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【番外編】リンちゃんがネルちゃんにお仕置きされる物語 ~ハード編~ 中編その1

























【Extra】 The story of Rin being punished by Neru -hard version- Part2

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Sorry everyone for the late posting.

I could have posted this video a long time ago if it were only about 20 minutes long. However, I felt that the content of the play was not enough, so I continued to work on the video further.

As a result, I could not complete the video as a middle part due to lack of time. After much consideration, I decided to edit and submit the video in the middle of the production. I'm sorry for my inadequacy.

However, the second part is already about 70% done, so I will be able to post it without making you wait so long. Please wait a little longer.

This time, Rin's punishment is mainly enema. It has been a long time since I gave her an enema, though I did not give her an unusual one.

I gave her enema with a lot of common things such as yam, mustard, chili pepper, and so on. Yes, they are common.

And I think the most important thing in enema play is the reaction. I don't feel eroticism when the enema is given to the subject and the subject is relaxed.

Therefore, I asked Rin to react as much as possible. But it is not so good because she is basically restrained. I don't use the same facial expressions, but they always end up looking similar. It is difficult in MMD to make a lot of patterns of suffering faces. If I change it too much, it will be broken in many ways....

And this is the first spanking in my work. I'm spanking Rin's ass. With a paddle with some kind of hard-looking bumps. To be honest, I feel it's a bit weak as a punishment, but I wanted to do it to lead to the next play. It was the middle part of the play, but I was really disappointed that it ended with just a spanking. I really wanted you to see the whole thing at once, including the play that followed....

However, I think you can guess what kind of play it is, so please wait a little longer for the next installment. I worked a little harder on the motion in vain.

And one of the reasons why it is not enough...Rin hardly cum at all this time.

I think she cum once when her ass was stimulated with a yam. I want Rin to not only suffer but also feel. I'm planning to have her cum a lot in the next part 2 and part 3.

I'm really sorry for being halfway through the story, even though I reported on Twitter that I was going to torture her a lot this time. We just ended up making you wait.

However, I have not stopped working on it, and the work is close to completion. I hope to continue to post videos that will please everyone in the future.

Next month, we plan to continue this video and...make one more video. Please wait a little longer for the full-length story video.

So, everyone, please watch the next video if you would like. Next time, we will resume with Part 2, the spanking.

What we learned this time

・Rin and Nell used to be good friends.

・Hand's fingers are self-regenerating.

・Nell is a surprisingly good company manager.




リンちゃんお仕置き編 feat ネル会長 ご投稿お疲れ様でした! リアクションに主眼を置かれたとの今作、リンちゃんの真に迫る表情が素晴らし過ぎますね。噴出と共に凸腹が引っ込んでいく描写には感動すら覚えてしまいそうでしたw また、涙を浮かべて許しを請うリンちゃんの様子は嗜虐心をこれでもかと満たしてくれるヤバすぎる魅力がありましたね💦  作中でご披露されてた皮むき山芋の挿入…粘膜に直接は刺激がヤババ…な感じですね。 以前何処かで伺った話だと皮をむいた生姜を挿入してアナルに灼熱感を与えるってのがありましたが、山芋も実に辛そうで💦 それにしましても、かつての友人にここまでの仕打ちを敢行するとは…巨額の損失も含めてリンちゃんは完全にネル会長の地雷を踏みぬいてしまったみたいですね…激辛浣腸にリンちゃんのアナルが火を噴くハメになるのか…中編その②も目が離せない思いです。 最後に…スパンキングでの軽リョナが解禁なされたのでしたら、いつか浣腸&腹パンとか、まんぐり返し固定&引き回しとか見てみたい思いですね。 続編も楽しみにしています。

Fox James McClaud

great, the last 5 minutes were exactly my taste. I love the emotions you create in your clips


今回もご視聴&ご感想ありがとうございます! 今作ですが・・リンちゃんはいつもと違いほぼ回復状態に無いため、できるだけ苦しんでいる感じを出そうと頑張りました。そして地味に動いているお腹の動きまでも見て頂いて嬉しいです。 表情に関してはこのSour式リンちゃんモデルのクオリティの高さに感謝ですね。たまに笑顔しか出来ないモデルなどもあるので・・公式ずんこさんとかです。おそらく意図的ですね。いまでこそ言いますが、過去の作品ですんこさんに目隠しさせたのはそういう理由です。 それに比べてリンちゃんはいろんな表情が作れて楽しいです。歯まで動かせます。 生姜の挿入は考えたことが無かったですね。灼熱感があるのですか・・確かに生姜は食べると身体が温まるそうですからね。ええ、どうでも良いですが、私はジンジャエールが大好きです。 年齢の差こそ少しありますが、昔、ネルさんとリンちゃんは一緒に遊んだりする間柄でした。ネルさんは苦労のすえ事業で大成功し、お金持ちとなり、お金というものをとても大切にするようになりました。その気持が行き過ぎてあのミクさんをハメようとしたのが間違いでしたが。 まぁ、そのお金を「たかが」といったリンちゃんにネルさんは激怒。それ以外にも暴言を吐いたのが理由ではありますが・・その怒りはお尻たたきくらいでは収まりませんでした。 その後更にひどいお仕置きを執行するネルさん。どんなお仕置きなのかは・・・もう少しお待ち下さい。激辛浣腸も当然ありますので。


So you like to watch spanking play? I worked hard on the motion and am glad you are pleased with it.

