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I caused more trouble than good with the new save system, but your reports really helped me to dig further into the problem and get it fixed. The new save system is now working pretty much just like the old one which surprisingly was excellent yet so confusing that I wasn't aware of it. I have to apologize again because once more you will have to lose save data related to the mod. Sorry. :(

To clarify, things that are lost list: settings, disabled animations, statistics, set underwear, set strapon and set penis.

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  • Reverted the save system back to the original system with few tweaks
  • Made Sex Autonomy respect Sims gender preference
  • +Fixed new Sims extra variables init
  • +Increased sex autonomy chances
  • +Fixed test for objects in use
  • +Fixed outfit data cache update
  • +Fixed outfit underwear update
Not much else for this release. I wanted to get this out as fast as possible.

Please Check Out The Help Center!

Please Check Out The Help Center!

Please Check Out The Help Center!

Please don't use the Community Tab to contact me.




Thank you so much. I didn't know you would've released the update THIS soon. You're awesome :)


<a href="https://pastebin.com/cEv0Eg0c" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pastebin.com/cEv0Eg0c</a> Error Log! I did not see what happened but I was playing a singles club at a bar


basically while at the bar i was spammed with mc command error notifications and found 2 fresh ww exception files in my sims folder, there were two romantic clubs present at the bar


Bad news :( <a href="https://pastebin.com/UYBfx9YB" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pastebin.com/UYBfx9YB</a>


So ww.testsexautonomy shows %0 chance for it on an all empty lot even tho I turned off sex privacy, but as soon as I build a room it doesn't find anything :( <a href="https://pastebin.com/dAtLfd4A" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pastebin.com/dAtLfd4A</a>


Oh and ww.forcesexautonomy doesn't work either sadly.


also a note. Sim Statistics not reporting correctly. " time had sex 7.. Partners 0 ? and have multi partner as reporting as 1 just seems a little strange.. or nothing reporting at all.. Yes have sex then check statistics no change..


I know we have autonomy now, but it happens so rarely. I waited 2 sim weeks; no sex. :(


After deleting save files and updating to the new Mc Commander 3.5.2 seems to be ok..


Same here Sim sex happening very rarely. May be sims shouldnt have to have existing relationship in order for sex?


I set the underwear and it's seems fine with undress outfit option, but after few sex animation, underwear is gone. sims just naked, when they put out the bottom or top. it's a 110.1 version now.


Well, if you waited 2 weeks then the autonomy tried to trigger 336 times and failed because of some specific circumstances. Try using the 'ww.testsexautonomy' command and see at what point it fails.


What's the point of making brainless autonomy? You might as well just trigger it manually. There are plenty of different requirements and without testing it and checking at what point the test fails you won't know what has to be tweaked. Use the 'ww.testsexautonomy' command and let me know.


Hi, my sims are showering with their clothes on and not undressing properly - I reverted to an earlier version ( and things are now fine. Interestlingly. with this version I can't change light intensity but with the newest one I can. Thanks for all your work!


PS Is it normal that the sims merge into one just before starting an animation?


Yes it is! Btw I confirm the shower problem. Tested it right now and the same happened to me.


My male sim is sleeping in his pajama top but is naked on the bottom - I think I have everything as it should be - he's bathing naked so thought it might be different than others have posted.


Great work Turbo, not seeing any issues. .109 was working great for me too. i backup all may saves and reload them after running new updates, seems to work well for me.


Is it normal that I have to change the setting every time? It either happens because I download a new version or when I change the households.


Two last releases were resetting saves, just like the posts say so. Saves should be universal per save slot, no matter what household you're playing.


Same for me. With standard settings autonomous sex doesn't happen very often, but enough so it feels natural. If the sims would go at it like rabbits all the time it would be just silly. Thanks a lot for all your hard work. Turbodriver!


to make new settings after switch a household sux alot


Hey Turbo, in my case the WW settings are not saving at all, every time i quit and start the game up i have to redo the settings again.


Thanks for all your hard work Turbo having heaps of fun with this mod.


... Yup. Still have this problem...


Seeing this again now.. Sim Statistics not reporting correctly. " time had sex 7.. Partners 0 ? and have multi partner as reporting as 1 just seems a little strange.. or nothing reporting at all.. Yes have sex then check statistics no change.. is there a way to Clear all sim settings in WW. Maybe it's because the sim has had sex in the past with these sims and therefore don't count a new sex partner ?.. How to reset that ?


Thanks for all your hard work Turbo


Hello, I love your mod! Thank you for working so hard it really is a pleasure (haha). This has nothing to do with your mod but its thanks to your mod I noticed it, I recently got a lastexception report but cannot pinpoint what its linked to, I would love some assistance on this from either you or the community if you have the time <a href="https://pastebin.com/DssFdz0m" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pastebin.com/DssFdz0m</a>


<a href="https://pastebin.com/DStsCNkF" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pastebin.com/DStsCNkF</a>


Right, this is somewhat of a problem, yes. The 'partner' statistic counts base on in-game relationship flags, so if two Sims already had that flag, the statistic won't count. The statistics aren't really designed to keep that sort of data in. I can make a command that would reset statistics on a deep level, but some minor relationship issues might follow with it.


Hey! Thanks! From my quick investigation, the game tries to generate a Sim career outfit but uses wrong variables to do so. What's odd is that doesn't happen anywhere in the code. You might want to update to version 1.31 of the game.


Please only send lastException.txt or WickedWhimsException.txt files. You can read more about crashes here: <a href="http://wickedwhims.tumblr.com/private/162155667731/tumblr_orzqcqrRrd1vwgrfi" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://wickedwhims.tumblr.com/private/162155667731/tumblr_orzqcqrRrd1vwgrfi</a>


I'll do a proper pastebin when I have more time, but I've noticed the infinite-redressing loop after a shower as well. What seems to be happening is the redressing attempt simply fails, so the NPC (haven't tested with player Sim yet) still registers as nude and tries to redress again, and again, and again, etc. This was occurring in the basement of a gym, and there was also an odd habit of Sims teleporting outside of the gym after climaxing in the shower. Having auto redressing after sex activated and Exhibitionism turned off does not seem to trigger the redressing-fail loop. Anyway, my game is updated and I'm using 110.2. I'll retest and pastebin with more specifics tomorrow a.m. Hope that helps!


I am currently testing fixes for this issue with one of the users who was experiencing this issue too.

Laura Harris

I'm having a problem, but it's not causing an exception or anything like that. It's just weird and annoying. It happens with guests trying to sleep in a bed. They change clothes and get in. Then get out and change back to what they were wearing before. Then change again and get in. They keep following this pattern until they become exhausted where they either leave or pass out on the floor. I'm not sure why it's happening or if you can address it, but I thought I'd pass it along anyways.


And what do the change to? Because if they undress nude then WW will not allow them to do it outside their household with low exhibitionism.


I love the improvements you have made to your mod and everything seems to be running smoothly. I would like to make a request for the future. Would there be a way to increase the chances of vaginal or anal sex in autonomy. Most of the time my sims do a lot of teasing and handjobs. I want more intense animation autonomy without resorting to disabling animations. If there is already a way to achieve this in the mod, please tell me how. I have been testing the mod with a polygamy marriage trio of sims. I also noticed my sims seem to favor particular animations and it does not seem random


I suppose I spoke too soon about things running smoothly my sim is taking repeated showers and her cum dump moodlet won't go away


Sex autonomy isn't triggering in my game, although it has during previous versions. I've tried ww.testsexautonomy a dozen or so times, and the 'autonomy' check always fails. ww.forcesexautonomy also fails. I don't think it's generating a last exception file either.


One of my sims penis is not saving during gameplay; when woohooing it's a dark brown color and then it switches to the default? :(

Athena Apollos

I have been receiving Last Exceptions and the most recent ones have referred to WickedWhims and possibly MCCC. At the time of this log, I was running WW ver. and MCCC ver. 3.5.3. I have since updated MCCC to ver. 3.6.0 and will post any new LE. I also have lots of other mods and CC. I haven't noticed any negative effects, but thought you may want to take a look at the LE file. Latest LE: <a href="https://pastebin.com/pTpRULJu" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pastebin.com/pTpRULJu</a>


I've been having an issue where during sex, the sims shirt will start changing randomly to various CAS shirts, even ones that arent in any of their outfits. When theyre done they redress into the same clothes they were wearing from the beginning though.


What about other checks in the test command? They are far more important than the autonomy check.


AddSimSlider.ts4script is broken. And then you have some errors with animation transition for picking up and carrying objects by Sims. I haven't identified what mod causes that yet.


Was it during a club meeting? If yes then I can only tell you that clubs aren't supported yet.


Question, I know height sliders don't work with WW, but what about butt sliders, torso and thigh sliders?


Sliders will work, it's just that some stuff will not align. You need to test and see yourself.