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So, i’ve been thinking. I might get into NSFW, as that is something i have been considering. It’d be Patreon only, of course. Would it be something you are interested in, or shall i just keep it innocent? I’ll only follow what ya’ll decide! 

(Edit: AWE I love you guys sm 💖)



Can't be surprised that people said yes

Taha Alaswad

I like em both look


Do whatever you want, we’re here to support you, that’s why we’re patrons


I say try it if you're comfortable but I'm sure, like myself, everyone would be perfectly happy with you staying innocent 👍


I really love the content you do actually, but if you get into NSFW you would never be able to do a face reveal ( mostly because of your personal life and/or safety ) idk if you had planned on eventually doin one, I’m sure everyone will support your desitition... you have the final say Erinnnnnnn 💁🏼


Do whatever ur comfortable with im just here to support


Its your Patreon girl. You don’t need ask haha 💗


But the nsfw its a interesting content 🤷🏽‍♂️

cynical_ perks

Whatever you’re comfortable with. I’ll enjoy your content either way.

Danny Boi

Kinda love your content because of how wholesome and warm it is. You have an incredible voice, regardless, so just do what you feel best! We're just here to support 💙

Eleum Soporo

For me, I am very partial to wholesome content. I love laying in bed to hear your laugh during videos and I just think, "Que linda!"

Erik Lamoreaux

IMO i would love more content. And since Youtube has a big ol' no no boner for NSFW content it could be a good incentive for people to come to your Patreon, But in the end its up to you and I know I'll listen no matter what you do.


Might just be me but I'm not sure if the poll options refer to the question "Keep it PG?" or "Would it (NSFW) be something you are interested in?".


I'm not into NSFW, but could do for lewd from time to time.


Do whatever you feel comfortable with! We are your patrons and love your content regardless!

Lance Petersen

I'm ok with either. Voice artist do use different genres to expand the choices and work they could do. What I think is to do a "NSFW or LEWD" if it could work with the story. If its a logical addition and makes sense do it. A few of your postings could have a logical continuation such as the "Babysitter" postings. Anyway its just my thought and opinion, you do what feels right, you will always have us your fans.


Damn I love the wholesome audios, but if you want to do some nsfw content I’m down. It’s whatever your truly comfortable with.

Christopher Martinez

Sounds interesting because some of the audios on patreon sound like they're leading up to that point


I love your wholesome content, but your NSFW content would be really interesting as well. I think you should go for it!


I was wondering the same thing too. If I answer "yes" am I saying that she should keep it PG or am I saying that I'm interested in NSFW content?