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For this update I wanted to deliver the most wanted features requested by the community.

Laser Aim

On Desktop Mode use the secondary mouse click to activate it.

On VR Mode use the menu button on the right hand controller.

With the laser aim you can have pixel accuracy on the thing you are disintegrating, I even added it to the darts gun and it can give you a pretty close approximation on where the darts are going to land on objects that are not too far.

Dual Sexy Toys Placement

Now you can place 2 sexy toys simultaneously. I know there are still more request regarding the interaction with the sexy toys, specifically the vibration and auto-stimulation of them. Would you like me to work on that?

Machine Height Adjustment

There is a new slider in the machine console that enables you to adjust the height of the machines. Somebody already raised the concern that is still not good enough?. Let me know if I should improve this.

New Character

The new cat girl feline character is ready and usable, some may like its muscularity and some may turn them down. Don't worry there are more down the pipeline. Any preferences on physical appearance?

Be mindful that this character has a fur texture that may impact performance, when I get to work on a video settings screen I will add options to disable the fur and use a plain texture for devices that require this.

Some other misc changes

Desktop Mode movable tools

Now is easier to interact with some tools that require them to move them closer to the character. Just use the scroll wheel to adjust the distance from the camera. some of the tools that use this are:

  • Sexy toys
  • Tazer
  • Milk cups

Weapons Reskin

I swapped the 3d mesh of the additional weapons to better match their purpose

Better Graphics.

We now have accurate room reflections that improve the overall aesthetics of the game, let me know if you notice an improvement in performance on Desktop Mode since I changed some settings to make it more performant. (Not when the catgirl is present because of the fur)

Minor Changes

  • Fixed materials inside genitalia
  • Adding sound to toys when they get attached and un attached
  • Enabling translucency on VR camera and fixing felix gen material color
  • Crouch is now a toggle action on Desktop Mode
  • Finger in vagina increases arousal, adding arousal decreases fear 
  • Dematerializer has some warm up time
  • Adding a cheat for infinite ammo
  • Bug Fixes

 Desktop Mode Controls

WASD - Movement

E - Grab/Interact

R - Reset Game

Ctrl - Toggle Crouch

Left Click - Shoot/activate

Right Click - Toggle Hands / Toggle Laser Aim

O - Debug Panel / Cheat Console


VR Mode Controls

Trigger - Shot/Interact

Grab - Grab

Joystick/Pad up - Teleport/Pointer

Joystick/Pad left/right - Snap Turn

Right Menu Button -  Toggle Laser Aim

Left Menu Button -  Reset Game

Thank you everybody for your support!!


Inside The Villain Simulator Beta 13

Showing some of the new features added to The Villain Simulator Beta 13 For more information please visit my Patreon page: patreon.com/ZnelArts ► PATREON PAGE Patreon: http://bit.ly/zn3zw1t ► SOCIAL MEDIA • ZnelArts: http://bit.ly/2HkbSLe • Newgrounds: http://bit.ly/2Hjt4R4 • Twitter: http://bit.ly/2HiMaXC • Facebook: http://bit.ly/2HhM96f • GameJolt: http://bit.ly/2HmcUXg



Cool! :) How did you make the touch? (0:30) Is this a physical animation? I had to create a whole system for that =\ Sorry for my English: (google translator)

Juha Linna

Is there coming smooth locomotion in VR?


I agree having a locomotion option would be much better :)


I would like to see auto stimulation ASAP! Love the game by the way, keep up the good work.


How to get the cat girl?


Good job man. I'd like to see more physics interactions on the body (skin moving realistically when touched, ability to grab her and move her around outside of the harness, etc). Also would be good to give the player character a penis that can penetrate and ejaculate when touched. Finally, a more feminine character with longer hair, a smaller body and cuter voice would be good. Thinking something like a 20 year old anime girl but with a more realistic design. A trap (transsexual) variation would be great too.


Hi. I want to buy a game from you, but I only have qiwi. Maybe I can throw money off at Qiwi?


Sorry, the game is not for sale yet, you can become a Patreon to have access to development versions


I noticed something in the beta 13 version, it seems that the heavy breathing / fear breathing animation is off with the sound. The exhale sound is synced with the inhale animation, and vice versa. It's just a little strange to hear a heavy exhale while the character is visually breathing in


Interesting, will revisit that, for me it gives me the opposite feeling but will take another look. Thank you


Marvel at the amazing meeting today Are there conditions for interacting solely by hand?  It's easy to insert a toy but I don't know how to use hand.


This Game is awesome. Can't wait for the next update.


I take it this project is now 'dead in the water'. No word for 2 and a half months and last update was left unfixed.


The person had some unexpected complications but they are now developing again. InstaBuild access tier lets you see when they work on the program.


Come on man, why don't you post the new cheat codes? We paid for them, why is it a chore to find the right one?