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Finishing off the month with 1 more Easter piece :3 Bunny girl X chick girl XD giving me more opportunity to paint darker skin as well as practicing the back as well ^_^

Hope everyone had a good one !

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 ►This is a term 51, yuri/yaoi tier + reward ◄

(term 51 sign up time is from April 21-30)(will be send out 1-15th of May with the other rewards for term 51 rewards ^_^)  comes with

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  • Steps sequence (nsfw)
  • PSD ( tier 3+)(nsfw)
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Reward archive IIFAQII Tutorial Archive




Nice 👍


Love how much Easter theme you've had this month, awesome piece 😍😍😚




Oooh got me interested


Talk about a chocolate bunny. I always have believed that Easter chocolates far surpass those of any other holiday :) Little sad NamixRobin didn't win (there is just so little of it despite that it's practically gifted wrapped), but this looks scrumptious in its own right.


I will whoreship for the rest of my life <333 saki please sell me a print ill die if you do ^3^


You make me so excited stop!! Saki its not nice heheh x3 such a tease u are ahaha


Not what I voted for but not a prob :) I already "complain" this month's yuri was hard to vote since I couldnt vote all xD


Seriously how much time did you spend drawing this ?


I did have my fingers crossed for Nami & Robin--dare we hope it'll turn up in a future poll? In any case, this one looks super cute. :)

Américo Gonçalves Neto

I loved the synergy between them! The domineering woman looks at the sweet rabbit, which is a beautiful mulatto, ready to yield to her whims. The corporeal language is very clear and the clash of tones (mainly in the rabbit), gives a very healthy spicy tone to the scene.


Okay I'm going to be a critic and ask questions. Why pink arms? (Are those gloves?) and is she a black girl with white hair and a black bunny tail? (the genetics is confusing me) I understand this is fantasy. Also does this idea come from an anime somewhere or is this from your imagination?


Yep they are long gloves and yes everything is fantasy. :) you don't see real human with wings or rabbit ears do you? *_* (psst if you do please let me know)