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Another Voice over tutorial based on one of the suggestions given! I'll be talking about how to approach 3 different Ethnicity looks and their skin tones in this 2 hr 20 min voice over tutorial. I'll be going over them in 6-7 steps each. This was super fun to record ^_^ If you are looking to practice different looks for characters I think you might have fun with this voice over tutorial ~

 ►This is a term 47, tier 3+ reward

(term 47 sign up time is from Febraury23-28)(will be send out 1-10th of  March with the other rewards for term 47 rewards ^_^)  comes with  

comes with

  • High res jpg steps 
  • PSD Steps 
  •  voice over video tutorial
  • 2 hr 20 min duration

Reward archive IIFAQII Tutorial Archive 




Yaay! I have your skin tone variation vid tutorial but I like the voice overs more cause you explain more in-depth! Thank you!


Ohh I was waiting for one like this!! I've been having trouble drawing other ethnicities so this is going to help out a lot >< thank u so much <33!!


so cool


Oh, cool! That's *great* Sakimi! 😆 Too bad the selection isn't bigger, but I'm guessing that for most people this will be a more than adequate start and for the more advanced painters out there, you'll be providing *some* of the essential foundations that will help students experiment and try new combinations. I am curious, though, do you do the majority of you're painting as a single layer (like your painting on a canvas) then do adjustments, highlights, touch up, and effects, or do you pain upon multiple layers and then compress them to form the final painting/underpainting? I seem to remember that a big chunk of your pictures were as a single painted layer. Is that done on a single canvas layer or via compressing stacks (how many cell shaded pictures get rendered)? Was just curious since if you do it as one single layer for the majority of the painting, like doing it on a piece of glass--ACK! O.o #DifficultMuch 😅😜 Anyhow, have a great night!


This is a great looking tutorial!! Really looking forward to this one! :D


sakimichan will we get the moana video process? :((( or the high res jpg? ;-; please say yes T_T


This term is gonna be awesomeeeeeee~.


Tier 3 is all taken :c so i don't get the chance to get this tutorial? :/ feels bad man




Hi Sakimi Chan! Always enjoy your tutorials. Faces in the end are getting so attractive, that i really want to kiss them both male and female. xD By the way, why don`t you try to flag videos on Youtube with your tutorials? It`s only possible for those whose rights are violated, like yours. Or Youtube is stubborn with those things and it`s easyer to let them be? Just curious. Feels bad for situation when reading responding comments of the violators.


I am not sure if flagging does anything though if it's just one person. *_*


haha XD Ideally I like to paint on 1 single layer, but I usually like to keep the character one one layer, the background on another and special effects on separate layers : ) that way it's easier to edit if need be. hope that answers your question :D

Abigail Zimmerman

Omg! Your voice in the video was so cute lol! I'm sorryXD


Thank you? *_* I though you watched my other voice over tutorials also? >_


Haha I feel silly asking this, but I am a complete novice to Patreon. I got the email for the dropbox but I am unsure how to access the tutorials. I didn't see a link anywhere to download them. Where would I be able to find them? I'm Tier 3 btw


If you want you can still change your tier 3 pledge to $20 instead of staying at it's default $10. I sent out pledge based on the amount pledged and not the tier. :)