifics per game. Consult that list for details about the game you want to play to avoid mistakes.


  • Free unlimited camera control: unlimited movement and rotation, also in cutscenes

  • FoV control

  • Custom Light System for an infinite amount of custom lights (see readme).

  • Camera paths support ('dolly cam') for defining moving camera trajectories for movies

  • Flexible camera shake for handshot videos and camera paths

  • Multiple timestops (slomo 0 based, and UWorld::IsPaused based)

  • Framestep

  • Post-processing effect control

  • Ability to dim existing scene lights

  • Engine Console for specifying tweaks and UE4 commands

  • HUD toggle (AHud and UMG/Slate widget based)

  • Hotsampling (resize the game window to any resolution)

  • Pillarbox/letterbox removal in custom aspect ratios

  • Game speed control (slow-motion, speed up)

  • Configurable input interpolation for smooth camera movement/rotation/fov zoom in/out

  • Character scaling to make your character smaller or bigger

  • Invulnerability for your character (in the games that support this)

  • Ability to move / rotate the player pawn when the camera is enabled for mouse and gamepad

  • Ability to control the animation speed of NPCs/characters in the game, including pausing (v4.5.0+)

  • Ability to dump the Object store contents in detailed format to a text file

  • Ability to dump all cvars/console commands with current values and help text to a text file

  • Ability to use the 'SET' command in the console

  • Per game configuration save, so you can use different settings per game

  • Configurable keybindings

  • Configurable gamepad buttonbindings

- FIXED: A pattern for UWorld::Pause had the wrong offset defined for the pause instruction, which rendered it useless. E.g. it now works in Gotham Knights.
- ADDED: 3D visualizers in-game for Lights, if the game uses UE4.25+. You can toggle them on/off (default off) using a button on the lights tab and using a keyboard shortcut (default ';', but bind a different key you like to use instead if ';' isn't suitable for you). Spotlights now have an arrow starting at the spotlight location pointing in the direction the spotlight is shining at, pointlights get a 6 arrow object at the location of the light. The visualizers are drawn in the color of the light.

- ADDED: Support for black bar removal in The Invincible. This has been implemented as a special case and is only activated when you enable the camera, because the game's on-screen icons are otherwise off and it's much harder to trigger actions.

- ADDED: Added a previous/next light button pair at the top of the Light editor window to cycle through the lights without the necessity to go back to the main light list.
- FIXED: Added an alternative AOB for e.g. Mortal Kombat 1 and potentially other games build with 4.27 which had a false positive for the GObjects array and therefore didn't work well...
- FIXED: Rearranged GObjects array patterns so less false positives would occur due to a pattern added for old(er) games build with CLang (FF7R, tales of arise etc.) so games which wouldn't work before could now work.

Attached cheat tables:
Final Fantasy VII Remake: by me and Skall. Hud toggle/DoF control/CVar editing/Wider FoV in gameplay.

Downloads: You only need one file, use the latest version of the UUU, which is at the bottom of the list, and if that one doesn't work, perhaps try an older version. The 'CT' file is a table for extra functionality for Final Fantasy VII Remake (disable dof etc.).



Will there be support for GRAND THEFT AUTO: THE TRILOGY – THE DEFINITIVE EDITION? UUU 4.5.5 in this game can only pause. I can't fly)


hello the camera does not work on Garden of Banban


that's UE5.1 and the UUU doesn't support ue5 (I have a version working but it's not released yet)


I just test on Hogwart Legacy , it seem it's work but you have to disable the minimap and use an external software to take the screenshot (seem it not working with steam capture when you use the camera)


The hud toggle is indeed not complete, I have planned to look for it later today. The screenshot problem you have is likely due to the camera device being set in the configuration tab. If it's 'both' (default) or 'keyboard/mouse', then the keyboard is blocked when the camera is active. Most people use reshade or geforce experience to take shots which work fine in this situation but steam's key (F12) is blocked I think. To fix that, either enable input to the game by pressing Numpad . or set camera device to gamepad in the configuration tab if you are using a gamepad

Florian Séran

On my side, on Hogwart Legacy the toggle HUD button with a Reshade cause crash my game


I have reshade 5.6, toggling the hud works fine. Reshade and this game with dlss + frame reconstruction (dlss3) however seems to be unstable

Second Entity

Took some lovely shots of Hogwarts Legacy. This will probably add another dozen hours to my play through lol. Thanks a bunch!

Dashing music developer DMD

been trying to use this to unlock the console on Endling: Extinction is Forever however it cant get ingame console unfortunately. i have obtained names of plenty umap files (especially developer specific umaps) that i wish to open in game


do you get any errors in the log tab? It might be the game uses an engine that's too old or is otherwise not supported. I haven't heard of anyone that it works with the UUU (it's not on the list of games: https://opm.fransbouma.com/uuuv4.htm#games-that-work-with-the-uuu)

Alex Eriksson

I absolutely love this mod! Is there a way to hide npc's? In supermassive games.

Dashing music developer DMD

Yeah I am aware it’s not on the games list. Every other feature besides custom lights works and it’s a pretty recent game. It was made with UE 4.27 I’m pretty sure 🤔 . The log does throw out an error when trying to do an object dump, but the object dump works fine with the UUU V3.X.X

Dashing music developer DMD

the log spits out this when trying to perform an object dump Camera dll::>>>>>> ERROR <<<<<< The AOB for the objects store or names store wasn't found. Can't dump anything. But during initialization this comes out: Camera dll::>>>>>> ERROR <<<<<< Essential classes and functions couldn't be found, so can't proceed with objectstore usage.


It likely doesn't find the objectsstore or namesstore (it's in the .log file that's in teh uuu's folder). can't do much about that, I'm afraid.

Dashing music developer DMD

i appreciate your assistance :P thanks for confirming this. Although if all i want to do is use an open command to load a game level.. could this be done elsewhere like with cheat engine or pak editing? i kinda doubt it.. but i feel motivated to find a way

James Cheong

For hogwarts legacy is there anyway to hide the white outline on objects e.g. all the vases and such when my camera targets them?


Yes :) On the console, type r.customdepth 0 this will hide the white outlines (and sadly some small other things) to get it back: r.customdepth 3


pak editing... no, you need some way to tell the engine to load your models. So what you need is the console, but as the game isn't supported, I think that's a dead end.


I don't suppose you have any experience with Marvel's Midnight Suns? Game seems to be randomly crashing when using UUU. Just closes down, no error message nothing (not in the log, either, as far as I can tell). The game seems to be using Denuvo. Might that be causing problems?


Thanks for the quick reply! Seems to be crashing even if it's just hooked into the game without actively using any of the features. Oh well, you can't have everything. Keep up the great work :)

Cuddles Gaming

I downloaded the file and it's a CT file. Where do I open it ? How do I use it ?


The final fantasy VII Remake cheat table file you mean? It is used with cheat engine. See this guide (and pay attention to the installation section): https://framedsc.com/GeneralGuides/cheat_engine_tables.htm

Cuddles Gaming

Sorry I wasn't clear. I want to use the camera mod for Hogwarts Legacy. Is this it ?


Heh yes, use the UUU_v456.zip. The CT file is for FF7Remake, you can delete that one. Docs on the UUU: https://opm.fransbouma.com/uuuv4.htm

Cuddles Gaming

My bad I didn't see that one ! Thank you !! One last question: Do I need any sort of anticheat while using it ?

Alex Eriksson

Ty ofr the answer! Also since I changed to the updated version, the game (The quarry) keeps crashing... I even changed back to the older version but it still crashes :(


No, just run the game, and after the menu shows, inject the dll using the inject dll button :)


Hmm. I did read yesterday switching to dx11 fixed it for some people, but not sure if it's solves your problems (I don't have the game)


Their engine is heavily modified so the UUU might not be compatible with it. I did test it with the quarry when they had a demo out, but as I don't have the game I haven't checked back after a while.

Alex Eriksson

Ahh okay. It has been working until now, but idk if steam can have anything to do with it bc the game crashed just now without using the uuu.


Perhaps some 3rd party app that hooks into 3D applications, like MSI afterburner, razer software, some 3d audio software tends to do it too... even led crap :D


It's certainly worth a try. The in-game photomode is...lackluster, to put it nicely. Thanks again! I'll report back after I've tried it.


Still crashing, while also adding stutters to the mix. Thank you anyways for the help, was worth a shot :)


I'm having some strange issue with UUU, I can hook into the game (The Quarry) which I used in the past with no issues. It shows at the bottom left both active and I can use the hotkeys I remember to access the camera but I can't navigate the tabs on the client, clicking on them nothing happens. I closed Afterburner, RTSS before I tried. Using Windows 11 22H2. No other apps seems to be affected so I wondered if you had any ideas what could cause it.


If you inject it into another UE4 game it works ok? The client should work fine. I don't have the quarry tho, and I read that someone else above in the replies to this post had problems too (crashing), so not sure if it's tied to the game...

Neil Sharma

Question if I want to zoom out of the castle, and showcase the entirety of it, how do i do that with UUU what keys do I need to do? I'm still a bit far from getting the broom and how do I go first person?


there's no 'first person' feature, no idea where you got that from tbh. Enable camera -> move camera away. Please see the documentation regarding e.g. the controls? https://opm.fransbouma.com/uuuv4.htm

Neil Sharma

Many thx, I'm talking about more like the photomode in AC Origins/Odyessy where you were able to zoom away from the character and take gorgeous screenshots without the pesky character taking up your camera. For first person I assumed there is a way in UUU to zoom out from the character's POV and look at the open world in more detail and record the world. (rather then taking screenshots)

Neil Sharma

https://www.youtube.com/@TheMedjayofFaiyum/videos - I run a youtube channel and want to create 'beauty' style videos of Hogwarts and Witcher III. I have to ask, should I use reshade if UUU is currently not working very well regarding the comments? (I mean for Hogwarts and maybe Witcher 3?)


Yeah that's of course possible, the UUU offers all that (and more, you can move your character too when the camera is active) All my tools offer total freedom of the camera to do what you describe and more :) UUU works fine in hogwarts btw, so it shouldn't give a problem. You can always use reshade for effects not offered by the UUU's postprocessing capabilities Witcher 3 isn't an UE4 game so you can't use the UUU there, you need the specific tools I made for TW3 :) (See the pinned post for the links to all the cameras). It doesn't offer post processing capabilities so you need reshade there


I tried it on another game Days Gone which failed the first time, but worked the second, I then tried it on the Quarry but I waited longer before injecting and it worked.

Thong Nguyen

Just wanna report that Like a Dragon: Ishin crashes upon injecting DLL 😢


Yep, that's a small issue in the UUU. The code to find the GObjects array matches with the wrong piece of code. I've fixed it, but as I'm also adding support for Returnal, it'll be tomorrow I think when I'll release it.


Sup Frans. I tried for returnal (steam), bind actually works but i can move camera. any ideas ?


No idea what you mean exactly with "bind works but I can move camera"? Please see the UUU documentation (linked in the post above) in teh gamelist, I always note the specifics for a game with the UUU. Returnal has a few quirks


sorry yeah i'll check. I mean, i press the button for enable camera, i have to popup says "camera enabled" but i cant move the camera. same for others binds


Strange, I have the steam version too and it works fine. What do you use to move the camera? (and if you say, keyboard, which keys)

Larissa Hecht

I love and hate you! It will take me such many more hours to get trough hogwards now :D but ok mostly love you , this mod is so great and opens the world of photomodes to games where there isn´t one or the one there is sucks :D thanks a lot for your amazing work


I was waiting for Atmomic Heart support, thank you so much!


I got an issue with injecting DLL in Hogwarts, it showed injection fail after I clicked inject DLL. (https://imgur.com/a/DVzidPt) injection failed message I installed a reshader before, not sure did it cause the problem. Is there any way to solve it? Thanks a lot.


Please don't run the game as admin, make sure you have the *official* game and not a pirated copy.


I bought it and opened it by steam, and also checked it is not running as admin.


Hmm. Right click the igcsclient exe in windows file explorer -> Properties -> General tab and if there's an 'unblock' checkbox, check it. Same for the unrealengineunlocker.dll. Also try to inject after you've loaded a level, not immediately, the engine takes time to startup.


Thanks for your help. I couldn't find an unblock checkbox for the files, and injecting with "Stray" didn't work either. Will reinstalling Steam help?


I solved the problem by moving the inject package to the same folder as my game. Thanks for your help again!


Hmm. You should unpack the .zip file into a folder first, like a folder in My Documents. You can't run the exe from the zip file itself. :)

Shane Smith-Rojo

Hi, wondering if this is a bug or a feature: Whenever I activate the camera in Hogwarts Legacy, the camera seems to move forward on its own and I cant get it to stop unless I lock the camera movement altogether.


might be your controller or mouse gives small input values. Try to switch between devices in the configuration tab of the client (camera device) and see if it stops. If you switch to keyboard/mouse and it stops, it's your controller. Switch to gamepad after that and try to move the camera a bit and see if it stops. I can't reproduce it.

Larissa Hecht

This new update is great, can't wait to try it !! Just today I tought that it would be awesome if I could change the seasons ! You can read minds ! Thank you so much !


Is it possible to set the camera path to greater than 3600 seconds? I apologize if this has been asked before!


Yep! I use low game speed and longer path time to allow me to get 60fps video at very high resolutions.


I see. Well for now you have to use multiple takes I think. I've increased it to 7200 so the next build will have the limit set to that.

Kaito Virgo

Love it!!! But the change character scale with console command are sometime make the character be like float in the air(higher scale) or sink through the ground(lower scale) and unable to walk through some door like game "Sifu", would love to see any new feature like walk through wall with/out xyz ignorant with hotkey. Also if change with misc adjustment menu, character won't float but will sink their feet down the ground in cutscene. Still, awesome tool to play XD.


that's because the game performs clipping checks, you'd otherwise fall through the floor. Walking through walls is 'noclip' which is a cheat that's likely compiled out in games. So it might work in some games, and not in others. You can move your character up/down with A + triggers if the camera is active btw. (or left/right stick + A).


Love every photomode you make. However I was wondering I can't seem to get the change season feature to work on hogwarts Legacy. Is there something that needs to be done prior in the game directory? Because toggling the option isn't enough given nothing happens. Was wondering if there was something additional that has to be done before using this feature :)


No, it should work immediately. However it might be you need to be outside of hogwarts. It works here every time (and I'm still in the first season). Season switching does take a few seconds to load grass etc. again. So if you pause the game and then change seasons that's not going to work.


"Time of Day control for Hogwarts Legacy" : Yeahhh thank you !


Seems like Ishin wont work anymore, it just keeps crashing.


Yes, I heard. I don't have the game so can't fix it. The demo still works, I recon they didn't update that


Alright, I also have a question for you if you don't mind. How come when using UUU on Samurai Shodown I can't rotate the camera at all? I can only move it up and down or side to side.


IIRC, it's a 2D game as in: it renders the characters in 2D, so rotating the camera is apparently not working (no idea tho, I don't have the game, so don't know why it behaves like that, but what I remember from others who've tried is that the characters aren't 3D)


Well I was not expecting that to be the case. I thought the characters were all 3D. Thanks for answering.


I thought so too, but someone asked me about it some time ago why the characters were 2D when he moved teh camera to the side :) I honestly don't know what's going on, as it looks from gameplay videos indeed it should be 3D...

luo lemac

Thank you for your excellent work!!


Injection failed when performing: Writing dll filename into memory allocated in host process The following error occurred: 操作成功完成。


Several people had the same issue. Please unpack the camera tools into a folder in your my documents folder and run igcsclient from there. If that doesn't work copy all files to the game folder (taht fixed it for the people with the exact same error)


Just to know. Have you some plan to do something similar for UE5?


Yes, it already works with testgames, will release it when more prominent games are released so I can fine-tune it.


Good. It seems that many indipendent developers are working with Ue5 already and obviously the last thing they think is a working photomode.


i tried this tool for atomic heart it connects with no problems and all features are available too but for some reason when i do the console command toggledebugcamera i cannot move anymore i tried everything but wont work. if you have the game could you maybe have an eye on it? thanks


games usually disable code in the debug camera so it won't work at runtime. This is the case as well with this game. You can use the built-in UUU camera tho which is superior so no need for the debug camera


Thanks for the update. But you can't hide the HUD in Atomic Heart - this was possible until the last patch to the game.


I had the gamepass version (which expired yesterday as I didn't continue the sub) and it worked there still, not sure why it doesn't work in the steam version. That said, you can use the shadertoggler which also works, see guide and ini: https://framedsc.com/ReshadeGuides/Addons/shader_toggler_repository.htm


How do you change size of other characters in ff7 (Not cloud), sorry if noob question.

Hinoto Tobayashi

Thank you for your work. But I got a question about free camera of ff7. The console shows that camera found but I can't actually control the camera after I toggle the insert button( Same as other button after I change the toggle button). I got it work before, but now I got problem there.


Do you have other mods installed for the game? Do you use an in-game overlay perhaps, or RTSS? Could you disable these to see if that fixes anything?


Hello Could you please upload the UUUv4.5.2 version? I'm using the v462 version but the camera not working when i press Insert on my keyboard. I read some of the comments and found out that UUUv4.5.2 works fine? Thank you


What game are you using it with? Might be it's not compatible with the game you're using it with? Do you see errors in the log tab?


Hello thx for the reply and i was playing FF7Remake. It's just nothing happens when i press insert even after i switched to another key that the game not using and still not working.


Please check if you have other mods installed which intercept the Insert key (as some do). Also check if you run msi afterburner/rtss overlay which tend to intercept the insert key. But it's likely another mod


I was thinking the same thing but i had my reshade removed so only skin mod was in the mod folder. Would u please let me give the V4.1 a try or V4.5? I saw the one that works was those two....


Space was the battle menu in FF7Remake and i switched to the camera activate and it does not work. Pause main character works and slow mode works and that's about it. Nothing else works


I'll see if I can download the game again from steam and to some testing. As they haven't updated the game since release and it worked fine when I played it, chances are it's something with your setup tho...


okay thank you for that but do you still have those versions that i was referring to? I wanna test it out myself so i won't have to bother u anymore


I do but let me first test it myself to see if things work with the latest version.


I downloaded the game, no mods, loaded a save, latest UUU, everything works fine. Insert works fine. Please make sure you don't have any in-game overlays running etc.


Okay i will check it again cause i have uninstalled the reshade in the game. No idea what in-game overlay is.


Umm can you please upload the previous version so i can give it a try? I uninstalled all the mods and still not working.


I tried many times after i deleted all the mods and reshade that i was using. The insert button doesn't do anything. The older comments in this post were saying try older version.


Also the UUU says numpad 1 and 3 were supposed to titling the camera but instead of Pausing the NPC (Didn't really pausing the NPC) and Pausing the main characters.


aha! then I know what's wrong :) Enable Numlock on your numeric keypad. This will fix everything. For Insert, please use the insert key next to the backspace key :)


Nah i tried that and it's not it. Would u mind on posting the previous version of UUU that works on Final Fantasy 7 remake?


Sorry to bother you. It works fine now lol i deleted more unknow reshade files and it works. My bad. Thx for patiently replying.


Sorry but can i ask u something? How do you change the blur when camera close to the cutscenes that is in DoF? Like where do i change the vaule?


Game uses a custom DOF shader, so you have to use the cheat table that's attached to the post, in combination with cheat engine. See a guide for that here: https://framedsc.com/GeneralGuides/cheat_engine_tables.htm. It's a bit arcane so you might need to try things out a bit to get a hang of it. Also see the game guide here: https://framedsc.com/GameGuides/FFVIIR.htm


Thx for the reply and i have downloaded cheat engine for it. I will be checking that out for sure.


Any chance for Pinball FX support? (the new one @ https://store.steampowered.com/app/2328760/Pinball_FX/). Just get a Fatal Error on activation. Didn't know it wouldn't be supported since the 3x version works with it, but the feature set of that old app is limited.


Not likely. It's undoable to add support for all UE4 using games, so I try my best but sometimes a game isn't supported.


Thanks for the response. Will have to figure something else out to fix these awful camera views in portrait / cabinet mode.

Mr. M

Hi, any chance this can work with marvel’s avengers and if it can’t is there at least a cheat table that can be used for it?


avengers isn't ue4. Yes there's a cheat table I made (for definitive edition) https://github.com/FransBouma/InjectableGenericCameraSystem/blob/master/MiscCheatTables/Avengers_PMAdjustments_Otis_103.CT


Having some choppiness issues with the camera. Any fix to that?


other than r.vsync 1 in the console, nope. Camera runs on either the vsync or the game thread (if the latter isn't supported by the game, it's using the former), so it's in sync with the game but it can be choppy because of framerate struggles.


Having minor issue in KOF XV 1.80 The camera injection succeeded but can only adjust camera when the game paused. It is not an issue before KOF XV 1.80.


What's KOF XV? It might be they changed some things in the engine and it's now no longer 100% compatible. These things happen...


Thank for your reply :) The King of Fighter 15(XV), it is not in the supporting list but it worked perfect before latest game patch, maybe like you said the game update changed something and slightly compromised the compatibility.


Since update of Jedi: Survivor yesterday, The UUU unlocker seems unable to block input to game.


Also try increasing the movement and rotation interpolation factor in the Unlocker. It is brilliantly implemented by Otis_Inf and smooths things out nicely!


It has had this problem since the release of survivor. I analyzed it and it happens because the xinput1_3.dll is at the start at a spot where the hooking library can't allocate memory close by so it fails. However after a few minutes (5 or so) it gets relocated and it works then. So after 5 or so minutes, hook it again using the rehook xinput button on the general tab. That fixes it.


Yes that worked. Brilliant. Thanks!

James Cheong

Hi, is there any way to disable the glowing around interactable objects in Evil West?


Perhaps with shader toggler? https://framedsc.com/ReshadeGuides/Addons/shader_toggler_repository.htm Or perhaps with (on the console): r.customdepth 0 and to get back r.customdepth 3


i tried the unlocker with outlast trials. only freecam works. will there be more functionality in the future?


Others have reported more works than just the camera. But for this particular game, I won't invest a lot of time making the uuu compatible: Early access games are changing too much


It works with the Lies of P demo, if you want to add it to the list 😋


Hello. Regarding Jedi Survivor, is there a tutorial somewhere for noobies? I'm trying to take some screenshots from cutscenes and after I disable the camera the characters will remain paused, even if I "unpause" them and the scene won't progress. I'm using the pagedown key.


You're using the very latest UUU (v4.6.8) ? It worked for me through the entire game, but perhaps they changed something in the latest patch, will check.


Yes, I'm using 4.6.8. I really don't know how to explain it. The background moves, I can walk around just fine, but the other characters just freeze in the state they were in when I paused the cutscene. I get the option to "skip" but the last time it didn't work and had to force quit the game. Also, do I have to use this with the game in windowed mode? I've had instances when after disabling the camera I couldn't see the menu at all. I would hear the sounds from my controller input, but the text was gone. And after I disconnected the camera altogether, the game crashes after a few minutes. EA game overlay is disabled.. Sorry, maybe these are stupid questions and I'm just doing something wrong.


Just tried it, latest release (EA store, updated). I started a new journey, so I have a cutscene at the start. I can pause that and then unpause and things continue properly. So not sure what's going on on your side. Be sure you haven't pressed 'End' which is pausing NPCs


hey is there a command to change the viewmodel in tiny tinas wonderlands?


Marvel's Midnight Suns crashes for me with the injection. It may crash within a couple of minutes or could keep going fine for up to 15 minutes. The system works fine until the crash happens. At least some of the crash points are predictable: for instance, when Magik first opens a portal for you and you walk in, there will be some dialog. Just as the dialog is about to end, the system crashes.


I think that game has anti-cheat which detects the exe is being altered at runtime and terminates the game.


Hello, is it possible to add support for the game "Tower of Fantasy"? It could be used on this game before, but after the latest game version is updated, the program cannot be recognized


I don't have the game, so that's a no. Not sure why it doesn't work anymore, might be they added anti-cheat, which is a no-go anyway.


Thank you for your reply, this is also a game on steam, not sure if it is available in your country, this game needs to be run through the launcher every time, and I am not sure if it has anti-cheat, because sometimes the version is updated and restored It's normal, but it's been three months since the update was completed this time, and it still can't be used. I can't live without UUU now hahahahaha


It's an MMORPG, so it's online and my tools aren't supported in online games for the simple reason that often devs add anti-cheat or other measures and then things fall apart.


Hi and thanks a lot for the great work. For now I am using it to remove the motion blur in The Quarry. It automatically removes the black bars though which completely tanks the frame rate with the Shadow Quality setting on Ultra in 4K, even on overclocked 13900K + 4090. Is there any way to prevent the automatic black bar removal?


that's weird. If you switch the shadow quality to any other setting the framerate doesn't tank? The aspect ratio correction isn't something that's influencing framerates, at least I've never heard of that happening in any UE game ...


The shadow quality setting in this game is notoriously heavy (especially on Ultra) because it also changes the volumentrics' resolution a lot and my benchmark scene contains vast woods with a lot of fog and god rays peaking through the trees. It absolutely makes sense that it is heavier for the game to run with the field of view effectively extended by the black bar removal at the top and bottom. Usually I'd love having no such letterbox bars bars, but in this case this just makes the game too heavy to run, so if there's no way to keep the letterboxing with UUU I'd have to turn down the shadow quality setting and live with pixelated god rays. Still better than the awful motion blur in the game.


There's no way to switch off the 'hide black bars' in the UUU atm. You can switch off motion blur on the console tho (and tweak a lot of other things) -> r.motionblurquality 0 -> no motion blur On the available features tab, there's a button 'dump cvars', it'll dump a txt file with all the variables and commands you can use on the console.


Hi Frans, any chance you can unlock higher values for light settings like intensity, radii, and so on? I just tried the Lights feature in Star Wars Jedi, but even at all the maxed out settings the created pointlight is very tiny and not exactly suitable for what I had in mind. Probably the fastest and easiest way to do it would be adding manual entry textboxes (like you have for Intensity Max Value) and making sure that higher values aren't being clamped by the code. If you could find an hour or two of your time to tweak this, I'd really appreciate the effort. Thanks.


It has little effect, in Jedi Survivor if you create a light during the day, it's clamped to a max value somewhere in their code, as pushing it to a very very high intensity using the max intensity (which is already 3x above UE's max) won't have any effect.


If I may bother you with a suggestion once again, can you please consider adding "Enable/Disable Camera", "Toggle HUD", "Toggle Game Pause", and "Toggle Blocking of Input to Game" to the Gamepad Button Bindings, so one can easily start and operate the camera just from the gamepad? I realize the reason you didn't before was probably because you were out of available buttons, but you just add empty bindings, those who'll need it can just rebind buttons from other actions, like say the five actions dedicated to camera paths. Thanks.


I can't do that as all buttons are used by the games, so if you want to toggle the hud using a button on the gamepad, you can't use a button that's not used by the games. Hence it's not done that way


Is there any tool like this out there for Unreal Engine 3? I'm really wanting to do some VP in some older games, but it's so difficult to get good shots with no kind of camera mode available.


Sorry but I don't understand. Currently, you can disable player input with "." on a keyboard, and then use a gamepad to control the camera and so on without sending any player input to the game. Characters don't move and game menus don't open. What I was asking for is basically the same thing, an optional ability to bind "Enable/Disable Camera", "Toggle HUD", "Toggle Game Pause", and "Toggle Blocking of Input to Game" to gamepad buttons. So let's say I rebind Toggle Player Input to D-Pad's UP, Toggle HUD to DOWN, Toggle Pause to LEFT, and Toggle Camera to RIGHT. Then if I press UP, yes, the first press will register with the game (which in a game like Jedi Order will only slightly move the character and that's it), but after that the player input should be cut off the same way as it's being cut off with "." now, and I'd be able to toggle HUD and camera the same way without any issues. Is there a technical limitation that doesn't allow for any of that, or am I just not explaining it clearly? [EDIT] I think I may understand what you meant: including default bindings for any of these actions would be troublesome since even UP in my example above may open a menu or do something similarly unwanted before the player input is disabled. If that's the case, what I was asking for was a blank option (still having these actions in Key Bindings but being blank/unbound by default), so people can use their own judgement for one game and bind them manually, but then switch or unbind them if they ever need these keys by another (you could also always add a "Reset Bindings to Default" button to the keyboard and gamepad tabs to simplify that). Does it make sense? By the way, speaking of key bindings, I've been heavily playing with UUU for a couple of days now and noted that a keyboard/gamepad key for Toggle Player Visibility (an option in Misc. Adjustments) would also be a welcome addition. Something to consider.


enable/disable camera is what triggers lock input. You have to block input somewhere. So before that, your gamepad buttons will reach the game. What you want won't work, yes I've considered it, but people don't read any manual and then wonder wtf is going on when they press a button to do something in-game and suddenly the camera activates or the input is blocked. You forget that if you want to press dpad up in the game to do an in-game thing, input is blocked and nothing happens after that. Hence it doesn't work. Only thing that does work is that a key is pressed that's *not* used in the game that toggles everything on/off. After that the gamepad buttons can do whatever.


I didn't expect such a quick reply so I edited my response before I saw your answer. I addressed your 2nd paragraph with my edit, if you care to review.


I get that, but in general, it's rare a game has an open slot on the controller. I wished the xbox button would be detectable as that would be ideal, but nope... As it's rare it can be utilized I didn't opt to build this in. If time is short, numpad 0 pauses the game which is reachable very easily. (Or left thumb + x, which is already tricky)


Yeah, now I get what you're saying. I just thought that making it an optional feature and leaving the decision of which buttons to use to the user would mitigate these worries. Like with what I wanted to do in Jedi Order, I'd remove the gamepad bindings from Tilt Camera left/right and +/- FoV and replaced them with these, knowing that the in-game effects of using the Dpad for these actions would be minimal. But it was just a suggestion, of course. If you're not willing for one reason or another, I understand. Oh by the way, even without it, you may want to add an option to unbind a gamepad button (just add an empty " "/"NONE" choice on the top of the dropdown selection menu). I just noticed that you can't actually unbind an action, just replace the button it uses with another one. Not something I currently need without the things we just spoke about, but somebody else may want to.


So as I said, I've been spending A LOT of time with UUU recently for my little side project, so I'll just dump whatever main issues or ideas that came up during that time for posterity's sake. While these are technically feature requests, I have no idea how much time you spend on development and if you even actually consider adding new features at this point, so just take it as constructive feedback as I have no expectations whatsoever. Especially if some of these are unfeasible, save your time and skip the detailed explanations in your reply. Seriously, this is just me trying to be helpful. • Move Camera to Player and Move Player to Camera This is the biggest one by far and a possible gamechanger - literally. I noticed that you already allow some operations on the player pawn, so perhaps it is feasible to add two more actions into the keybindings: "Move camera to player" and "Move player to camera". The first, camera-to-player one is just a quality-of-life tweak: sometimes the camera goes lost within meshes, moves too far away and so on, and your best course of action is just to toggle it off and on to reset it. Not the end of the world, but can be mildly annoying, as it requires reaching for the keyboard if you're on a gamepad and losing your camera state slots (see below). The second one is BIG. I don't know if you can actually move the Controlled Pawn of the PlayerController to the location of the camera, but if you could, it would open up all sorts of exciting new photo and filming opportunities. Most UE games still have some kind of collision in many otherwise inaccessible places even if it's usually rough or buggy, so you could potentially take the player character to some very exciting locations outside of what is usually allowed by the game. Moreover, it would immensely simplify the process of filming an in-game movie since you wouldn't have to run from location A to location B using the game mechanics and just teleport the character there in an instant. • Track Player (or Attach Camera to Player) This one is another gamechanger that continues the analogy with the Lights settings you already have. A keyboard binding for adding player movement related location changes to the camera's position, so you can set up the camera the way you want and then start following the player pawn once it starts moving. Aside from the obvious gaming applications like turning a third-person shooter into a first-person or a top-down one without any mods (and therefore making this Patreon much more attractive to general gamers), it has a lot of filming potential as well. Imagine the effort required for smoothly following a rapidly falling player right now. Seamlessly adjusting to their acceleration is already a challenge even on slow game speeds, but finetuning the camera at the same time is pretty much impossible in real time right now. The only solution is predicting the falling trajectory and using camera paths to record it in advance, which is still more work. With this, you'd just follow the player's fall with no effort required and be free to focus on actual camerawork instead. Basically, on enabling: FVector StartingOffset = GetWorld()->GetFirstPlayerController()->GetPawn()->GetActorLocation(); //"GetPlayerLocation" // With every tick: CameraLocation = CameraLocation + ("GetPlayerLocation"() - StartingOffset); • Stop Camera An easy and welcome quality-of-life (QoL) improvement. High camera smoothing interpolation values is a great way to avoid jerky camera movements, but sometimes it can take a while for the camera to stop. Especially if the last few seconds were of high-speed movement, the camera can move quite a distance before finally stopping on its own. So having a shortcut for stopping it immediately midflight would be nice for a number of reasons. • Persistent camera state slots You probably had a technical reason for making the camera state slots reset with every camera toggle, but in case you just abandoned that feature in favor of camera paths, I'd urge you to reconsider working on them a bit more to make them session-persistent. Camera paths are great, don't get me wrong, but nothing beats the ease of using these RTS-like shortcuts if you simply need to have the camera moved to a predefined place with one click or overwrite your previous location with a new one. The only problem is that the saved states are lost when you disable the camera for a second (usually for moving the player into the needed position to start the cutscene and so on), so having them persist in the meantime would be a major time saver. • Allow mouse buttons and wheel in Keyboard Bindings Just a minor QoL improvement, so one can, say, set Game Speed +/- shortcuts to Mouse Wheel Up/Down (or Wheel Tilt Left/Right), or toggle camera on and off with a mouse button without leaving WASD + Mouse. • Allow custom Game Speed increments Another minor QoL suggestion. Just a basic "Game Speed increment" textbox for entering and saving a custom value for the game speed increments/decrements that occur when you press default ALT+[ or ALT+], so you can have better control over the speed and be able to, say, switch from 100% to 50% with a single click of a button. There are two possible locations for placing it. One is in Misc. Adjustments next to Game Speed. The problem that it's not really intuitive this way. If I wanted to place it there, I'd make it affect the slider values (pressing left/right on keyboard would move the slider by that amount) and make a tooltip saying that it also affects the keyboard shortcuts. Another possible location is in Key Bindings -> Misc. Keybindings. There are five bindings for Increase/Decrease Game Speed there and an empty space in right bottom. While not really a binding setting, I think it would still feel very natural there as it would directly modify the keybind values right next to it. That's quite a wall of text, but I think I had something else to mention that eludes me right now. So I'll just end by repeating something I mentioned earlier, that you can add as many bindable actions as you like (both keyboard and gamepad ones) if you simply leave their bindings as empty, so users who need some of them can set them up manually. That will not only free up your hands in regard to the total number of available bindable actions, but also save you a lot of time from trying to juggle and fit every available action to one shortcut or another. Most programs with many actions do just that, have an ability to bind all actions but not have default bindings for every single one of them.


This post system sucks big time, so replying to wall of text posts sucks too. This comment system isn't the best place to put these here. -> Move Camera to Player and Move Player to Camera move camera to player: low low prio move player to camera: that's like the teleport command (the cheat), which might not always work (like 50% of the games or so won't), it's the same with moving the character up while it's stuck on the ground. It will also allow people to get their char stuck in geo, (the move pawn doesn't do that). -> Track Player (or Attach Camera to Player) Play camera path relative to player option, in the camera path window. So you set a path up, loop that and play that relative to the player. -> Stop Camera Will think about it ->Allow mouse buttons and wheel in Keyboard Bindings Same problem as I described before: in-game they have a function, so pressing LMB when you're gaming will then trigger a function in the tools, which you don't want. -> Allow custom Game Speed increments speed presets, will think about it. All these likely won't make it in soon (like this year). But I'll think about some of them.


Cool. As I said, no expectations whatsoever. Regarding player tracking, just want to point out that playing a predefined path is by default much more limiting than being being able to fully work the camera around the moving player in real time. Not that it doesn't have its own valuable uses, but these are kind of two separate things. As for mouse buttons and our earlier gamepad conversation, my thinking is two-fold. First, most of the UUU actions only trigger once you turn the camera on and off, so if you set that LMB for Reset FOV, for example, it would only trigger once the camera is on (assuming you disable camera controls while its inactive) and with Player input disabled it would send no in-game actions to the character pawn. Second, in case of the mouse, I was more thinking about using less obvious buttons like Button 4 and 5, which are generally unused by pretty much every game out there. Then again, that's something that can benefit other people than me, as already figured a sufficient workaround to my earlier the gamepad problem and I have a rather monstrous Logitech G600 that will allow me to bind whatever actions and macros I choose through the Logitech software. EDIT: Forgot to mention, the problem with the teleport command is that it's very often disabled by the devs for good (Fallen Order has it as "unrecognized" as well). Having a similar but independent implementation for that would be perfect. Getting stuck in geometry or falling through is an inevitable part of going outside the set boundaries, but on the other hand, having the ability to move your character around for experimentation and quick relocation would undeniably be a major boon for anyone wanting to do some filming within a game. EDIT2: Just recalled the other thing that was on my mind, saving Post-processing settings (enabled only) on a per-game basis, so one doesn't have to re-enable them individually and tweak them to their exact previous values when a game crashes or otherwise restarts.


Hey Frans. I have an update on this with some more constructive feedback and ideas: While I haven't played Survivor yet, in Fallen Order the UUU cap is definitely what seems to be limiting creation of large-scale lights. There's a FO mod called Light Studio you may want to look up, as it has some very useful ideas you may want to implement in UUU if you ever decide to work on lights again. In addition to adding new lights at the camera's location, it gets all the loaded levels' light actors and their properties (RGB, radius, intensity, shadow, cone angle, etc.), puts them in a list, and lets you edit them on the fly. Not sure if something like this can be done in many (or even any other) UE projects, but it's pretty powerful in FO even with that buggy in-game interface (that only turns on in Photo Mode) and no saving capabilities. Aside from pointlights and spotlights, it also allows creating and editing Sun actors (I think they're called Sun and Sky Actors in newer UE versions), RectLight Actors, and Atmospheric and Volumetric Fog actors. While it all sounds great, it's still old abandonware of a mod with notable shortcomings. The UI is buggy and doesn't refresh in some cases, and many of the properties aren't exposed, including some you already have in UUU. You also can't toggle lights on and off, only delete them; and there's no feature to move camera to the light like you have for custom lights in UUU, so there's quite a lot of trial and error is involved to find the right one (even though they have somewhat helpful names like MovableLight_Corridor_Ceiling Mantis_3). Not to mention the obvious: it only works in SW:FO. Anyway, I placed a pointlight via that mod and did some tests. Even before upping r.ViewDistanceScale and r.LightMaxDrawDistanceScale via console, the property values that worked went way beyond the caps you have in UUU. After I toggled the range-increasing console commands, I saw a clear difference with radii going up to 20,000 and intensities up to 999,999,999,999 - after which my framerates dropped and I lost interest. So back to UUU, you may at least want to skip clamping manually entered values above 2,000,000 - the current limit. The numbers in my test went above int32 and I think UE will clamp them automatically if they go outside whatever limit they're using (float? int64?), so I'd just expand the field a bit and remove any >0 checks altogether as the most obvious and easy tweak. Hope you find any of this useful. I didn't do much testing since I don't work on this myself and you don't seem particularly interested, but if you want me to make an illustration video of any of the mod's features or test some values, I can oblige since I still have Fallen Order installed. Oh, also, if you ever do work on the existing lights, what would really benefit UUU is the ability to save the created lights in the IGCSClientSettings_XXX.ini and load them on demand. When I experimented with UUU's light features, I had the game crash several times during all the ALT-TABBING involved, so I think what I'd do in this case is add two buttons to the bottom of the Light tab, next to Toggle All and Delete All: "Save into INI", and "Restore from INI" (or "Save/Load Profile"). Ideally, you'd want multiple separately named saved light INIs for multiple levels and situations (IGCSClientSettings_starwarsjedifallenorder_lights_Brakka.ini, IGCSClientSettings_starwarsjedifallenorder_MyShipTest.ini and so on), but I think even the most basic Save/Restore capabilities would be welcomed by many. Come to think of it, the Post-processing tab could use these two buttons as well.


Quick question: is there a way to disable Toast Notifications on the user's side? Not only they can get recorded on capture, but they also occasionally seem to make the game lose fullscreen focus from time to time (it happens sporadically after alt-tabbing, and there may be other overlay/injected elements involved like NVIDIA Share that contribute to this behavior, so it's a bit hard to reproduce). I tried renaming ToastNotifications.dll but it throws an exception.


Hello looks like the latest UUU 4.6.9 is not working on Lies of P any more. Used to be working on the demo. Camera was injected fine and no errors were logged, however the game cannot be paused, nor can the camera be controlled. HUD can still be hidden successfully though. Please can you take a look? Many thanks,


Other people have reported it works fine tho, did you try pagedown pause? The only issue some people have is that in some locations objects disappear when the camera rotates to a certain angle, something that's highly likely custom added to their engine and not fixable. (I don't have the game)


just tried out pagedow as you suggested and it works like a charm :) thanks so much for the right nudge!


Did somebody test it with the September patch of Star Wars: Survivor? Just tried it for the first time and the game (tested in the main menu) freezes as soon as the initialization is complete. Anyone else having that? Edit 1: the log shows "Waiting for camera struct interception..." Edit 2: UUU v3.0.21 injects without any issues, so the problem must be with something in v4.6.9-10.


Doesn't work well with Lies of P I hope for an update


read the game list for tips. I don't have the game and it won't be updated for this game.

Sy Sh

Hi Otis, does this work with Battlefront II? Have tried to get it working. Worked in past, but not anymore. Initializes but only gives me access to HUD visibility option. Using UUU_v4610.

Sy Sh

Got you, that was dumb. I'm sure I've used one of your photo mods before for BF2, but I can't find a camera for FrostBite or BF2. Any ideas?

Sy Sh

Nvm, it was a different mod, whoops, thanks for your help anyway


It's a pity that UUU no longer works with The Outlast Trials. At the very beginning everything worked, but now the game crashes


This game recently had updates and since then it no longer works UUU


There are over 400 games the UUU works/worked for. I can't buy them all and try to keep the UUU working with them. I don't have this game as well, and as it lists multiplayer on steam it might very well be they encrypted the namesstore in the engine (it's a typical thing to do for multiplayer games) which means the UUU won't work

Sergio Céspedes

Is it possible to download previous versions of the UUU4?

Sammy P

has anyone had any issues with FF7 just randomly not working anymore with the camera tool? Camera is enabled but the controls for the game aren't disabling anymore, so nothing on my controller (or keyboard) will respond. No files have changed, I've tried resetting the UUU and using a new instance of it. It's just decided to randomly stop. Any ideas on how to fix please?


Check if you have any other mods installed and if so try without these (and that the game window has focus)

James Clark

Is there a way to to completely disable lighting and shadows? (basically emulate "unlit" mode)


you can tune down lights in the world with the slider on the misc. tab but it won't dim emissive materials and baked lighting, so not entirely no.

James Clark

I figured out how to get that kind of view where its normally disabled just keep using the "nextviewmode" console command until it gets to the "ShaderComplexity" mode somehow the "nextviewmode" command works to change view modes even when the "viewmode ShaderComplexity" command says debug view modes are disabled in shipping builds

Ludmila Chaberova

I have a problem with the free camera on Jedi Survivor. It is available, no errors in logs, and all other features work - except for the camera. I can not launch it at all. Any tips on how to fix it? Thanks a lot

Ludmila Chaberova

It might be of no importance to you, just to let you know - tried different scenarios and I figured that I have no problem with launching the free cam when I do not have any recording software on when I inject the DLL. overall, your UUU4 works like a charm. I love it.


:) I had another person which used recording software that intercepted the Insert key press so he couldn't enable the camera when he first started the recording software and then the tools. If he started the recording software after the tools (or in your case, the UUU) it was ok

The Explorographer

Not even coming up with the injectable exe for me. I fire up the game, load in then fire up the injector and JediSurvivor.exe is not on the list to inject.


If you run the game as admin (you shouldn't do that) then that happens.

The Explorographer

Hogwarts no longer works. Try to inject and game crashes. Install reshade, game crashes. It will have none of it.


If installing reshade also crashes the game it might be something else. To my knowledge they haven't updated Hogwarts in a long long time and it has worked after their last patch

The Explorographer

Reinstalled Hogwarts, downloaded the latest Reshade, with and without the add-ons, still crashes. No reshade, works. No reshade and just camera loads into the game and then it crashes. No reshade, no camera, games works fine.


Make sure you don't use any other mods for testing, check if you have overlays from apps, if so, disable these to see if these conflict. If reshade makes the game crash there's already something wrong somewhere.

The Explorographer

Thanks for the replies, you are always gracious enough to reply. I found the issue. I had a Dual Shock controller plugged in to the PC charging. For some reason, it was crashing either the game or the client. I unplugged the Dual Shock and boom, all good. I am beginning to think this might have been the problem with Jedi Survivor as well. Thanks again for the replies. Hopefully if anyone else runs into this it will help them as well.


Hello, so I downloaded the UU4U for Borderlands 3 mainly for the HUD toggle feature. When I press delete (also tried with other key bindings) the HUD visible and HUD hidden boxes are shown but does not work. Is there anything I can do to fix that? Appreciate it!


I think the hud doesn't fully hide, you can use showhud 0 / showhud 1 on the console to hide/show it. Or use shader toggler (it's easy. Guide: https://framedsc.com/ReshadeGuides/Addons/shader_toggler_repository.htm) See game guide: https://framedsc.com/GameGuides/Borderlands3.htm


Thanks for the links! So I had been tinkering with the shader toggle for a while and it seems that it cannot disable damager numbers and critical texts when shooting, could I be missing something?


These should be hidable through shadertoggler. Try the vertex shaders first (numpad 4 & 5 for step back/forward, numpad 6 for marking)


Only small issue is a pixel shader that disables hitmarkers also turns off sniper crosshairs when not pointed at an enemy, but everything else works great. Thanks a bunch!


UU4U works with Persona 3 Reload only problem i have it doesn’t toggle hud. The way i have to hide hud is to by pause and frame by frame for that one frame without HUD. I tried to do UI Toggle mod that is on nexus but it keeps crashing when UU4U Inject the game.


You can always use my shadertoggler addon for reshade. Guide: https://framedsc.com/ReshadeGuides/Addons/shader_toggler_repository.htm It's easy to create a hud toggle that way :)


i tested this with mortal kombat 1 and everything works fine except one thing: The console doesnt show up even saying yes on the available features tab. is there anything i can do to fix this?


Might be they set the key to the console in the ini files in the pak files to a different key. Did you try to select one of the other console keys in teh configuration tab? (That's required if you use a non-US keyboard)


In the new atomic heart DLC, Black Bars are not removed in cutscenes. please fix it

タロー ハム

The pause button doesn't work in Kingdom Hearts 3, please help if possible.


there are 2 pause buttons, numpad 0 and pagedown, which one doesn't work? (I dont have the game so if one doesn'twork, it's sadly not something I can fix atm. I can't download all 15000 UE4 games... )

Anthony Morales

I've got a problem with free Cam in outlast trials whenever I try to move the camera with numpad keys it doesn't work I even tried changing the key bindings but still nothing happens is there any way you can help me with this ?


then I don't know. I don't have outlast trials, it is unreal engine 4? camera does rotate with cursor keys? you can move the camera with the mouse (LMB or RMB + movement). There aren't any errors in the log tab?

Anthony Morales

i tried everything but it still doesn't work I even tried it on a different computer still can't move it


You press insert, you get a notification that the camera is enabled but nothing happens after that? I asked 2 more questions: cursorkeys do they rotate the camera, and do you see errors?

Anthony Morales

yeah so after the camera is enable i cant rotate it with the cursor keys and no i don't see errors


I dont' have the game so cant' test. Please check if you haven't switched camera device on the configuration tab to 'gamepad'. Other than that, I don't know, some games don't work but usually the camera does

Anthony Morales

its pretty weird that its not working because i saw in a other video that it was working fine but it could also be that the game got updated recently

Abigail Rice

Hey, I’m using this with Alone in the dark, it works fine but when I pause the game it gets kinda pixelated/blurry. Is this to do with the game or with the tool?


Yes, please use the pagedown pause. the UUU has two pause functions. See https://opm.fransbouma.com/uuuv4.htm#multiple-game-pausetimestops


Hi! I've been trying the tool with tekken 7, and it seems that after it successfully hooks into the game, it just runs for a few more seconds and the game crashes.

Iwan Terro

hey so the fov slider doesn't work in dead island 2 anymore otherwise everything else works just fine i don't know if its only problem on the steam version of the game and not on the epic version


No, the game changed and the uuu isn't 100% compatible anymore. To change the fov, use the console 'fov' command. It is what it is


i would like to know if there is a list of all working (existing) console commands for the unlocker? would be great to see all thanks


Go to the available features tab and click 'dump cvars', you'll get a text file (and json file) with all available cvars and commands, in newer engines also with help text and the current value :)


i cant get Jump Force to work. The game never shows up in the list of processes so i cant inject it.


games with anti-cheat aren't supported. It's on the list of supported games but very limited, as in: if the anti-cheat is lifted, it's 'usable' but likely won't work very well.


It seemed 4.6.12 will crash the Guilty Gear Strive new patch (it work perfect before today's patch)


Then that's up to the game dev, they might have added something to prevent mods like mine... who knows.


Hello Otis_Inf, at the Suicide Squad: In Kill the Justice League, uuu successfully found the dll when he injected game. All interception offsets found. but Engine version not found, trying to auto-detect it, object info dump available on yes. After that the game and uuu crashed at the same time, do you know what caused this,Versions 4.6.8 to 4.6.12


Doesn't Suicide squad use easy anti cheat? I'm surprised it works at all


I bypassed the anti-cheat program , uuu was able to detect memory normally.


I knew it was initially possible but once you tried to connect to a server it wouldn't work (I don't have the game so don't know for sure). Anyway, they likely encrypt the name table (as online games usually do) so the UUU won't work. In general I don't support my tools on online games, so we have to wait till they release an offline version


Great update to UUU. Shame Days Gone doesn't allow the dolly cam function, but apart from that works very well


Camera paths should work in days gone as well. What is it that doesn't work with days gone?


Just checking again now in case I’m doing something daft. Wouldn’t let me add a path earlier, either by clicking in window or using f4/f10. Just worked it out while typing. Didn’t activate the camera did I? Knew it, being daft

Naasir Jordan

All these features are amazing, love your work. I've been running into problems with the new update and Guilty Gear Strive though. Both UUU and Guilty Gear Strive crash whenever I try to inject. Hopefully this can be fixed.


I don't have the game but I am aware of an issue with the UUU v4 and older games, I hope to fix that next week. Could you post (or a link to pastebin.com) the .log file the UUU writes into its folder? I can then see which version of the engine it thinks the game uses


Nice job! So interesting,why don't u release a camera tool for Red Dead Redemption 2? It could be awesome really,especially for cutscenes 🥺


I did release a cheat table https://framedsc.github.io/GameGuides/rdr2.htm . However the game crashes very often when debugging the code to see what it does. As the game is tediously slow with startup it became quite a drag to develop anything for it. So I settled for this.

Robert Hoffmann

Is there a way to turn off the DOF?


in the dev console type r.depthoffieldquality 0 See for more commands/tips: https://framedsc.github.io/GeneralGuides/ue4guide.htm

Anton Pavlov

Would be awesome if future versions could support Outriders, it has some amazing vistas, and Ansel support is weird to say the least 😊


Outriders has anti-cheat which makes it impossible to inject it, at least it had when the game released

Patreon User

Tales of ARISE. I can't use the controller with the camera. Will you be able to use the controller?


See the UUU doc page with the note on Tales of Arise how to open the console in the game list: https://opm.fransbouma.com/uuuv4.htm Controller and mouse input for the camera are blocked by the game. I debugged it but input never arrives at the xinput dll so the tools won't receive any input. You have to use the keyboard to move the camera. It sucks, but it is what it is.

Patreon User

Thank you very much. By using "JoyToKey", you can now operate the camera with the controller.


Oh I didn't know about that program, it works great! thanks for the tip!

heraifx (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-01 20:08:59 Hello. Is it possible to custom bind / make a shortcut for misc settings such as enabling the game speed &amp; player invulnerability ?
2021-09-11 08:39:48 Hello. Is it possible to custom bind / make a shortcut for misc settings such as enabling the game speed & player invulnerability ?

Hello. Is it possible to custom bind / make a shortcut for misc settings such as enabling the game speed & player invulnerability ?

Wai Kin Lam

i dont know why i cant inject...


A little bit more info would be great :) What game, what did you do exactly? is it a gamepass game or not?

Wai Kin Lam

When I press the inject button it shows injection failed and the error message show that injection finished already

Wai Kin Lam

Game: tales of arise

Wai Kin Lam

I try it on other games which is in your game list also failed. (All of them via Steam)

Otis_Inf (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-01 20:08:57 You use the UUU v4 on tales of arise, and it fails? Works fine here. Start the game, get to the menu, then start the UUU and select TalesOfArise.exe as process to inject to. Then click the inject dll button. If you run the game as administrator (you shouldn't have to tho), run the client as admin too. Also, make sure windows 10 hasn't blocked the exe (as it comes from the internet, it sometimes does that: Right click the igcsclient.exe file you start in windows explorer, -&gt; properties -&gt; General tab, and check the unblock checkbox at the bottom)
2021-09-12 06:38:45 You use the UUU v4 on tales of arise, and it fails? Works fine here. Start the game, get to the menu, then start the UUU and select TalesOfArise.exe as process to inject to. Then click the inject dll button. If you run the game as administrator (you shouldn't have to tho), run the client as admin too. Also, make sure windows 10 hasn't blocked the exe (as it comes from the internet, it sometimes does that: Right click the igcsclient.exe file you start in windows explorer, -> properties -> General tab, and check the unblock checkbox at the bottom)

You use the UUU v4 on tales of arise, and it fails? Works fine here. Start the game, get to the menu, then start the UUU and select TalesOfArise.exe as process to inject to. Then click the inject dll button. If you run the game as administrator (you shouldn't have to tho), run the client as admin too. Also, make sure windows 10 hasn't blocked the exe (as it comes from the internet, it sometimes does that: Right click the igcsclient.exe file you start in windows explorer, -> properties -> General tab, and check the unblock checkbox at the bottom)

Wai Kin Lam

Thanks for your help and I would try it later! If the problem still here how can I cap the screen and send it to u ?


I don't know how a screencap would be of any value as there's no way it can fail, other than you picking the wrong process... the injection part should always succeed.


When entering camera mode and game pause using UUU v4 im getting flickering on the paused frame?


what game? what pause did you use? what does 'flickering' mean, taa jitter or other? Did you try one of the tweaks as suggested here? https://opm.fransbouma.com/uuuv4.htm#multiple-game-pausetimestops


r.postprocessaaquality 2 worked a treat, i must of missed that tweak! Thanks for the reply!

Hinoto Tobayashi

Can you make it for Tales of Arise? Thank you. : )


It works in Tales of Arise :) Camera doesn't work with controller tho, so only kb/mouse. console doesn't open with ~, you should set the key to e.g. / (on the configuration tab)

Hinoto Tobayashi

Okay, thank you for answer. You did a great job!


Bravo Frans! Fantastic improvements to the tool!

Loris Soulard

Very nice ! Can't wait to try it ! Thank you for the amazing work Frans :)

Hoffman VP

I injected this into the Origin version of Jedi Fallen Order and the lighting feature is not enabled/won’t allow me to use it.


I have the origin version of SWJFO but it works fine here? Could you please paste what's in the log tab? Also be sure to inject after the menu has been loaded.

Hoffman VP

I have since been able to get it to work, false alarm. Thank you!

Daniel Baranski

I'm trying this w/ Psychonauts 2, and I can't open the console while the free camera is enabled. Am I doing something incorrectly? The console opens and accepts inputs while the free camera is not enabled. Or is there a better way to take HighResShots?


By default both keyboard/mouse and controller are selected as camera device. The camera device that's selected is blocked when you enable the camera, so no input is sent to the game. If you want to use kb/mouse for free camera control, you need to press Numpad . to enable input to the game, you can then open the console. If you have a controller, I'd suggest to set the camera device to gamepad in the configuration tab :)

SchoolHomeVR Technology Assisted Training

I was so shocked to be able to move freely in the VR version of Star Trek STAGE 9 Enterprise D recreation using the free version of UUU - I just knew it would be well worth it to go ahead and join his Patreon! I saw something about 'lights'? WOW! Question 1: Can I actually change lighting in game? can one make an ANTI (minus power) light that makes and area darker like in 3ds Max? Question B: Is there any way to make a 2D game, just DISPLAY in VR? (I have already unpacked the PAK and even got the game to run on the unpak'ed assets!) I am near expert in Unreal and slowly and completely remaking the VR version of the game, but it would be nice to be able to at least see the 2D version of the game in VR ... Question Three: I notice when I enable Cheats and use the toggledebugcamera I can turn my head in VR and it updates like normal, then I can use my Xbox Bluetooth gamepad and move around etc. BUT when I try the same on the Internal UUU camera, it does not update when I turn my head, only when I use Xbox Gamepad. Do the 4.10 etc. paid versions fix this? THANK YOU! THANK YOU!! How amazing!!!


:) See: https://opm.fransbouma.com/uuuv4.htm (Linked at the top of the post) with the documentation how to use things etc. A1: you can't change lighting in the game, only add lights at the moment A2: I don't know what you mean by this, sorry. You mean creating multiple viewports with the UUU? No that's not possible, it's 1 camera A3: The built-in camera uses xinput as the camera movement input OR when you configure the camera device on the configuration tab to use the kb/mouse it will use the kb/mouse input. Not sure if your VR system can simulate that input...

hutako tamagawa

Bug? report:Tales of Arise In some maps in Cyslodia, once I hit keys for camera tool, game will be "not response". It suppose that snow effect or some Cyslodia related things cause this freeze. Never happens in other locations in my experience. I hope you can fix this. Both UUUv4 and RTM have this issue. I tried both.


Yeah I've seen that too. It's something in the game, where it doesn't react properly to the slomo engine variable being set to 0. There's no fix other than trying to fix it in the game which is impossible to do without the game's sourcecode. In tales of arise you can use the numpad 0 pause as well which doesn't give you this problem. The specific key that causes this problem is page down (slomo pause).

hutako tamagawa

You know everything, woderful! That's so helpful for me. Thank you for the info and your quick reply :D

Vicente Almela

Hi Otis! When entering camera mode in Man of medan / little hope crash game,, thanks!

FeudalWarriors (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-08 10:24:40 What does it mean when using the camera tool an error pops up saying " all pipe instances are busy". Couldn't create the client --&gt; DLL named Pipe? all the configurations are not functioning like before. Thank you for looking into this matter. Your work is highly appreciated.
2021-10-12 15:56:11 What does it mean when using the camera tool an error pops up saying " all pipe instances are busy". Couldn't create the client --> DLL named Pipe? all the configurations are not functioning like before. Thank you for looking into this matter. Your work is highly appreciated.

What does it mean when using the camera tool an error pops up saying " all pipe instances are busy". Couldn't create the client --> DLL named Pipe? all the configurations are not functioning like before. Thank you for looking into this matter. Your work is highly appreciated.


That game is problematic... it sometimes works, it sometimes doesn't. Try to inject as late as possible


Either an IGCSClient.exe is already running, or is kept in memory. If you didn't start the client twice by accident, then rebooting your system shuold fix it. Sorry for this.

GT Scenes

You rock, this is the best thing ever!

Desmodeya S

Hello, I came here from the game Grounded. There is one question. Is it possible to somehow extract audio, icons, pictures, id of objects and resources from the game? I don't understand much about this, I apologize if the question is stupid.

Jonathan Odartei

Hello, I was trying this out on Tekken 7, but it automatically closes when I inject the DLL. Any reason as to why?


Im having the same problem as the above poster. Please help :)


Tekken 7 isn't a supported game (anti cheat, online). Only the games that are on the list of supported games are known to work. If a game isn't on that list, it might not work.


Thanks for the response! It was working a few weeks ago when i last tried. Do you think it's the develops actively putting a block on it working?


It has in the past (hence it's not on the list :) ). Can't do much about it, I'm afraid

Desmodeya S

I play the game Grounded and use your free Universal Unreal Engine 4 Unlocker to enable the console window. Most of the commands stopped working after the latest game updates. This was not the case before. If anything, I'm using the latest free version 3.0.21. Tried the latest version 4.1.5. Many of the "summon [item ID]" commands still don't work. What could be the problem?


can be anything? summon is a 'cheat' so you always have to enable cheats with EnableCheats 1 They also might have removed it from the exe file and then it won't work at all.

Desmodeya S

That is, should I write "EnableCheats 1" in the console window? And then non-working variants of the "summon ID" cheat may be available to me?


yes it's worth a try. Tho, it might very well be they removed the code for cheats they don't use themselves from the game code before compiling so there's simply no code handling 'summon'

charly jhon

got a problem on little nightmares 2, on the free version, I can pause the game with Numpad 0, also hide the HUD with the Delete key, but in the v4.1.7 i cannot do any of that, and if I change the toggle hud key, it hides the HUD but it doesn come back when im pressing it

Raffy Guevarra

Hi! Awesome and amazing work! Does this require the use of an Xbox controller? I use a DS4 controller but it doesn't seem to work with it. I have to use DS4 Windows to be able to use my PS4 controller for the camera. The problem with this is that when I use DS4 Windows to make it look like an Xbox controller, FF7 remake sees my inputs as double-pressed (I guess it detects both the PS4 and XBox one controller inputs) so it would be great if the base DS4 worked with it.


See the list of supported games: console only, use toggledebugcamera for camera: https://opm.fransbouma.com/uuuv4.htm#games-that-work-with-the-uuu


My tools work with the xinput API, which works with any xbox controller or ds4windows supported controller. I think in ds4windows you can 'hide' the ps4 controller from the game.

Anton Pavlov

I'm seeing some weird behavior with Tales of Arise, like the game does not want the gamepad controls to be blocked :) I tried with DualSense through Steam where it was identified as a PS5 controller, tried DualSense through DS4Windows, where in Steam it was identified as a Xbox 360 controller, and tried Series X Controller through Steam, the result is always the same. I can pause the game and unlock the camera just fine, but no input from the controller is registered. I don't know if it's something to do with the game, or something else on my end.


It's with the game. I couldn't get the controller to move the camera even, they obtain the input directly from the steam api and it's then lost. So you have to use the kb/mouse combi to move the camera in that particular game.


Hi, I saw some photographers taking Detroit: Become Human photos with custom lighting. However the original tool specified for DBH does not have the light function. Is it possible to use UUU and inject the DLL from DBH tool to obtain the light function?


No the UUU only works on UE4 games. the custom light tool was made by Hatti and was released only to Framed members, so it's not publicly available. My DBH tooling doesn't have lights. Sorry.

Vlad Cazan

Hi, I can't seem to get the camera to work in FF7 Remake, the injection process is successful but Insert does not enable camera. Other features like slowdown and pause work though.


please disable Msi afterburner, it blocks keypresses of certain keys, sadly...

Pierfrancesco Olianas

Hi, I injected this camera into Life Is Strange Remastered, but I couldn't enable it. Timestop didn't work as well. Any chance to support the game?


LiS remastered has a custom camera system that the UUU can't intercept. It's not currently planned to build a custom camera for that. However you can try the debug camera on in the console the UUU opens for you: first EnableCheats 1 then toggledebugcamera There's no tilt, and it does have some problems but it does allow you to move the camera at least.

Dante _aka_Mr.X

Yo Otis, wanted to ask, is it possible to adding vignette on off to your FF7remake plugin?


I checked, but I don't see any vignette? Perhaps in cutscenes, but even then I don't recall seeing it. I couldn't find a config file line which disables it too. Perhaps the console mod I used (which does allow you to type on the console, the UUU opens a console but you can't type on it due to a change in the engine of FF7) did disable it by default, not sure. You can find the console mod on nexusmods, which allows you to change some cvars (not many tho, most are hardcoded)


是的作者你好 我是新加入的 我的问题是 要如何使用它 是的我尝试了对steam上的游戏进行使用但是不起作用 我不知道该如何启用 任何解释


I used google translate to translate your post, so I hope I understood it :) . Please see the documentation how to use it: https://opm.fransbouma.com/uuuv4.htm


When i use UUU , disabled hud of FF7 remake doesn't work... I could only get it to work using the disable hud feature in Cheat Engine Will it be fixed in the future?


No, the HUD in FF7 is a custom hud that's in custom code and the UUU can't intercept that, so the cheat table is there to work around that and offer a hud toggle


darn doesn't seem to work with Ghostwire. I injected to the exe but it just crashes the game :(


Correct, Ghostwire's UE4 build is highly customized so it's not really working. The old v3 UUU works tho, but you lack a lot of features: https://framedsc.com/GeneralGuides/universal_ue4_consoleunlocker.htm I don't have the game so I don't know what you need to do, all I heard it seems to work somewhat.


How do you use the cheat table?

Euby Gaming

Hey Otis, I hope you're well man! I have been replaying FFVIIR on the PS5, but really tempted to buy it on PC so I can use your camera tool. I've seen a couple of comments about using the cheat engine program to remove the HUD, for example. I have never used it, so not sure how it all works, but could I just enter photomode on FFVII itself, hide the HUD in that, and then just enter free cam mode with your camera tool, right? Or is there some kind of conflict with that, and that's why people are using cheat engine? Do you also know if NVIDIA Ansel also works with the game, so I can add my own depth of field? Thanks!


steam game 'DragonBall FighterZ' was never found in the process list and I'm sure the IGCSclient is run as administrator. why???


no idea, anti cheat maybe? It's not on the list of known games to work with the UUU


lovin' the added benefits of 420. keep on keeping on!


Hiii, i have a small question: does this work with Mortal Kombat 11?


The documentation page has a list of games that are known to work. MK11 isn't on that list, so you can assume it won't work.


Yesss, i checked it out just after my reply, sorry for the dumb question haha


作者你好,我用这个工具在 FF7REMAKE上,可以暂停画面,但是自由相机没有用,请问怎么解决?


Hello, sir! I am trying to use this latest version on Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, but the game freezes and crashes like 5 seconds after I inject the mod into it. Is it possible I'm doing something wrong? And yes, I'm using a pirate version (I do have the game on Origin, but I am using another mod to disable HUD). Thanks in advance!


Try to disable the hud mod and see if that fixes it. I use no other mods and it works fine. Also if you use MSI Afterburner, disable it. HUD toggle should work fine in this game if I'm not mistaken

Daniel Frearson

Hey there. I can't get this working with FFVII Remake. Everything but the camera works. Can't enter commands in the console either. Help. -- Correction. As a previous comment made clear, it was MSI Afterburner. Which should really be in your documentation.


It shows a note when you have afterburner running right above the 'Inject dll' button

trever berrett

Hi. Could someone help me figure out why the "object dump" says it's creating a txt file, but when I follow the path, it is not in the folder it's said it went to. I don't know if it matters, but I am attempting to do the object dump with game Grounded.


Hi, please check the exact folder in the log tab of the client (as it’s mentioned there). The file should be there. The only reason I can think of when it’s not written is when the game folder is write protected, which then will result in an error (which should be reported in the log tab as well)

trever berrett

Thanks for getting back to me. I took a screenshot of the log and the file location itself. I cannot add it to the comment. Sadly, there is no saved file and there is no error. I am stumped. This has never worked even when I tried it with Version 3 and now version 4. Do you have any other ideas??? :/

trever berrett

I believe I know the reason, but am unable to do anything about it. This is more of your territory. Apparently, it is not possible to directly add a file to a windowsapp folder or subfolder. The only way to get a file into these folders is by first saving the file elsewhere, then copy the file into the windowsapp folder. So unless you are able to change the UUU app to allow me to choose where the file is saved, I will not be able to use it for my purpose. Not that I am asking you to add that feature, but if you do, that would be great.

Shane Roberts

Is there any plan to make an Unreal Unlocker for UE5 in the future?


Hi there I have a issue where I cant seem to enter the console command, the backspace button doesnt work on console commands either The game im playing is ff7 remake btw


Windows Defender just flagged DeathStrandingDCCameraTools.dll as a trojan (Wacatac.B!ml). Very likely a false positive, but I thought you should know.

Chris Uan

Regarding FFVII. I have a 3440x1440p monitor. Everytime I inject the .dll, it stretches the image out and there's no way to change it back to normal without just closing the application. Why is it doing that? I'm not touching hotsampling at all, it's doing it byitself. The aspect ratio becomes all F'd up.


The UUU doesn't know that the ONE game which requires 16:9 is used. There's only 1 game (FF7R) which enforces 16:9. I have an UW myself and indeed, it's a problem. So, there's a fix, but you need a tool for that. See: https://www.reddit.com/r/widescreengamingforum/comments/rvfgkx/final_fantasy_vii_remake_ultrawide_fix_flawless/ to make FF7R work properly on an UW. I set my desktop to a 16:9 DSR resolution (4K, as it doesn't hotsample) as back in the day when I played it the uw mods weren't great.


Not sure whether I'm just doing it completely wrong. For Ghostwire: Tokyo the latest version (game and UUU unlocker) seems to just freeze the game, crashing it without any error message. Am I missing something?

Chris Uan

Ok, I managed to fix that. Thank you. However, I can't seem to get any of the lights to work (spotlights or pointlights). Nothing shows up at all. Also some features don't seem to work at all, like "Toggle HUD" doesn't remove the HUD. A bunch of Post-Processing effects like white balance, tint, bloom, chromatic aberration, etc don't do anything either. Am I doing something wrong on my end?


No idea, I don't have the game (I tested it in the beta). they might have changed something since release that makes the UUU crash the game. Try to inject the uuu later, e.g. when you have loaded a level


See: https://framedsc.com/GameGuides/FFVIIR.htm For the hud toggle you need the cheat table attached to this post. They implemented a lot of the effects using shaders in a non-traditional way so they're not available through the regular objects in the engine the UUU intercepts.

某 黄

it seems doesn't work in KOF15,can you solve it

某 黄

when I change the angle of view,characters will be deformed


Hello i have a Question. Is there any Way to find out the Object Names (id) ingame with this Programm because of the Summon Command or will there be one in the Future? If not do you know any Software that can do it? Would be great if you could answere to my Question. Thanks


Yes :) See: https://opm.fransbouma.com/uuuv4.htm#dumping-object-information


Thx for the Answere :) Will there be a Feature in the Future where you can See the Object ID Information while playing the Game that you can see the Names written on the Object when you look at it?. The Problem is when i am doing the object info function there is so much text that you cant find what you are looking in a fast way. It takes so much time


Hello, I have a question. samurai showdown , Numpad 4 and Numpad 6 do not work. Is it an error? Sorry to trouble you, Please answer.


No idea. Try with a gamepad to see if the camera moves left/right. Also try to bind the camera movement keybindings to different keys and see if that solves it. (in the client -> Keybindings)


I tried it, but the camera still doesn't rotate and I can't get behind the character. I upgraded my membership, so could you please fix it?


I wished you had asked first if I would be able to fix it before upping the membership, as 1) I don't have the game and 2) UE4 works in a universal way, the camera works with that, if they changed something, e.g. they added code making the engine camera ignore the rotations then I can't do anything else either 3) Tier 3 is for cameras that are made for a specific game, worked before and are now broken but could be fixed. The UUU works with over 350 games but not with some games or not 100%. That's part of how the UUU works and that won't be fixable: I can't fix the UUU for every UE4 game out there. I could refund your membership if you want.


I agree. Then I would like a refund.

The Hidden Object Guru

For three versions now I haven't been able to get the manual camera to work in Dark Pictures games or the Quarry - I run the program as normal, and I'm told that the camera has been found and the console is unlocked - then all of the other commands work, pausing, getting rid of the HUD and the like - but when I press the 'camera' button nothing happens. Any idea what my issue might be?


The log tab of the igcs client shows no error? You use msi afterburner or razer software ? (as these are known to hijack the insert key)


I cannot operate the camera of "FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE INTERGRADE" with v4.4.1 of Universal Unreal Engine 4 Unlocker. Please tell me the reason. Please.


You inject the dll, and everything is found but insert doesn't work? What does the log tab say in the igcsclient?


The log showed this when starting "UniversalUE4Unlocker" [25-10-2022 02:31:20] [IGCS] :: Waiting for camera struct interception... [25-10-2022 02:31:20] [USERMSG] :: Camera found.


Works fine here, you likely run a mod that intercepts insert, or software that does that (or you don't press the insert key next to the backspace key on your keyboard). Razer software / msi afterburner ... they can intercept the insert key and might block it from working.


I know the reason... I forgot to execute the Epic Games Launcher command I was able to operate the camera - thank you for your advice!

The Hidden Object Guru

Hi! I was on vacation for a week, but am back now - I just tested it on House of Ashes on my old computer and the new version works fine, so it must be something with my new computer - it has a 3080 in it (the old computer has a 1060). I don't have MSI Afterburner or Razer software - I tried rebinding the camera key to see if 'insert' was the problem and had no luck. I also checked the log, and the last entry is that the camera has been 'found'. Any idea what else it could be?


the log tab doesn't show an error? Odd tho. To rule out the obvious: you use the Insert key next to the backspace key I recon? Some people press Numpad 0/Ins and with numlock on that's not gonna work :)

The Hidden Object Guru

No, I was using the correct Insert key - although that's the kind of mistake I frequently make, so I'm glad you asked :) The other features seem to work fine - I can pause and unpause the world, do frame advance, turn off the HUD - it even finds the camera. But when I hit the enable camera button, nothing happens. Works fine on my other computer (I'll check on my Laptop later), but not here. It's weird, I even checked the insert key itself to see if it was broken, but no, it activates overwrite mode on my word processing program just fine. I don't get what's happening here. Let me know if you need any info about my computer and I'll be sure to pass it along.

The Hidden Object Guru

Just checked, and it also works fine on my laptop (which has a 3050Ti) - so is it possible the issue is with my specific card or drivers?


Very weird! You have tried disabling all overlays in the game, like steam overlays / geforce overlays? I'm just guessing here, I have no idea what it could be, as it's not something related to drivers or anything. What I think is happening is that the Insert key press isn't arriving at the tools so it's intercepted somehow as the other features work fine. You test on the different computers with the same game I recon?

The Hidden Object Guru

Yup, tried shutting down all the overlays, switching where the camera was bound - also it turns out it's not just Dark Pictures games, I tested it with other UE4 games and it didn't work anywhere. Works fine on the other computers, though!


I don't know what it can be, I'm sorry. If there are no errors and you use the UUU on UE4 games on this computer and it won't work, then I have no idea what it can be. Other tools I made for other games, not using UE4, work on this computer?


Hello ,I have a question. UUU can't completely pause some games like KOF15 or Guilty Gear . When I pause these games with UUU, it will only pause at this frame on the screen, but the game will continue. I will still be attacked and the game screen won't change. So even if it is paused, I can't correctly use the function of skipping a few frames when paused. I want to ask if you have a good solution to this problem. Sorry to trouble you, Waiting for your answer.


Online games aren't pauseable in a lot of cases, so there's no solution


Okay,thanks for your answer.


Noticed with SCUM that the .exe is not seen,noot sure how to hook it,it might be that it is because of the anti-cheat it launches with?Do you have a workaround for it?Thanks for your time


If it has anti cheat, then yes that's the reason. Anti cheat software hides the running process from windows so other apps like my tools and cheat engine and debuggers etc. can't see it and modify it. There's no workaround, other than some way to disable the anti-cheat which is usually complicated, if possible at all.

The Hidden Object Guru

Just checked the resident Evil 2 tool, and the camera enabled just fine and I was able to freely move it around! So yeah, this is officially bizarre! Is it a Windows 11 thing?


No I don't think so. I honestly have no idea why the UUU doesn't work in UE4 games for you on that particular system. Tbh the dark pictures games have a customized engine and are quite cumbersome wrt custom mods but still...


That is unfortunate was hoping to use the tool to disable the hud in SCUM' photo mode being I do not have num pad and for whatever reason the option within to do so does not work for me.Thanks again, keep up the incredible work.


If nothing helps and you can run REshade with addon support (I doubt the anti cheat will allow that tho), you could use my shadertoggler to create a hud toggle. See for a guide: https://framedsc.com/ReshadeGuides/Addons/shader_toggler_repository.htm


Brilliant will definitely give it a try

The Hidden Object Guru

Okay, things just got crazier - I've been playing Devil In Me on my laptop, and the camera unlocker has been working fine. Then I loaded it up this morning and - just like on the other computer - suddenly everything works except for the camera control. Any idea how I might trace what's causing this?


I have no idea why it fails. Something intercepts the keyboard input and I think that's why it fails. I have no other explanation, it's not as if it suddenly keels over, as it's not a deterministic issue (which happens all the time, it happens on weird intervals) ... :(

The Hidden Object Guru

But if it was a keyboard input issue, wouldn't rebinding fix it? I can rebind every other command and they still work fine. The crazy part is, it's not like I installed another program or did anything with the computer - went to bed and it worked, woke up the next day and it didn't. Is there some way to remove all traces of UUU from my computer so that I can attempt something like a 'clean install' of it and see if the camera unlocking works again?


It barely logs anything, it stores the keybindings etc. but you can change these at any moment. I honestly have no idea why it doesn't work. :(


i would like to use this program for the game the sexorcist. The game is so hard and i want to make it easier but the game gives an error when connecting to the unlocker. is there a way to make it work or could you add it to the support list? Unreal Engine Version of the game is


Then the game isn't compatible. This could be due to a lot of reasons and as the game is very niche and I don't have it, there's no way to fix it.


Bl3 crashes as soon as inject *EDIT* My bad, got it to work!


hi, i can't see download link for uuu. Strange


BIG thanks !

Robert Hoffmann

Hi Otis, is it possible that you can make fix the freecam for "Life is Strange Remaster", in the UUU? Pause the Game and block the Input work, but not the freecam. Can you do anything about this? Thank you.


I don't have the game so that's a no. the UUU works with many games but if some game doesn't work with it, I'll only fix it if I have the game myself, otherwise it'll be a costly affair.

Robert Hoffmann

I could sponsor it, if you want. I got use to your tool and I don't want to get back to the Cheat Table I have for this.


The thing is that if I don't have the game, it's thus fixing stuff for others, which is ok till the point that I don't have any time left in the day. Thanks, but no.

T Tanzenn

uhh this injector does not work with Code vein... although it is listed in the list of supported games


It does work with code vein, I used it myself 2 months ago. What errors do you get in the log tab of the client and what does 'doesn't work' mean exactly?

Isaiah Meza

Hi, I'm having an issue with enabling Free Camera in FFVII Remake. Every other function (NPC pause, World Pause) works fine but when I press insert nothing happens I don't have any external applications with Insert bound, and am not running MSI Afterburner. Any suggestions or help is appreaciated.


Could you try v4.5.2? I've reattached it. It might be the change I made in 4.5.3 is the problem


4.5.4 Update is not working well with Gotham knights, FOV/Rotation is way too fast


The camera does work tho? If you configure the rotation/fov sliders to a lower value, is it fixed then?


Yes the camera works, i did lower the values way low to make them usable, even that was a bit too fast


Hmm. Ok, will see what I can do. I don't have gotham knights tho, but perhaps I can reproduce it with another UE4 game. I suspect it calls the camera function multiple times per frame while in standard UE4 games it's called once per frame.


Also, moving the camera etc. is not too fast? You use keyboard/mouse or controller?


Here's a video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9PitVLvuaA


oof, yeah that's way too strong... :( Alright. Will try to fix it.

Game Movie Entertainment

Hey Otis_Inf, i just wanted to ask of you still working on a "HUD toogle" for The Calisto Protocol or did you stoped working on it?


I don't have the game, but tried to update the UUU with a memory dump I got of a running game but couldn't find some essential parts so I guess it's going to be a nope.


Do you know where is the screenshots are saved of the HighResShot command ?


No, sorry. I think you can configure that with another command but never got it working


It worked. Thanks a lot. The command was.. HighResShot 2 filename=D:/Test.png


Does it work with Tekken 7?


It works for me actually, maybe because I have a old version of game? Is it possible to take a screenshot using that program?


Possibly, they did mess with anti-cheat during the development. But all in all, it's not supported. Taking a screenshot, see the docs: https://opm.fransbouma.com/takeshot.htm