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I'm terrible at this so I´ll just say thanks for staying with me.
Thanks for helping someone to pay the rent by doing the only thing He knows.
Thanks for your patience and for been so chill in this site.
Dont know how much longer is this going to be posibble. But I do know that with your help my animations and designs are only going to get better in quality.

Keep it safe and keep it MONSTRUOUS!!!



White Chapel

All good. We will be here.


Definitely gonna keep on supporting you man

White Chapel

i have another proposition for the commission. you may like it since you draw females really well.^^


Keep giving daddy his fix and he'll take care of you.

MaxDamage rulz

don't worry will be here to support as best as I can!


I thank you, discovered you're art, so I'm thankful I discovered you


You are very welcomen :) Happy you like my stuff


I'm glad to support this "Important xeno biology" pics lol


Glad to have you on the team. Many thanks :)


Well... I came back for this month. You my man are my fetish buffet and I want to support you from time to time when I have some money. Hope things will go well for you.