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Hey guys ! Happy 2019 Sorry I was a little late in posting, it took a bit longer to work since i had caught the cold but we are here ^o^ First piece of the year is of Atago and Takao, from the mobile game Azur Lane <3 really love the design of the game and of course you can see why I like Atago XD <3 I tried a tricky back/front pose for atago, probably not really realistic though, but the practice is good anyways XD More tricky poses to come !

Also included a clothed vr in download ^^


nsfw preview  

(This piece is part of term 92 reward sign up from January 1-19)◄Term 91 rewards will be send out 5th of February comes with

  • Tier 1( 3-4k pixel Jpg(wallpaper) +steps sequence) 
  • Tier 2-5( 3- 4k pixel Jpg(wallpaper)(nsfw) +steps sequence+videoprocess(sfw/nsfw)PSD+brushes) 

Reward archive IIFAQII Tutorial Archive 




Love it

Pervy Sage

I'm familiar with the series but never played it but never the less this piece is just outstanding this definitely gonna be the batch I'll be looking be forward for January (=^▽^)σ (digging the summer vibes considering it's still winter XD) also keep those poses coming you knocked the ball out of the park on this one!✧


Summer-themed piece in January? Why not xD


*deep gasp* omg yes!


Have mercy


I would say they were busty but that would be a huge understatement.


This is justice.... I will love you for this forever Sakimi


Bloody hell those knockers are massive and glorious. Another busty and thicc month ahead? Haha.

Red Lion

Thank you for this.


You should play it haha an tell me who your favourite is! 😊


It's actually summer here for me atm so it still works lol! 😁 If you do more from this please consider my favourite one, USS Colorado 😊


Omg finally i been waiting for this day


YEA!! More Azur Lane! Ive been addicted last like 2 months :) I just got Atago last week!


A very good start to 2019. They look very beautiful!


Boobs-Bumping!!! SO SEXY!!!


Sakimichan, can I suggest the three Saiyan girls from Universe 6, Caulifla, Kale and Kefla ?


dificil las posiciones de las dos!!, felicidades te quedaron excelentes!! espero te mejores pronto ese resfrio!! :D

Matt L

More Azur Lane ;u; &lt;3 they're fantastic

Alexander Dinh

Please take care of yourself. I know you have to work a lot to make beautiful pictures, and it takes more time to make tutorial and process videos ... anyway, health is the most important.


artwork like this makes me regret deleting azur lane, especially cuz i had illustrious and belfast, but it was too repetitive and grind-y


I wanna be in the middle of that all the time


great duo


this will be my second term so i'm new to this, but am i correct in thinking that it wont include a "wallpaper" pic unless stated? was hoping to use a lot of your work as wallpapers for my computer like older ururaka but, was sad to see it was only a portrait pic. still love it though!


I really love the look of this piece! The atmosphere is so scenic and makes me wish it was summer again lol. And Atago and Takeo look SO good in your style!! Awesome job 💗💗💗


Yay! My favorite from Azur Lane, Thank You!!


wow i love this!! &lt;3 hope to see more azur lane chars, there's a ton of lovely ladies with unique designs XD


That... is some looooovely booty.


*nose bleed*


Your shading and how you do skin tones and faces is just amazing. I hope to come close to your level one day. Just have to practice. Thank you for this. Beautiful as always :)


just started playing this about aweek ago love that you just released some work from it hope to see more in the future


Daaaamn, they extra thicc. Lovely sight to start the day :D

Frank Leo


Chris Luong

Oh, Takao's butt is shiny.


That's amazing.


Amazing work sempaiiiii*0*


Thank you so much! I see you love your cat girls! xD I been playing the game for a few months on both the English and Japanese versions! There are a lot of beautiful waifus! Love these 2 especially and your take on designing them! I'm very much looking forward to this term! Great start on the new year! 😍 Also sorry to hear you got sick. I hope you get better soon if you are still recovering! 😭🤗💕


Got both of these beauties!!


Swords, sand and sexy... <a href="https://youtu.be/rKwwcCpa2Ag" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/rKwwcCpa2Ag</a> ;)


Wonderful art)))


I love your artstyle so much!


Do you get this without the watermark, if you got Tier1 ?


Hi there i believe all images including patreon tier rewards are watermarked in some way or form for copywrite and plagiarism purposes to help protect sakimichan's work. Hope this helps 😊


Is there any way that I can pledge the Tier4 ?


Send sakimi chan a PM about and she will tell you how to change your payment etc. Hope this helps 😄


hi sakimichan again ^_^... few month ago i (actually my sister) bought some of your base term and tutorial for me (as my birthday gift ^_^) / i tried to learn you style and painting from you (with wacom cintiq and tools like that) but some time after 5 or maybe more hours of focus and adding detail on a drawing and trying to draw a good anatomy, i will see a zigzag and un-realestic skatch... so i decide to get help from you ... unfortunately in my country, we havent got any good digital artist or a good digital painting class... i wanna get help from you... can i have any closer way to talk with you (such as email, whatsapp,facebook any way that i can directly text you) i dont have any problem if you need any subscription... you are my hero in digital painting... and something else... sry if my english speaking is not too much good ^_^


just need one for akagi and kaga now :D


Whew look at dem cakes!! XD Nah I love this girl! I honestly love the way you draw women, they are so voluptuous and squishy looking~ 🤤 The men’s to...god...I love the men’s.......


I really love it keep the great work sakimi


a really unique style for takao &amp; atago and very different from original version.i like it though i've afk from azur lane for several months XD


@Sakimichan you know... when I subbed to you, i used to know who the characters were that you drew. Now suddenly you've started doing characters that.... idk who the hell are 🤷🏻‍♂️😆


Amazing! I love it though I don't play the game. How about Scathach from FGO next time? Looking forward


Perfect! I love your art &lt;3


I´m new to your community but I already fell in love about your art :yay:

James P

Wish I could get a print of this


Wooooow. Prettyyyyy work ! Always amazing ❤️❤️😄


The Thiccness is strong in this one

James P

Are the PSD's high enough quality to print 11x17 on our own?

Américo Gonçalves Neto

The version with translucent clothes, is very good! The mass of the breasts and the bends are well represented. The swimsuit version is on the right spot and your talent for large, sexy girls is native! I loved the strong, confident pose of the character on the left, creating a synergy between the character who shares the scene, which is very erotic and provocative. The mass dynamics, was perfect!


How can i see this nude ver?


thank you for the support! just want to double check when did you joined? :)




I want to get pictures of the past, what should I do, and I would be happy to be your patrons(I'm sorry my English is not very good,These are all translated through translation software.&gt;o


I am deeply attracted by your works


I am interested in printing this pic , what is the dpi in the psd ?