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Hello all!

I hope you are liking Beta 10 of The Villain Simulator, I'm still on my trip but I wanted to take the time to post a little sneak peek of what I have worked for the next Hero character.

I have always wanted to add this one to the game. Short disclaimer,  this character is a fan representation of a videogame feline fighter character, it is not based on an specific character but more a parody of a cat fighter girl.

Once I come back I will resume working on the Status and Expression systems for the Heroes, once I have that done I will update you and then we can decide on what to work next. Does that sounds cool?

Thanks again for your support and your patience!


TVS - New Character Preview

Just a proof of concept and preview of a new character I have always wanted to include in The Villain Simulator. Looks awesome in Virtual Reality Disclaimer: This character is a fan representation of a videogame feline fighter character, it is not based on an specific character but more a parody of a cat fighter girl.



Need some hair physics


Hi Z, I hope your enjoying your trip. When you get back please concentrate on the main hero and get her fully functional. Having three characters that don't work isn't helping anyone enjoy your game and hard work.

David Keyworth

=/ Focus on what you'd like, I say. I think I agree I'm less excited about more characters before doing a deep dive on mechanics, but I would also say it's a lot easier to work on a game if you're personally excited about the aspects you're working on.


Hello, thank you and thanks for your feedback =) Let me partially disagree on this one, Im in the middle point here since I have metrics that tell me people is enjoying the second character, they have been waiting patiently for it and also have many requests for other characters. That being said, I also have many request to finish the basic interactions, this is why Im trying hard to please both groups and I do think this is letting a bunch of users enjoy the game and also helping me attract new users. Dont worry since as said before once I get back I will concentrate on interaction and character reactions mechanics for the next build, I know this is a key pillar for the game to be playable. Thanks again for your support and patience =)


being the poor scrub i am i cant enjoy the full fun of this game and am forced to awkwardly swinging my hand around trying to see what i can do with it


The addition of a second character came in third place behind making the hands work better and adding personality to the current hero. I'm sure there are people who want additional characters because I do as well, but I think your supporters were very clear about what was most important to them in your poll. 184 people choose playability over extra characters ( 62).


Of course that is the priority, This beta was an early beta and I had limited time to release something thats why instead of keep you waiting long for another release until I finish the interaction I decided to quick finish the 2nd character and make a release before I left for my trip. Would not this trip had happened I wouldn’t have worked on the 2nd character. Again, once I get back as I stated my intention is to deliver what has been chosen in the poll.


I'm really enjoying the idea of more characters being added, though the threat of copyright infringing does have me doing a concern. If you are planning on using parody/look-alike characters though, might I suggest a certain big-hipped stretchy lady from a 3d movie about a superhero family?


Any chance of getting a re-upload for the video?

