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If you still wish to suggest a character, be sure to do it before the 11th rolls around!

Here are the current vote tallies! So if someone better suits your fancy feel free to switch! Let me know who you're changing your vote from so i can more easily keep accurate score. 

Also listed are the names of who voted for them, to better keep track of the tallies and better catch miscounts! I also placed asterisks (*) by holders of a 5 dollar or higher tier, signifying their votes hold double the weight.


McCree from Overwatch (2 votes) FEanon*

Taichi Kamiya from Digimon (2 votes) Janus169*

Rin Okumura from Blue Exorcist (8 votes) Chris Sesselberg*, Oscar Miller*, thispleasessenpai*, Zane G*

Tom Lucitor from Star VS the Forces of Evil (1 votes) Janvier Dolfan

Dave Strider from Homestuck (2 votes) Nils Emil Berggren*

Shaggy from Scooby Doo (4 votes) Ruddy Full*, Tom Gangwer*

Kirishima from Boku No Hero Academia (3 votes) Brookster242, Generic Person*

Hunk from Voltron (1 vote) Guhreth

Naruto from Naruto (2 votes) Tammy*

Monkey from Enslaved Odyssey to the west (4 votes) Sammy*, Hakkyou Hayashi*

Mr Badwolf from Ever After High (2 votes) Sapphire Jack*

Jak from Jak and Daxter (2 votes) Taylor Mah


Rin Okumura is in the lead currently! Keep i mind there will be a second place consolation prize. We've yet to stay past the 500 mark as the new month rolls around (pledges always drop at the end of the month), so the 3rd place consolation prize is still a bit out of reach.





Rin Okumura!


Mr Badwolf


Monkey from Enslaved


I'm for shaggy!


I wouldn't mind seeing Hunk.


Will the second place one be done the same way as the underwear event or monochrome?


I haven't decided yet. I got very few opinions on what people preferred, so it's up in the air.


I’ll vote for Kirishima


I vote for Jak from Jak and Dexter too :)