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Here's the post for February's Theme!

February will have 1 winner who will be getting a 3 part sequence!

This will function similarly to the monthly character polls, as in, you guys will be able to nominate a theme.  After the first week (On midnight of the 24th), i'll take all the themes and put them in a normal poll to determine the final count.

As for what you guys can nominate as a theme, feel free to give as much detail and expanding on the nomination as you'd like, but try to make sure it can be summed up in a simple phrase at the longest! It can be as little as one word, such as slime or suits, or a phrase like "button-popping out of suits."

These themes are also meant to be a little loose and workable with all the main kinks (stuffing, WG, mpreg, inflation, etc) , as to give nominators wriggle room to work with. ie. "Suits" can be formal attire, or perhaps a superhero suit or jumpsuit, "Slime" can be slimes from fantasies games, or simply stuffing them jelly or slime-like substances, while "button-popping" can be any sort of outfit involved involving buttons.  If i feel something is TOO specific, or too broad, i'll let you know and try to help make sure it has a nice amount of wriggle room (but not too much to where it defeats the point!)

Keep in Mind! $20 tier members have double voting power, which i will represent by having an additional poll up that only $20 members can see to cast their secondary vote (similar to how it was in old times).

Also, here's some additional clarification on what i'm looking for in terms of theme suggestion!



Winter Weather! (Snow / Sledding / etc)


Since this is gonna be February, maybe Valentines can be a theme? It's a day famous for getting chocolates, after all! And you never know what you'll get, either.