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【東方的な】 エロ本と同じように虐められる咲夜さん






ということで急遽 短編動画を制作したのですが、なにせ制作時間が数日しかなかったもので荒い作りになってしまいました。ごめんなさい。














【Touhou】 Sakuya is abused in the same way as in erotic books.

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Dear supporters, I apologize for this last minute post. I wish I could have posted earlier, but even after staying up all night, this was the best I could do.

We had originally planned to produce the second part of the Rin video this month, but due to the time and effort required for the previous video, we were not able to produce it in time.

So we made a short video on short notice, but we only had a few days to make it, so it turned out to be a bit rough. I am sorry.

It's been a while since I've done a Touhou or Sakuya story this time. The setting is subtly taken over from past videos.

But I've made it so that you can enjoy this video alone even if you don't know this video

The erotic book about silver-haired maids that Ren-kun was reading in the main story. I guess someone bought it and threw it away, and my lady Remilia seems to have picked it up. they are too far out of Gensoukyou, aren't they?

The concept of this video is "Let's try to do the contents of that erotic book with Sakuya.

The girls are doing the usual things, such as putting a big, hard object in her ass, climaxing continuously, and having lesbian sex...but the situation is different, so I hope you enjoy it.

I feel like I've done the same kind of lesbian sex recently with Miku, especially the lesbian sex. Yes, the positions are the same because the girls' bellies are swollen. I am limited to certain positions.

Because I will definitely give a semen enema. This is almost a given.

Meiling has released her sexual desire this time. In such a case, a girl who is usually stoic is more violent than a girl who is not stoic. I would have tortured Sakuya with more verbal abuse, but I didn't have enough time to do so. Maybe some other time.

I have been adding more strange attributes and magic to my lady Remilia, but this is my own creation. Please understand that it probably has nothing to do with the original work. I haven't played the original game for the most part. I can't finish it.

So, everyone, please watch the next video if you would like. We will resume Rin's enema teasing in the next episode.

If there were 19 balls that big in there, Sakuya's stomach would swell up tremendously. This is not right. If you think so, please give up thinking.

Because you will have an amazingly deformed body shape, right? I'm not good at deformities to an unusual degree. I'm sorry if you were expecting this.




咲夜さん短編ご投稿お疲れ様です!遅ればせながらようやく拝見させていただきました。短編とは言われながらも中々のボリュームでございましたね。お嬢様の(+kojirou様の)性癖てんこ盛りの良作で大満足です。 とりまのアナル舐め、お嬢様の舌の動きが滑らかでちょっと感動してしまいましたw 本の中と同じセリフで会話している咲夜さんとお嬢様も中々ツボに来ちゃいますねw 美鈴さん館の住人には似つかわしくない常識人?からの獣のような腰使い、圧巻でした…💦 最後も本と同じシチュで野外アナルビーズ責めされてましたが…手足拘束されてたり&あの街に放置とかよりヤバい状況になっているのが…💦 誰かに抜いてもらうまで帰れなかったのかと思うと咲夜さん苦労なされたのでしょうね。 久々の東方シナリオありがとうございました。


今回もお忙しいなか、ご視聴&ご感想をありがとうございます。 最初は数分のおまけ程度な動画を作る予定でしたが、気づけば結構しっかり作り込んでしまいました。とはいえかなり急いだもので色々と荒いのですが・・。 アナル舐め行為は私の作品では初でしたね。少しスカ要素があるので今まで意図的にやらなかったのですが・・綺麗にしている設定ならば嫌悪感も少ないかなと思いまして。今回は人外のお嬢様にやってもらいました。 そして本を読んだことがないのに同じセリフを叫ぶ咲夜さん。そんなことをするせいかお嬢様もどんどん調子に乗っていきます。 美鈴の性欲を開放させ、両者ともやればやるほど感度が上がるという快感地獄状態に。あの部屋でなければ二人とも腹上死?になっておりましたね。 最後の咲夜さんですが・・ 誰かに抜いて貰うという事はせず、自力で抜きました。なぜなら「全部抜かないと帰れないの」などと言うと、あの街の男どもは邪魔するからです。 たぶん抜けた分をもう一度押し込んでくるでしょうね。知らずに意地悪で押し込もうとしてきた男も居たそうですが・・・時を止めてなんとかしたそうです。男達の何人かは病院送りになってます。