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Camera version: v1.0.8
Released on: 06-may-2024
Compatible with: Horizon Forbidden West v1.4.59+, Steam
Documentation: https://opm.fransbouma.com/Cameras/hfw.htm


  • Full, unlimited camera control (gameplay, cutscenes, photomode)

  • Flexible camera shake for handshot videos and camera paths

  • Controller or mouse/keyboard control over the camera

  • Field of view (FoV) control

  • Tilt

  • Game pause / framestep / gamespeed control

  • Camera paths

  • Time of Day control

  • Flexible Lookat Control in photomode

  • Weather control (Precipitation, wetness, temperature, wind speed/direction, blend factor)

  • DoF control (normal gameplay, cutscenes)

  • Disable lensflares

  • Make Aloy invulnerable (for action shots)

  • Engine LOD overrides

  • Configurable input interpolation for smooth camera movement/rotation/fov zoom in/ou

  • HUD toggle

  • Exposure control

  • Gameplay FoV Control

  • Photomode: no more range limits

  • Configurable keybindings / gamepad bindings

  • Hotsampling

- Fixed: Version 1.0.7 of the tools had a bug where enabling the pose override disabled the lookat behind the scenes, causing the sliders for lookat not to work anymore.

- Fixed: Fixed for patch released on May 2nd (photomode pose finetuning was broken)

- Added: Over-exposure control in normal gameplay, to control the brightness in e.g. bright sunlight, as white surface can become overly bright and lose all detail
- Added: Gameplay FoV factor control. The in-game fov factor is really a percentage of the core FoV (which is 70 degrees), so a value of 25 is 125% that value. The tools now offer a way to set this to a value up to 200% (or down to 1% if you fancy to be that close to Aloy's shoulder in her journey) or anything in between.

- Fixed: Fixed for game patch 1.3.55

- Changed: Changed the frameskip so animations don't stall after a few presses of the frameskip key, the previous one (the engine's own frameskip) stopped animations after a few frames, causing frozen characters

- Fixed: Time of Day wasn't reset to the original value when it was disabled in the client in all cases.

- Fixed: Specifying a gamespeed higher than 3 would result in the tools clamp it back to 1.0 due to an incorrect range specification
- Fixed: The shake factor wasn't properly tuned to the worldscale used in the engine, causing the camera shake to be very high even with low shake values.
- Added: Added fog, haze and godray settings

- Fixed: The near-plane value set by the tools is too low, mountains far away will show glitches because of it. The value is now set a little higher (but still lower than the game default)
- Added: Added a shadertoggler ini file to hide the Skip / Pause remarks popping up on screen (Del) and also local fog/leafs/flies/pollen (Caps lock)
- Fixed: The pose slider for the photomode was using the HZD range, but there are more poses in this game, so the range needed to be adjusted
- Fixed: Changing the Time of Day when the photomode was active didn't work past the prologue.
- Fixed: Pressing Ctrl or Shift in the photomode moved the camera up/down causing the lookat to change and ruining a pose set through the tools.

- General: First release



Justin Baptiste

is there any way time of day can be unfrozen when haze density and fog density is at 0?


these have no relationship with each other, time of day is paused when you enable the override in the tools, whether fog/haze are 0 or not 0


I cannot get Aloy to change the poses, in the sense of turning her torso or head or eyes, the command does not produce an effect. What could be the problem?


You have to enable the lookat feature in the photomode, as described in the documentation (link at the top of this page)


Hi, I used your mod's log to try to tweak some of the values at the memory addresses in the logs (the write address for wind speed for example, as a proof of concept) but the game crashed (used Cheat Engine 7.5). Also the mod didn't seem to change the values at these addresses at all. Tried to scan for the values that the mod changes but again couldn't find the modification by the amount the mod specifies in the slider toggles. Can you please tell me what I'm doing wrong here (I know the blog post about Wolfenstein II, saw it)? Much appreciated!


The addresses found in the exe are either hooked to intercept an address which is then the base of a structure in which at given offsets values are changed, or code is altered or addresses are hardcoded and read from there. If the game crashes it can be anything you did wrong, but I'm sorry, I'm not going to give a deep explanation what to do.


Thanks a lot !


Hey, can you help me? I bought the game in Epic Games Launcher, not Steam. I see that you wrote Steam support, but I use your mod with other games from Epic Launcher. When I click Insert DLLS, everything is fine. But in the game itself, Insert doesn't work. I click on it and nothing happens. What should I do? Screenshot - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1V1JkrxzGJ1r7Lj5XVCn8zdYiB-SyqbjM/view?usp=sharing Thank you and have a great day Best regards, Andrew.


LOG: Initializing... Dxgi Present hooked successfully (DX12) Camera dll::>>>>>> ERROR <<<<<< Can't find pattern for block 'AOB_BLOCK_GAMEPAD_INPUT_TO_GAME'! Camera dll::>>>>>> ERROR <<<<<< Camera system:: One or more interception offsets weren't found. Camera system:: Feature not available. Environment system:: All interception offsets found. Hud system:: All interception offsets found. Image Quality system:: All interception offsets found. Pause system:: All interception offsets found. Time of Day system:: All interception offsets found. Initialization completed. Waiting for camera struct interception... Hook to XInputGetState enabled

Larissa Hecht

Hi there, thank you for this great tool! I enjoy it a lot as always! Is there a way to disable hud elements that will stay even if I toogle the option to hide it (like in machine strike only subtitles disappear but everthing else stays there, or when I use the ingame photomode tool I have to use the ingame hide ui because your tools toggle will not hide that elements too)


Hmm, I likely missed these when I scanned for the elements in shadertoggler. You could add these yourself, though. The shadertoggler is already installed for the hud toggle so you can just add a few shaders by stepping through them. See the guide: https://framedsc.com/ReshadeGuides/Addons/shader_toggler_repository.htm (it's easy, no worries)