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Whew! This has been a tough one but hopefully a good one. Beta 35 is here!!!

Windows Download

Find the latest version of the game here 

If you get the error about the App Damaged try this

For the cheat code look here

Keep in mind that links might rotate so if they stop working on the email you can check here for new links.

Whats New Post will come next week (Im taking a few days off)

But in very short:

  • Added Opinions and Custom Character Opinions
  • Added opinions status console
  • New Dance (Still WIP)
  • Added a paint gun
  • New Tutorial Intro
  • Improved Desktop Mode interaction mechanic
  • New Costumes
  • Added Paddles
  • Tweaked and improved some reactions

Desktop Mode Controls

WASD - Movement

E - Grab/Interact

Ctrl - Toggle Crouch

Left Click - Shoot/activate

Right Click - Toggle Hands / Toggle Laser Aim

Mouse Scroll - Toggle power level on Dematerializer when is grabbed.

1 - Normal Hand Mode

2 - Interact Mode

3 - Slap Mode

4 - Punch Mode

5 - Fun Mode

ESC - Pause Menu

VR Mode Controls

Trigger - Shot / Interact / Activate UI Buttons

Grip - Grab (Grabbing with Grip and Trigger will do hard grab)

Joystick/Pad up - Teleport/Move

Joystick/Pad left/right - Snap Turn

Button B/Menu Button -  Toggle Laser Aim

Button A/Trackpad Click - Toggle Dematerializer Power Level

Be careful as a gifted player you can cause deep harm

How to Tickle

Desktop Mode: Change hand mode to Interact Mode [2] then point over a tickling area and click, keep clicking to keep tickling.

VR Mode: Just hover your hand over a tickling point and press trigger.




Josh Rumble

What’s the new cheat passcode?


you had me at paddles

Andrew Nelson

is there a timetable for the steam release?


The eyebrow sliders don't appear to be working for me. Is there a fix for this?


Anyone understand how the submission stat works on the monitor?


The panel to the left of the room shows some boxes put I am unable to select anything.

smokeman 187

is there a password?

Butt Stuffer

The Philosopher's Legacy is in our hands. Or at least our inboxes. --edit-- a weedfog misword


Hello. There is a bit of an annoyance that has been going on, the fact that I have to disconnect my controller every time I play this on Windows mode, otherwise the camera just keeps on turning, would be nice if that would be fixed. I know that it is not really game breaking, but it can get a bit annoying to unpluck my controller every time I launch this game


The stats monitor shows a grid with different interactions, the submission is based on filling those up. Those are the things that will cause the hero to submit


The stats monitor shows a grid with different interactions, the submission is based on filling those up. Those are the things that will cause the hero to submit


I can't figure out what I'm missing on tutorial 1.... I keep getting 1 star.... even disintegrated her clothes hoping I could find more

Master Yoda

I support this Patreon just for the VR it's too great! The immersion is awesome, the feeling too and control is very intuitive, if I could ask for an improvement is during the dance annimation, being locked to the chair is not fair, I want to move around and admire the model from any angle :) keep up with this great work!


I can't open the game because it says it's missing files in a temp folder in appdata, yet no other version requires this


I figured it out. The Sync download didn't work because of this, so I downloaded through MEGA and that one worked. I don't know why but the Sync one says this


how do you play sitting?


is there a quest standalone in the works or no?


Mac download link?


still no Mac dl?


Sorry for the delay, is here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/83158129?utm_campaign=postshare_creator

Carlos Juárez Flores

an alternative option to Mega? I get stuck on 36% ,now need to wait for 6hrs to keep downloading


Jesus christ the controls are sometimes awful. How do I hide the players' cock after I pull it out on accident for the 100th time?


Can I sideload onto Quest 2 or do I need it running on PC


Damn, I love it when it says Steam VR was not initialized after it's running in the background

john barret

on PC unzip the file it'll ask for a password that is under the link to download on this page download and update STEAM VR off of virtual desktop explorer app for your oculus. i know it would be nice but stand alone VR would never work on the quest 2 and maintain the level of graphics needed for the experience


windows download links non existent for me.


i have a question every time i tryt to open the file it says an error saying unityplayer.dill was not found how do i fix that


It seems the download was corrupted, try re-downloading, also try with a different browser


For some reason manual opinions will not save on custom characters.


Is it possible to have another download link? I don't have a mega subscription. It won't let me download large files.


I added another link, btw, you don't need a subscription to download larger files


all npx load solid blacl n no creator options pop up