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This terms voice over guide will be on how to manage time while you paint a piece. I'll be talking about how my process goes and how long it usually takes me to start to finish. In addition, how much time I aim to take to finish each phase through the example given : ) Took another older artwork of mine from back in 2005, a full body piece this time( I think) XD and recreating it using my current style for this tutorial ^^.


(This tutorial is part of term 88 reward sign up from November 1-18) ◄Term 88 rewards will be send out 5 th of December.

 comes with


  • High res jpg steps
  • PSD 
  • voice over video tutorial 3 hr 

Reward archive IIFAQII Tutorial Archive 




2005 = Slim, 2018 = Thicc xD This does make me interested to see you repaint some of your older works with the techniques you use today. Not all of them but maybe just some of your old favorites. I've only been a patron of yours for almost a year but I still see improvements from the first rewards I received to now. I look forward to more great artwork <3


This one looks really good! Cant wait. Just a quick question how did you decide between anime style art and anime realism? I've been doing a bit of both lately and cant decide which I like better it's tough!


Oooo excited for this. I know there isn’t any one way of doing things and I’ve always been curious as to how much time you spend on your paintings. I’m a very....very....very slow painter, so maybe this will give me some tips. ^^~


OMG THANK YOU. I spend so much time on my portraits that I get burnt out working on parts for so long!


As always, the tutorial of refresh older painting is my favorite. 加油!


But I want to say, the girl grown up -- see the ass, the boobs... That's a age 15 -> 25 change.


Black magic


I hope I could progress as much as you ^^ and nice progress Sakimi Chan ♥


Progress pictures are my favorite <3 I love seeing the growth


Can't wait to hear it)


Thanks for the tips~


Love seeing improvements! Great job!


Very nice idea! The one thing I'd like to see more of in some paintings is how you started/ went from blank canvas to your initial sketch. Most of your paint videos start after you have your initial sketch, but would be nice to see how you go about getting there sometimes.


Check out her video for Popstar Ahri. It's available for sale on her Gumroad as a stand alone video. Sakimichan starts with a completely blank canvas and goes through about 4 or so different versions to the one she finally painted. It's neat watching the artistic process unfold right before your eyes.


Well, I'm upgrading to T3! This tutorial is perfect for me.


So cool!


Oh yes that will be so usefull because for one picture i need like 7 or 8 hours and i dont know how to get faster :/




Hi I didn't get my Tier 3 Term 86 Reward, My payment went though. Could you look into it please?


Can I still register for this award on the 22nd?

Void Nosferatu

i tried, its hard to drawn like you, impossibiru.


Like I tell my friend, when Sakimichan started in 2005 she was not that good. Now she is amazing. One of my favorites. It took her 12 years of steady progress. ^-^ Anyone can get there if they have the passion to keep improving! Gambate kudasai!


Your artwork has come a long way! Good show! Never giving up! Always improving. You are my favorite pinup artist! I am gonna decorate my entire room with your prints. Ceiling too. ^-^