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The Villain Simulator Beta 8 is out. Download it here! 

It took some time but here is a list of improvements:

Better Toy Interaction

Now the character reacts as you push the toy, check out this sfw video representation , on top of that you can leave the toys in place. VR Interaction has been reworked too, no more weird pushing the girl out of limits.

Known Issues: You can still get bugs when trying to place 2 toys simultaneously.

Mac Support

Yes, The Villain Simulator now runs on Mac, I haven't tested SteamVR on Mac but please let me know if you try it.

Improved Scenery

I moved things around, added water to the Cryo Tank, better 3D assets have been finished and I'm starting to replace them, for example the floor has been replaced. I made the room bigger to have more space in front of the character for some ideas of gameplay I have in mind.

2nd Character 70% completed

The 2nd Character has been almost completed, 3d anatomically correct figure and textures are finalized, I just need to add the components that will enable you to play with her.

Real Skin Shader

I spent quite a time to get this to a point where I was happy, this skin looks fantastic, the girls can sweat, you can see the light trough their skin. The good thing is that the impact to performance is minimal since it has been tweaked very well.

What else?

I also fixed annoying bugs like not being able to hit the underwear to dematerialize it, additionally I made objects respawn back to their original position, this works for any tool and weapon except for the Whip which will require some more work. Also added an in-game controls screen where you can see the controls mapping.

Keep in mind that this beta build has not been optimized for performance, It still is using too much memory and CPU cycles for stupid things that are easy to fix but just time consuming. I will get there eventually.

Desktop Mode Controls

WASD - Movement

E - Grab/Interact

R - Reset Game

Ctrl - Crouch

Left Click - Shoot/activate

Right Click - Toggle Hands

Ctrl U - Debug Panel

VR Mode Controls

Trigger - Shot/Interact

Grab - Grab

Joystick/Pad up - Teleport/Pointer




Weird, I did not know that I was "following" you. I downloaded your VSB8, and once I have some time to spare, I will try it and send you feedback :)

VR AnimeTed

Gratz on the progress. Looks like it's really coming along nicely and brilliant method for getting around youtube restrictions. Another thing you could do is paid vimeo with unlisted videos as they're pretty much impossible to find without the link.


Nice :-)


Hi, thanks for the update. One thing I noticed that may be a bug is when I get close to the hero and look down on her, my point of view changes so it looks like I'm on the ceiling and she is very far away. If I back a little up she snaps back into place right next to me.


As for her reactions to the toys. Ideally, she should have a negative reaction to being penetrated as this would not be fun for her. She should say things like " Get that away from me!" or "No, please don't do that!" Just having her breathing heavily isn't very realistic. Your voice actor seemed to do a pretty good job on some of the screams. Keep working with her on other reactions!


Hey I paid the 3$ and it isn't giving me access to the demo


How do remove clothes


Hello, you have to grab the materializer gun in the table and shoot the clothes.


if I cancel the patreon after a month do I still get the game when its complete?


Thanks for your pledge. A Demo for the Villain Simulator hasn't been published, is one of my priorities right now.


Hey, you are totally right and I have this planned. This reactions I implemented are immediate reactions to the interaction, some more advance expressions will be added reflecting the character's status


Ohh I hate this nasty bug, it is because the VR setup is thinking that the cat girl's collider is the floor and is trying to adjust. I havent got the time to fix this but thanks for reminding me.


The game would look much better in my opinion if you would remove the clipping errors from the clothing and the shadows from the skin texture. The shadows should be rendered in real time and the wet skin effect is currently too strong. The physics of the breasts should be stronger, because they look currently too static in my opinion.


I guess that you use DAZ3D to create the models. If that is the case it should be relatively easy to reduce the size of the hands slightly, because they are currently too big in my opinion. The character would look better, too, if you could improve the bending of the shoulders, because they look sometimes a little strange in my opinion.


How do you move i have a oculus rift and i keep loading in fine but not being able to move at all only hands


and head


Hello, try using the left Joystick to bring the teleporter pointer, maybe press the stick up and down. On some devices that is they way it is working Im not sure why. Let me know if that works


did the Dev give up on this game? there hasn't been an update to the game in over a month


Hello, you can find the most recent beta here: <a href="http://www.patreon.com/posts/23013600">http://www.patreon.com/posts/23013600</a> this is the last I posted on Nov 29th


In later dates will there be male characters?