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 The Villain Simulator Beta 14 is out. Download it Here

For this build I mostly focused on updating the SteamVR SDK to 2.5 (most recent as of today)

With this update I had to re implement from the ground up all the VR functionality in the game. Yes, all of it...

There are a lot of benefits that come for free with the new SDK, let me talk about a few:

Support for all Headsets and Controllers trough SteamVR

Using SteamVR rebinding settings now you can create custom controller mappings for any controller you may be using, I added default bindings for:

  • Vive Wands
  • Index Knuckles
  • Oculus Touch

Plus you can create your own mapping for any controller you may have using this guide 

Easier integration of locomotion and teleport

The new system made very simple to integrate teleporting and snap turn mechanics as seen on the SteamVR lobby. This will also easily allow me to add fixed teleport points to make the experience better.

Hands Posing

I will take advantage of the new hand posing system that will allow me to create hand poses for all interact-able items and even hand poses for controllers that support independent finder tracking like the knuckles controller.

VR Bow

Something I wanted to add to the game was a bow that will be used for a mini game Im working on, this came for free after the update and it only required minor adjustments to bring it to TVS scene.

The New Character

I want to take advantage of all the hype a new upcoming game is creating and I'm working on a fan-art character. I added the base mesh to the cryotank so you can take a sneak peek. I hope this attracts some Patreons to help me fund this project.

Here is a 3D render of said character:

Why beta 14 took so long?

Unfortunately there was an incident that prevented me from working almost 2 months, now that I could resume working I want to hurry and push a new build even tho there is no much new content and most of it is the SDK update.

I would like to make up for it and I will be running a poll this week for you to decide what I will be releasing on beta 15. I will work solely on the feature you chose and you can expect a very early next build.

Thanks again to everybody for your support.




ooh snap a whats new that came at the same time as the release


Take care of yourself mah dude. Thanks again for the update!


Still waiting for the results of the last poll to be added to the game. Character personality and response are what we asked for. A ball gag would be nice. A mechanical attachment for the dildo for auto simulation. Also, fear and arousal should not be opposite. One of the keys to the game should be to force her orgasm against her will. She should resist as any abducted heroine would. We get to make her body betray her mind. Inflicting pain followed by pleasure should increase arousal.


wish there could be some kind of electro torture devices that can attach on charcter's nipple or clit.


still limited use in game. what is the goal of this game ? i get the torture aspect , but the nerf - dart gun aspect has me confused . still can not use the sickle , are we supposed to cause pain or orgasms ? the taser seems to be the only thing to get any reaction ! i have got so frustrated with the no reaction, part of this game. i just taser the bitch to death ! really what is the goal or story of this game ? you have the new model in the glass box but why ? when we can not do anything to the bitch we have in the bondage cross. damage we do leaves no marks or anything. vibrators do nothing , sickle does nothing. sin vr has the almost same set up. man i expect more, im sorry , but is this really worth my money ! are we supposed to torture or get these bitches to orgasm ? at the moment you stick vibrators in the bitch no reaction . shoot with nerf gun , like what the fuck man , what the hell is that supposed to do ? can not cut them . you whip them , so what , the taser is the only thing that does anything. i no its early access but where is this going ? deciding weather to quit giving money and go to sin vr instead .


Got a question/issue. For some reason my Oculus rift controls doesn't seem to have any mapping to use ingame touch screens. like I can't use any of the sliders to move her arms or cross. I can't access any of the buttons for things like the milking machine, to switch between the cross and circle. Is that something on the change over to 2.5 or would that be on my end?


Hello, can you try moving the Joystick down to bring the UI pointer and then the trigger to press the buttons. If you dont see a pointer you can use SteamVR binding to map whatever button you like to bring the UI Pointer


Did you use this plugin for SteamVR? https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/integration/steamvr-plugin-32647