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Welp, it's May! and I'm late yet again on some fills. 8D

I'll def try to have those up sometime in the next week. Things have been tough for me emotionally the past month (current events, some gender dysphoria... all that wonderful jazz), so i'm sorta slogging through work, and I ask that you guys bear with me.

I'm very much pondering taking June and July off in order to recuperate. I'd already decided earlier this year that July was gonna be a rest month, but im thinking i need some extra time. I'll keep you guys updated on my decisions regarding that. During these months, i'll freeze my patreon so you guys arent just paying for nothing, though i'll still be doing commissions during those months (most likely catching up to the ones I already have waiting). 

Anyhoo, the normal reminders! 

Keep an eye out for the May poll. March's fills will also be going into the $5 dollar tier!

Commissions are temporarily closed. I have a full wait list, so once those customers are tended to, I will reopen them. I will also release the wave 3 YCH bases once commissions reopen.

As usual, i am open to feedback and suggestions, so send those in if you have them! 



With everything going on in the world, you need to make sure you take time for yourself! Only love and support from me!