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Earlier this month, i asked for feedback regarding instituting Monthly Themes (see here for that post and details). So far, feedback was mostly positive, so I'm glad for that! I'm definitely considering putting up the first poll for Monthly Themes for December's Fills. 

However, there are some with reservations, which is perfectly fair! I do want to state that themes will have some wriggle room! They don't have to be necessarily to the theme to a T, as most themes will be a anywhere from a few words to a short phrase. (ie. If the theme is "Slime," it can involve things like come inflation or just stuffing with jelly)

And to expand on the idea, here are some approaches that i may implement. Let me know what you think of them and which would be a preferable one to go with!

Idea one: Off-theme nominations would NOT be allowed! This is the base idea. It'll be sure that nominations are on theme, but can feel inappropriate for some characters if context matters, so it can feel limiting.

Idea two: Off-theme nominations will be allowed, HOWEVER, nominations that are on-theme will have a notable advantage. I'm thinking being on theme will grant them a 10 vote bonus, which equates to roughly 5 people at the $5 tier. This allows people who cant think of an idea to fit the theme to still offer something, but still makes sure the Theme matters, which is what i want in the end.

Idea three: 1st and 2nd place can only be won by on-theme nominations. This will still allow 3rd and 4th to be won by off-theme ones, but the top 2 slots will be on-theme nominations only. This will encourage on-theme nominations, as the slots for fills for off-theme ideas will be severely limited.


Personally, I'm leaning towards Idea three, though, idea 2 also works for me. So again, pending on further feedback, i can have this started for December's poll. And if you have further ideas, feel free to let them know!



I agree with three as it allows theming for those larger pictures and makes it easier for you while still allowing some wiggle room but mostly focusing on testing out the new system. Some extra thoughts on two though. I feel like with two the votes might skew things a bit too much and render down votes a little obsolete while making the count insanely high in some cases. Kinda like power creep in video games if you will.


Idea three is honestly the best way to go


I think 2 and 3 are good. I'm also leaning towards 3 because it keeps things simple and because a 10 point penalty seems kind of steep.


I like ideas one and two but feel as if a stack of votes makes 2 an unfavorable method


I like idea 3 the most.


3 looks like the best

Ruddy Full

Sorry if I come off as dense, but I'm still having trouble wrapping my head around this concept. I think seeing it in action would be the best way to understand it. With that in mind, I'll reserve judgement or feedback until after seeing it implemented. Perhaps consider December as a trial run before committing to one method over the others?


no worries! Hopefully it becomes clear after the first time running it. And as always, my systems are never permanent and i can stop/start things based on feedback im getting. So December-January will definitely be the trial run to see what people think. So far, people have reacted positively to the idea, but i can only hope those who dislike it will state as much so they can be considered!