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Hey guys, Thank you for your support so far, it's our 3ed year and still we are going strong. It's honestly been one of the most rewarding yet challenging experiences I've had.

Many of  you guys who stuck through with me would know I tend to produce many piece per term. I wish I could keep up  but recently I've been feeling the pressure and it's been taking a toll on me .Three years is quite a bit of time and sadly I'm starting to feel it.

Of course I don't want to alienate you guys so in terms of types of rewards nothing will change, I will still have originals/ yuri/yaoi/nsfws/hetero/. I have adjusted the prices accordingly to make it more fair. In Addition I will also be adding some  extra interactive such as full res 3-4k for all pieces and google hangout sessions to interact with those of you who are more interested in leaning from me.

please refer to the changes below ^_^

Tier 1 3$(previously 1$)Vanilla 

For this tier I will be providing full res 3-4k pixel 

(for those of you who just want the vanilla without the nsfw content)

Tier 2 party7$(previously 10$)

This tier will include tier 1 + all the nsfw content when released(yuri/yaoi/hetero/nsfws)+ it will also include all psd+video process :)+brushes

Tier 3 students 10$(new)

all previous reward +video tutorial+ private  group mini class session every term, Q&A/group critiq session or just to hangout I though it'd be fun to have something more interactive !

Tier 4 20$(unchanged)

all previous rewards + 1 past term

70$ tier(limited spot )

I'm actually really excited to announce that I will be doing custom prints/poster, every term.  you may request either 2 poster of any of my art work from any term or 3 prints. either nsfw or sfw ^_^ I might also make some nsfw exclusive for this term every now and then.

200$ tier(limited spot)

This is the sponsorship tier, if you would like to sponsor me I will put your logo/banner on my DA page as well as on my pateron page please note it must be sfw. it's on a per term bases.

All tiers are eligible>I'm planing to work on a web based community/game? all tiers will have access to inside testing once released , excited to post more news about it !

In summary> I will be decreasing the amount I put out each term to around 4-5 piece instead of 7-8 pieces but they will all be full size (3-4k) and the price of each tier has been adjusted to match + I'm throwing in some extra incentives for some of the  tiers ^_^

Got any questions or concern? either contact me through message or just post it below and I'll get back to you asap !

ps. there's a chance This month will have 2 terms  now that I have restructured the tiers. The change will be effective this month and onward. Please make sure to edit to your desired tier before the mid of this month !

see you guys soon !


John Slaughter

I support you! You do what you need to do. I'm amazed that you can publish as much as you do, so I understand how it might be wearing you out. Take care of yourself!


Good to see we gonna have private mini group class and more interactive :)


Do what you have to do. We don't want you to burn out. I do have a question. I was in the original 3rd teir for $10 with videos. According to your new breakout above that was changed. Do I need to repledge to the new $10 tier to keep access to that content I was getting?


Very nice. And sorry we're putting so much stress on you. Being followed around isn't a fun way to live. :3


What about the $5 per term patrons


Hi sakimichan! So originally I'm pledged 10$ per term and has now changed to 7$. The tier I want is now the student tier which is also 10$. Will I need to repledge for the student tier?


I have merged tier 2+Yuri/yaoitier and tier 3 together to simplify it. I apologize for the inconvenience, you can either downgrade to 3$ or upgrade to 7$ if you are still interested :(


im really curious how this group session/feedback thing will work


if you are on 10$ tier, no need to re pledge, if you are on 7$ simply edit to 10$ ^_^

Kiara Kitsune

Hello Sakimichan, I originally pledged 5$ per Term, Is it needed to repledge?


I will most likely have you guys vote on when is the best time and have a thread about how we will run things ^__^more details on it soon !


I've just updated my pledge in the new tier+2, so what happens to people who doesn't change into the new reward? they'll​ change automatically?


Sakimi, can we get past terms in 3-4K pixel?


$5 is tier 2 so I think now it will be $7 per Term. But you will get video process and anything except tutorial.


uuuuh this is so cool *w* i'm really curious about this new tier 3 reward , i've been supporting you for so long and i always wanted to do a mini class/group session with you sensei! D:


sadly anyone who were on the previous tier 1 and 2 will need to edit , I will make sure to message everyone about the changes later on in the day to be sure everyone is aware ^^


I will probably include some of the past rewards as bonus content Evey now and then ^_^


After 3 years of solid work, producing 2 terms per month you have definitely deserved a break, decreasing the amount of art you produce a month so you have more time for a rest in between your artworks. Maintaining such a pace, when it starts taking a toll and you feel the strain, it is time to make some changes. :) The new structure of the tiers looks great, and it should give you more room to breathe each month.


Hello, I have a question. There is only 4-5 tuto a month, that means that there will be only NSFW in fact? Since there is a 4 (yuro-yaoi-hetero-man-woman) ?? I do not know that yuri-yaoi and hetero are not my favorite so it worries me a little here there are no more characters: / I have the therm 3 to ten euro, otherwise I find the evolution of your ideas great ^^


That's fine Saki! In a sense I'm glad to see you reducing the amount of content you make each term, wouldn't want you to burn out from working too much :) We're behind you all the way :D


Nice to hear that the $10 tier now includes hangout sessions. Hopefully I will be more motivated to improve my art from listening and talking to everyone. Hope to see everyone's progress in the near future, see you soon :)!


You have definitely earned yourself a break my dear! With all the work you've done for us I'm honestly surprised this didn't happen a year ago, but you're strong! Honestly, please take the time you need to refresh yourself :3 I am supr excited for the hangout :D I hope with my schedule I can make them! It would be great talking to ya again and getting some critique!


I will have at least 3 pieces that are sfw since female and male nsfw also has a sfw version ^_^


Oh! OH! Thank you!!! Thank yooooou!!!! *_____* How would that work tho? We'll have a set date for the hangouts? ^^


I'm looking froward to it ! also a chance to improve on my English . cant wait to plan it out ^_^ !


There is so much winning...


The date will be decided ^_^ I'll set a a vote to see when it'll be the most convenient !

Rebecca Clark

With ya 100%. Good that you're pacing yourself. You don't want to burnout and end up dreading your art.


You've done so much work in only three years, honestly I've been in awe of your work ethic this whole time! After you've painted so many pictures for so many people, maybe sometime I can paint something for *you* for a change haha... gift art incoming!


I was just thinking this the other day!! I was like, she makes so much art per term, doesn't she get tired/need to take a break? I'm glad you're toning it down, i'm totally behind you on that, perhaps with each piece now you can spend a little more time on them, but have more breaks in between to keep yourself sane XD I'm still doing the $10 pledge, so hopefully the hangouts will be awesome!



Frank Leo

My Tier reward is unchanged, correct?


I've decided after a long time to start supporting $20 Tier. I'll be getting a new upcoming Term and 1 old tier right? Can I know how I can choose the old tier set?


I am glad that you are taking care of yourself <3 There is no need for an artist to force out art, otherwise, it won't hold the same passion and love. You are doing a great job! and i can't wait to see your future work. Take care!


I'm really happy that you will give us the highest res because this really bothers me before so i wanted to ask if i can get high res 3-4k of an old term?


I do only have 3 terms and i was really annoyed beacuse of the res so i wanted to ask if i can get the full of these :)

Glenn Runyan

You are still sending out rewards by the amount we are pledged not the tier we went into to pledged it right?


Such tenacity over the past few years... *please do* pace yourself and keep your craft as something pleasurable rather than unnecessarily stressful, as much as feasible with however you weave your path <3


- in following the support though, an occasional exclusive NSFW for the $70 tier, given its high price that most cannot afford, does feel like a slight against your many patrons who keep up the bottom line.


*squel* mini class sessions, a dream coming true, can't wait for it. I'm gonna remain on the 20$ spot for a while longer :-D


You will get a code that you can exchange on Sakimichans gumroad for one past term up to term 40 ( i think terms after that will be available in the future but aren't at the moment) :-)


It's so good that you're pacing yourself!! ;V; term 51 was my first term here and I can't wait to see your future works ❤️


Sad to know that you're not releasing 7-8 images :( But I'm happy that you're giving yourself some time to go about life. I'm also glad that we're getting the full res images. I just have 2 questions tbh... Will the PSD be full res and have the NSFW layers again? okay... HAVE FUN AND DON'T MAKE THE PRESSURE BECOME TOK HEAVY ON YOUR LIFE <3


So if we were teir 3 and want to stay tier 3 do we need to do anything?


You need to take care of yourself. Whatever amount of content you decide to do is fine :) I have to admit though that I am pretty excited about the group session thing. I feel like there's so much I could learn from you, even though I don't always have the time to watch all of your tutorials.


Will you give any advice to young artists in the future or it is included in some tier? :3


I love the changes. I'm a sucker for high resolution images and I may not have been able to afford 2 terms consistently each month with my current situation. So this is perfect. As one person mentioned, will the .psd change so you can toggle SFW and NSFW like before? Take care of yourself and don't get burned out. Health is more important.


You do you hun! No sense in burning out and being unable to make art at all. We love you!


nope because you're still a current patron. your reward shouldn't change at all unless you choose another tier :)


Qw Q right when i click on the 70~ Poof sold out X. X My bunny yuri print dreams are over hahah n please keep it up there's nothing that makes me get up an feeling so happy if it weren't for you n your skills~ ^~^


I think I'll add a few more spots ^_^ ! but if anything you can always message me and I'll give you a custom quote for it ^_^


all previous rewards will be send out according to the past, only term 52 and onward will be different. ^_^


Yassss hi res! I like these changes. ((o(^∇^)o))


Omg I get pieces in full res now?!?! Sick


Awesome. Keep up the great work! Take care of yourself. Don't burn out. Do one term a month every few months if you need to. It's better than burning out and sacrificing your health. Plus you do a lot of artwork. You have to rejuvenate those creative juices.


Does Tier 1 get to preview the NSFW stuff still to help them decide if they want to switch for that term?


Pretty nice changes. Good to see that you're wanting to pace yourself a lot better and take care of yourself. You do produce a large amount of content each month, and while impressive I can only imagine it requires an incredible amount of time and effort to do so. So if you need to make changes like these in order for you to keep healthy then it is no problem what so ever. Also, good so that you don't burn yourself out. Overall, I think these are good changes and everyone benefits nicely.


I like the revisions you've done to your Tiers. The 4K resolution images are a big bonus and I don't feel that I need to get that many images a month from you. Quality is more important than quantity for me. The revised tiers suit me better than the previous model.


Yaaaaaay! I'm super excited that we'rd getting the super HD treatment now. :D I did kinda feel that you were getting behind of the times with your mid-resolution pieces, but things are changing now. XD All I'm really hoping for now is more equality between the amount of male and female pieces that you put out every term. All them boys and men need love too ~ ;ω; I can't believe it's been 3 years!?!?!?! How the times fly ~ :D I look forward to the coming year and hope you get some good-earned rest. (*˘︶˘*)


Hot damn 3 years since I've also been a patron HAHAH. Dang! I'd love that group session funness <3 Looking forward to it!


Please take care of yourself, Sakimichan! I'm also dealing with a ridiculous amount of pressure, and it's not fun. ;; I've followed your work for years and I'm hoping for the best for you. ♥ The Student tier piqued my interest and I'll see if I can subscribe to your Patreon in the future!


Hey Sakimi, just wanted to say I really love your work and was wondering if you will be attending any cons this year i.e. Anime Expo?


Please take care of yourself, Sakimichan! Please remember that, as nice as your work is, as generous as you are to offer this opportunity for others to learn from you, that it's not worth your health. Your workload is amazing, and it's clearly obvious how busy you are - and that's without factoring in your private life and such, but it shouldn't consume you. You are not a machine, and you are entitled to take some time for yourself, to put you first. The risk of burnout is real, and no one wants to see that happen. As lovely as your work is, your health remains more important, and I'm rather glad you've posted this note - it gives us all a chance to reassure you that these changes will be fine, and to stress to you that you come first. As for the changes - they look fine. I am very excited about the ones being proposed for Tier 3, and am especially interested in seeing it become more interactive. Now, go take care of yourself! Do something fun. Be selfish and do something that is for you, and you alone!


I like the tier i was in and what you're doing with it. Do I have to do anything to stay? Take care of yourself! We love you and want you happy and healthy more than we want some sort of art machine!! <3


Take care of yourself sakimichan! It's more important to stay healthy. Burning out happens faster as you think and it's very hard to get out of it plus a long time to get up. So take smaller steps and calm down. Also it should make fun. (Well not everyone has the choice but everyone should try to get a work who's fun.) We love you and your work and love to see both for a long time. :3


Hey saki ! Thank for that and take care of yourself :)


Oh and I've updated my payment info so it will get through. Can you send me term 50 and 51 please ?( With your new term I've moved Frome tier 3 to tier 2 for the same reward as before so thanks again !)


Wow 3 years!! I've been here since Feb 2015 and I'll keep supporting you Sakimi-chain ^.^


Wow I'm actually really happy about this change :) Mini classes and critiques sounds really awasome, I can't wait to see how it's going to look. Thank you for all the awasome content that you put out for us every month.


The interactivity sounds great! Take care of yourself!


This is amazing! I love how you constantly try to improve your patreon, just shows how important your patrons are to you and that's really great :) Can't wait to see how it goes!


What if I was already paying $7 per term? Do I need to change anything? Also, I haven't received rewards for terms 50-51. Will I get them soon? I'm just curious..


Hello Amber, rewards for term 50-51 are still being send out ^_^ please allow a few more days ! Also if you would like to stay on 7$ you can . thank you !


Keep up the amazing work Sakimi-chan! I see this as a place for us to grow with you, and I've had the pleasure of being a Patron since Term 1... but I know not all good things last forever. I much prefer a scale back over an end to your Patreon, but if life or desires depart, don't fret or think you let us down - you gave us a lot. I look forward to what is to come - I hope it will last for another 3 years, but however long the road may be, I expect all of us will be better artist for it. With the tiers unlocked, I'll upgrade to the $70 temporarily and get a few more prints as it has been a while since I've ordered a batch from you. I really do hope that you will turn your works into a SFW and NSFW book. I would love to own all of your prints in physical form, but I simply can't afford to. A $50-100 book I could do. At least until then, my Sakimichan poster book will grow a bit. :D


OMG i would LOVE to own a book like that. Please Sakimi-Chan make it happen! <3


Sounds great.


Take care Sakimi! Thanks for the hard work so far, looking forward to more from you!

Thorn and Petal

So excited for this! Its so great to learn from you! And I'm glad you're not pushing yourself more than you can handle! I'm so impressed with all you've been doing and will be happy with whatever you give us ^_^


I see what you mean. :( It's still in the planning phase I have to see what I can do about that. :(


wait......................................... DO WE GET 1 TUTORIAL A TERM? OR 1-2 TUTORIALS AND 1 VOICE OVER TUTORIAL?!


1 tutorial either voice over or none voice over, but I'll be doing group sessions. :)

Erik D

ughhh I just saw this and im soooo excited! I really want to try out the student tier because that idea seems so awesome to learn more from you. And i really hope I can save some money aside and do the custom print tier for a month. Soooo many I'd want haha Love it!


Wow I'm excited!


Hey Sakimi. I am not totally sure what happened to my last pledges. I see I pledged for Term 50 and 51. According to my patreon account I was charged $14.00 but according to my credit card statement I was only charged for 1 term instead of 2 for some reason (not sure why but I can figure that out later). I did receive the term 51 rewards which is great, but is there any way you can confirm you only received the money for 1 term only? And if you did how can I go about getting the rewards for term 50 later (since it's the term I really wanted LOL). Do I just increase my tier when term 52 is over (since all the spots on tier 4 and up are filled)? Thanks for any help.


Sorry for the trouble did you receive the links for the steps? or you didn't receive anything at all? *_*


I'm a tier 4 and i have no idea how this system works. XD I was so eager to learn and watch the creator in the process that i'm not entirely sure how i can receive any rewards. i'm lost. OwO


Sorry for the confusion! you are currently pledge to Term 60 I am still working on it. >_< After the 5th of next month you'll receive the terms you pledged for (term 60 and 61 if you choose 2 terms per month) and I'll send you the code as soon as I am free. :)