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putting a fun twist on the classic tale of sleeping beauty, this time the princess saves the prince XD;;;that is the idea I went with for this illustration. This piece is very illustrative with nothing really dynamic, but i had a lot of fun with the colors ! ^_^

►This is a term 35, tier 2+ reward ◄

(will be send out 1-10th of June with the other rewards for term 34+35 rewards ^_^)

 comes with

  • High res
  • PSD
  • Video process( tier 3+)

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Lol Sakimichan I like the way you think. Wonderful work here.


Reminds me of Romeo and Juliet! Very pretty :)


Ooooh I love the way those colors pop!


This is so lovely !


Nice spin on an old story. Makes me think of a one panel comic I saw before where the knight slayed the princess and saved the dragon lol


The faces convey much unspoken, much beauty, much mystery :3

Ciarán M

This is gorgeous, the colours are so vibrant and i love how she gently caresses his chin, that's a nice touch and of course the characters and all their details are beautifully painted as is the background, those roses are lovely. He's going to feel like quite the lucky man when he sees just who it is who's awoken him.


Have you received any comments from people having issues with not receiving email notifications when you post new pieces? Since the beginning of term 35, I haven't receiving any email notifications. I wanted to check to see if this is something you already know about before I pester Patreon directly about it.


are you gunna do a blue dress version for shits and giggles? :P


Wonderful ! <3


Oh my gosh, this is beautiful! I love it! So sweet :D I love her dress, and the background, and her hair sweeping down behind them. They both look lovely!


me too! I didn't receive notifs for the first 2 pieces :(


This is absolutely beautiful! I love the color's you choose because they contrast so nicely together :-) I like your take on sleeping beauty and how you reversed the roles which is something I haven't seen yet! They look absolutely stunning, and the haunting background is so captivating. I can't wait for more pieces! Keep them coming <3


This is very pretty. But the first thing I always think when I see that dress is "blue" "pink""blue" "pink""blue" "pink"...


=) can we swap their colours? Just to be silly. Lovely piece, romantic.


Favorite disney movie ever, and I love what you did :) Phillip looks perfect. And I like that it's not dynamic, it makes it feel more serene.


Will she only get 70% of the reward / experience points because she is a woman?




This is a cool little spin you put on this tale. It is interesting to see this role reversal. The colors are very pretty. I like how you gave them each a distinct color pallet but also intertwined them in different places. For instance the vines and flowers in the background or the jewels on the grip of her sword and the one on the sheath. This is a really cool idea and illustration.


Amazing!! The render!! So clean!!!


Gorgeous!!!! He's so handsome and she's stunning! I love the swap and her expression is perfect!!! =^.^=


Love the reversal of roles


My God, its just perfect


I...I suddenly want someone to make a fanfic out of this...+_+ <3 sakimichan, you are amazing.


I love this very much. I wish you would draw more men in general, so I am very happy with this. I am also a bit of a sucker for reverse roles, so this is super sweet. Do keep it up! <3


This is exquisitely beautiful. Gorgeous detailing, composition and colouring.


Wow I really like this one. It is quite different than the usual. It's nice to see you draw the man differently than usual.


YAY! so cool! <3

Gheorghe Pandia

Sleeping next to such a beauty? They both look soooo amazing!


this girl is so beautiful


That is superb! Not only love the twist, but the colors and composition, ooooh! <3


Beautiful composition! <3


Omg, so beautiful!


Beautiful!!! Can I ask you for something? The classic scene when Ursula takes Ariel's voice, but changing Ursula's face for Mariah Carey's and Ariel's for Ariana Grande's :D


Why is this labelled as tier 3+? Do tier 2 patrons not get the usual tier 2 content for this? (Same for the two images before this.) :)


absolutely stunning