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Hello, dadfuckers!

That's the second October's comic. It isn't a typical Halloween thing, but it's weird enough for this time of the year, I guess.

I always wondered how the young dadfuckers will look when they will grow up. Will they be hot? Will they be still top or they will evolve to c0ckwh0re dads like their fathers?

Well, this comic is gonna answer all these questions...and yes, of course, they will be big, hot, c0ckwh0re daddies!

This comic is a lot of fun and I think is a bit wasted as a short comic. The script I wrote was much longer and detailed, but I need to keep on with the flow of posts on Patreon, so I shorten it quite a bit.

The second part (3 more pages) will be released as soon as possible.

I noticed in the exit surveys that a lot of people quit my Patreon saying that "I don't post enough". Those comments are really hurtful. I try to post as much as possible, making my comics takes me a loooot of time and energy. I don't want to complain because I love this job, but I think that some people don't realize how much I work, almost every day, weekends and festivities. Of course, I don't have a boss and strict deadlines, but I really give a lot for this job, and reading those comments is really hurtful. I know that the majority of you are reasonable enough to understand this and great supporters, so don't mind much this little outburst.

Anyway, I'm thinking to take a month off, probably in December, so I can travel a bit with my boyfriend that lives aboard and I can prepare new comics for 2022. I can pause the charging of money and you won't need to cancel your subscription. I saw a lot of my "coworkers" doing it, and I think is time for me to take one month off. What do you think? Thanks for your attention and enjoy the hot dads now!




This is my favorite one so far.

Matt Williams

WHOA…! I have only this to say: Already, you have officially outdone yourself. I can hardly wait for the next part!


First this is an awesome short. Second, I draw and paint too, and you are right it does take a lot of time and dedication to produce a piece of art. Others thinking it is effortless, speaks highly to your skill. I am all for the long haul and think you should be able to take care of yourself mental and physically; avoid burnout. Hopefully you enjoy your travels later this year and get a lot of inspiration!


le coup des branleurs qui se transforment en Super Dadys, trop top.

Sir .

You become the very thing you vowed to destroy.. 😂


I so wrong on the last post. I can't wait for the rest of the comic.

KoopaKiller 12

Nice to see my favorite dad fucker is gonna be a short hottie 🥵


My dear! I love your comics monthly and i will of course keep my subscription. Thanks a lot. In December it will be boring without you, but if this is a free of charge and only month without pics we will try to wait for you with new ideas and energy in 2022! The new Comic is super hot, I envy Victor, Billy is especially sexy. I would like him and his wet ass in my bed :)


Your work is fucking AMAZING! It is clear that you put a LOT of time and energy into your works and I know I've commented before that your panels are like stand alone, HOT AF pieces of art! please take some time for yourself. This should be a joy and a turn-on, not drudgery! Enjoy December and have fun with your travels!

Eduardo Santiago

Obvs that the Dadfuckers would resemble their dads, probability of biology for ya. Also, is there a daddy in Freebopolis that resembles Daddy Danny, cause I smell a "Found my Daddy" comic in the future -- but that's your choice and whatever you decide turns out hot anyway. Take care and don't push yourself.


Thanks so much my friend! I'm glad you like my last comic. Still thinking about the pause in December but I think js gonna be good for me and the comics.


Thanks so much Bernhard! Is never a drudgery, in the contrary I love it and I have so many ideas! But I think that a month off to organize my work and take a break would be cool.


Ooooh I have so many ideas about Danny's real dad, but nothing decided yet. But of course a comic like that would be cool! Thanks for your words and support!


I thought the new comic was going to be two giant daddies having sex with a chubby daddy.


You absolutely deserve to have a break and I think you you're doing awesome job and actually posting quite a lot!


I have been subbing since 17 I believe and I just made the jump to a yearly sub. While I do think you are on the higher side, your content makes up for it. I know a while back you talked about switching to black and white for more stories but man I wouldn’t want to see this in black and white. Hater are going to hate and yes, I would like more content but the stuff you do have been amazing.

eduardo alexander

Well, I have to tell you people are not satisfied and have to make comments which are not worth the time of reading them..Please Freebo23 take this advice. People are nice, friendly and even caring but there are small bit of people are not happy and complain. Freebo23, enjoy your December with your real love and concentrate better things.I will and I know other loyal fans will wait for you to enjoy your beautiful and artful pieces as I do.Take care and remember you are good in the this work and I will always look forward to your work!!🤗😊💋✌🌈❤🌈❤😎


Thanks so much for what you wrote! You are always really supportive and positive!


Damn it, I just subscribed! Not kidding! But take your break, you deserve it. I used to be a subscriber before a long time ago and I don't recall if I replied in the feedback as 'not enough postings' as reasons for my exit. But your comics can be so good and unfortunately it's hard to find good illustrations and storylines out there so one tends to grab what they can. And then me as a subscribee wants more, more and MORE! Anyway, your work is indeed appreciated.


thanks so much! Don't worry, I'm gonna be back with a great story in December! Can't wait to draw it!!!

ro su

Billy is hot as a dad


More Growth Essence please. Hottt