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I wanted to paint him <3 this piece is inspired by in game cloud scene ^^ I also included the first Zack that I painted !

new zack and old zack piece will be included this term ^^

(This piece is part of term 125reward sign up from May21-31)◄Term125 rewards will be send out 5th-6 th of June comes with 

  • Tier 1( 3-4k pixel Jpg(wallpaper) +steps sequence) 
  • Tier 2-5( 3- 4k pixel Jpg(wallpaper)(nsfw*old zack piece only)+stepssequence+videoprocessPSD+brushes) 

Reward archive IIFAQII Tutorial Archive  



Valla Valhalla

Girls always dream of powerful boys, I like the artwork.


Sakimi girl......bless your anointed hands. 😭♥️♥️♥️ I’m so glad May is almost over hahahahaha. Thank you for always bringing the heat in your artwork~ 😚


I really love you.😘


This new version of Zack is stunning !! I LOVE IT ! 😍


I like this well done 😍


Girl are you working 24/7? Each time I come here, I see a new painting!


Great pictures!


Looks great'


Sakimichan. I have a challenge for you. Do one (1) piece of art, giving it the full Sakimi treatment, BUT limit yourself to using only Paint. Yes, the OLD one, "mspaint.exe" on your windows pc. 🙂 Oh, and a obvious reminder, mspaint doesn't have layers support 😉. Good luck and have fun my friend. /One Twothree


He is so incredibly handsome ;;o;; I love him. He's perfect. I hope more VII boys are coming~


I'm a HUGE Zack fan, and I'm working on a Zack NSFW myself. I'm excited for this! 🔥 This and the Cloud pieces have persuaded me to bump up my support to 2x, LOL. Well played, Sakimi. 🔥 Well played. 💖🙏


Honestly, I think to myself the same thing. It seems like she's on magic time.


This boy also dreams of powerful boys. Just saying 😆 And I love Zack 🔥💖


Ikr! Super handsome! The boys are really what brought me to FFVII and to look at the series, but I haven't ever touched any of the games, LOL. I'm also doing NSFW fan art of my favorites, one of Cloud and one of Zack, cause who doesn't love Cloud and Zack? 😆🙏