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Cupid and Reaper is a fun BL piece XD  went with a concept that I though was interesting ! I'm really enjoying painting more pastel color tones in this one ^_^


full preview in download

►This is a term 47, tier yuri/yaoi+ reward ◄

(term 47 sign up time is from Febraury23-28)(will be send out 1-10th of  March with the other rewards for term 47 rewards ^_^)  comes with  

  • High res jpg(nsfw)
  •  Steps sequence(nsfw) 
  • PSD ( tier 3+)(nsfw)
  • Video process( tier 3+)  (nsfw)

Reward archive IIFAQII Tutorial Archive 




Is moana apart of term 47?


Looks good, love his hair!


No she won't I don't release Disney pieces for pateron due to copyright issues ^^;;


THIS IS SO GOOD!!!! AHHH IM FANGIRLING SO HARD ><<<<<< Cupid is so pretty and I love how his partner looks so pleasured xD


Great. Love it. Please draw shin-ah from akatsuki no yona, karasuma from assassination classroom or kensei from bleach




That lip lick~ *w* ♥️


Perfect... the uke dominates the seme. I love it <3 And the idea with the arrow is great! But I hope cupid loves/likes reaper back and is not just messing around with him ☺


Very hot. Love it!


Assuming that Eros *is* the uke. 😂 Based on formal yaoi pairing rules, Cupid *is* the seme, as AxB is the formal pairing structure, where "A" represents the "seme" and "B" represents the "uke." The reverse would indicate the opposite pairing, unless their "roles"/"positions" are interchangeable. This doesn't usually matter in the US, but in Japan/Asia, it's a *big* deal! Like, war major! 😅😓 Uh... wait... did the fudanshi just give a formal yaoi lecture? 😂 Lord help me... [headdesk]


Wow... Now, I'm curious what inspired this unique pairing and structure? You've taken Eros as the god of love to a whole new level! 😂 Beware vengeful love gods and their tendency to "dominate" their "prey." 😂😂😂


Very interesting concept behind this one! Really love the colour palette too. Great work as always! <3


Where exactly do these ideas for pairings come from? I'm always very impressed by both how random it seems while making sense XD


This is a really beautiful piece. Do you think you'd ever offer it as a poster?