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Beta 33 is here!!!

Windows Download



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If you get the error about the App Damaged try this

For the cheat code look here

Keep in mind that links might rotate so if they stop working on the email you can check here for new links.

Check What's New on Beta 33 Here

VR Users Note

Smooth Locomotion has been added, you can enable it on the Settings. However if you can't move you might need to setup your bindings. Look at the end of this post for instructions.

Desktop Mode Controls

WASD - Movement

E - Grab/Interact

Ctrl - Toggle Crouch

Left Click - Shoot/activate

Right Click - Toggle Hands / Toggle Laser Aim

Mouse Scroll - Toggle power level on Dematerializer when is grabbed.

1 - Normal Hand Mode

2 - Interact Mode

3 - Slap Mode

4 - Punch Mode

5 - Fun Mode

ESC - Pause Menu

VR Mode Controls

Trigger - Shot / Interact / Activate UI Buttons

Grip - Grab (Grabbing with Grip and Trigger will do hard grab)

Joystick/Pad up - Teleport/Move

Joystick/Pad left/right - Snap Turn

Button B/Menu Button -  Toggle Laser Aim

Button A/Trackpad Click - Toggle Dematerializer Power Level

How to use the new interaction

Desktop Mode: Change mode to fun Mode [5] then point over a nice area and click, keep clicking to keep playing.

VR Mode: Grab your pants to have fun, get close and position yourself, then is up to you.

Be careful as a gifted player you can cause deep harm

How to Tickle

Desktop Mode: Change hand mode to Interact Mode [2] then point over a tickling area and click, keep clicking to keep tickling.

VR Mode: Just hover your hand over a tickling point and press trigger.

Fixing SteamVR Bindings

1- Open SteamVR settings

2- Enable Advanced Settings

3- On the Controllers section click on Show Old Bindings UI

4- Activate the official binding

If that doesn't work you can try clicking "View" and then click on "Select this binding"

If that also doesn't work you can configure the binding manually, you need to add a new Joystick binding and set Position to touchposition

For the Vive wands you need to additionally set the click to movementallowed




I downloaded game 33 and it is in my file folder. When I try to open any files or etc, it says it is password protected and I do not have a password


It seems the download link for Windows is broken? Either that or mega is just refusing to work right now, but has anyone else been having these issues?


When using Oculus, the height of the player is strange, so I want you to be able to adjust the height. Or please correct the height on Oculus.


i'm not sure why, but when i try to play in vr, my hands wont show up, but they show up when i pause with steam an oculus. I can look around and see my body, but it has no arms. None of the buttons do anything either.


I cant do anything in game, see no hands, and buttons do nothing.


Playing desktop version, and whenever I click the mouse the games spins out of control. Is there a way to stop this?


Check that you dont have any other input connected like another gamepad


can this be played on my oculus 2? i dont see any links for supported files? is there a way to play it anyway? thanks


Hello, you can play it using a PC and Oculus Link. Here is a nice tutorial: https://youtu.be/bey6fai0d1I


game opens into a loading screen and the bar doesn't move game is completely unplayable sadly


when i open the games the text and the simbolls stay y pink and does not work


Was this ever resolved? I have the same problem, using a Quest 2 streaming from the PC, headset works fine, I can move around and see everything, but have no hands or buttons at all on the controllers


Some ideas that might improve things: More voices an insertable vibrator scaling the height of your character. My headset likes to think I'm 3 ft sometimes.


Fantastic update! 3 questions/suggestions: 1. Would it be possible to add a skip button to the intro so we don't have to go through it with every update? 2. Can you please add smooth turning as well? It can be challenging to line *stuff* up with the snap turn. 3. More in game slots for custom characters would be amazing!


Thanks! There is an option for that already, you can uncheck the Show Tutorial option from Settings.

Seraphim Elegy

Hm, you were not able to grab the vibrators from the case on the left and insert them?


Just a suggestion, An auto thrust option. I have both the Oculus Quest 2 and HTC Vive. Works fine on the Vive but the Oculus Has one issue and that is the snap tuning and height adjustment which was already previously mentioned. Aside from that. All is good.

Miracle Gaming

do i need the password to unlock the full version one when i lauch the game on 33 it keeps saying im in demo and its clearly not a demo its the full game