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Aaaand here are the last 3! Hope you guys enjoy! I'll be having a master post with each individual pic up in a little while.




Oh wow, where to start? This is incredible on so many levels! I can't believe you managed to get such fantastic pictures done on such a short timespan! Really impressive! And the art is gorgeous as usual - would have expected nothing less from a Verzi piece! That belly is just amazing, you really made it look like Bakugo is stuffed tight as a drum! I'm surprised he didn't pass out from the sheer amount of food he's been shovelling into his tummy haha! And let's not forget the cameo appearance of dat ass! The little squish as it peeks over the top of his trousers, wonderful *perv mode intensifies* I also love the little story that goes on too: starting to get full on ice cream, appetite starting to wane, then Bakugo then gets a second wind when he goes into his standard rage mode, probably yelling "DIEEEE" to the soda before he downs both bottles. You even captured the facial expressions from the show perfectly! Outstanding work, Verzi! I can't stress how much I've enjoyed this sequence! As a side note, I think we had a chat about a possible NSFW variant in one of the streams. I dunno if that's still on the cards (don't worry if it's not!) Either way, I just wanted to let you to know that I (and all your other followers, I'm sure) appreciate all the hard work you've put into this! Great event, great art, great job!


haha wow, i can always count on you for good comments~ Very glad you like it! I do try to keep it a little in character, cuz kink art is always a bit better that way. Plus, what is bakugo without a bit of rage? ;3 As for the NSFW thing, still considering it! However... i got literally zero feed back on the post i made about the milestone reward ideas. So im not sure how any of my other patrons think about it. xD