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I sketched Jax from Elex 2 (and 1).
He is a grumpy mid-aged man, who travels across the planet Magalan, to protect his home
against an invading species, that seems to intend terraforming the planet.

I play Elex 2 and I am having a good time with the game. It is no triple-A mainstream production and somehow it is an unpolished diamond, but I enjoy it's rough charm, connected quest design and exploring the world is fantastic! No markers at all - free exploration. If I want a marker for a treasure chest or a quest I choose it myself in the map or log menu.

Considering that the game is developed by a quite small studio (known for the Gothic games) the not-up-to date graphics and animations are excusable. And since postive game ratings are almost all bought by rich companies, I prefer to trust my own opinion.

I enjoy playing Elex 2, so it is a good game for me and I hope some others will like it, too.
