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Hot damn. Pretty hyped.


I really appreciate the work you have done in TVS. It looks much better than before, and I thank you for it. Running multiple projects at the same time is hard on you, but harder for us, your supporters. Our updates are few and far between. Please chose a single project to work on. LD is... well... OK. In my opinion TVS is so much better and it has so much more potential. Please chose one or the other. You can always come back to the other after the first is complete. It's hard to continue support on a project that takes months for an update when other projects I support send weekly emails and monthly dev releases.


I couldn't agree more. As much as the project is great and appreciating the difficulties as a lone team trying to hold down a job also, multiple projects to satiate the 'paying' supporters is a near impossible task. A commendable effort but in reality you have supporters paying monthly sums to you and waiting over THREE months for an incredibly sparse game update. With your limited time and man power, working on ONE project at a time, in my opinion, would be the very sensible thing to do for both yourself and for your supporters.


I agree too. I've been holding my tongue for a while now because I understand how difficult it is to do what you're doing, but you're making it more difficult by splitting your time. I would be willing to increase my monthly support a bit if you concentrated on TVS, but at the current pace I've been considering dropping my support altogether. please consider making a choice.


Yep, the progress during the last months is barely noticeable. The current version (beta 9) is basically the last version (beta 8) with a few additional sound effects and a rudimentary user interface (health).


It was my fear that this version would not expose much to the user since in order to support character status a lot of work had to be done internally, full managers and interaction between components were put in place. I will talk about what has been done on this release and I apologize if the added content doesn't seems too much...


I agree and I have been trying to solve this issue by getting another developer, unfortunately although people I have considered are tachnically competent, they don't share the creativity and detail obsession that I would like and I cannot rely on them leading a feature to success. Im still looking for that person that will be joining me.