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Hello cool people,

So I have been playing with the Hair dynamics, I think I came up with an elegant and realistic solution that can be easily applied to any other hair I develop.

Will ship this feature on the next beta. What do you think?


La Douche: Lucy Dynamic Hair POV

Been working with Hair on Unity, I made this interesting Point of View video to showcase the hair dynamics and collisions. You can find out more about this game in: https://www.patreon.com/ZnelArts This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner.



Looking forward to it. I think you'll need to take different approaches to each girls hair. The redhead's hair probably wouldn't do well with this approach and likely needed to be animated with bones. Are you using the Unity Cloth implementation for this?


Alright... I hate a comment system where enter = submit. If you are using Unity's cloth implementation for this hair, have you set up colliders in the girls head to prevent clipping? It looks like the hair is going inside her head in some instances. Looking forward to the next build, in any case. :)


Oh yeah, some hair will need the use of dynamic bone, but its a lot more work having to rig the hair for that purpose >_


Ohh and I hate even more this comment system just cut my message >_>


I was saying, I do use Unity's cloth system for this one and I did add a capsule collider for the head. I tried to keep it as simple as possible and still accurate, thats why it sometimes clips the nose and some parts of the neck


I'm sure this is incredibly difficult to work with... any way to add more individual 'strands' or narrower lengths of hair so it looks more natural? Keep up the great work!


Hi, Im not creating the hair mesh myself, Im using what is available from the 3D program I use, then I modify it so it animates and behave as I want in unity. To create my own hair would take a tremendous amount of time, For now I would rather use this time working on the new features and will iterate this details after the most valuable features are completed. I could also use a 3rd party hair asset that renders individual strands, but I find this to be high cpu demanding and I dont like that. What do you think?