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Once upon a time there was a beautiful woman sitting alone on a train reading her book.

When along comes a dashing stranger to sweep her off her feet...

And their love story begins...

(at least that's how I hope this story goes) 

This a bit of a special revisit because I didn't know I hadn't uploaded the file for ye to download when I originally recorded Part 1.  So I decided to post them together so you could have the complete set.

Enjoy! Choo Choo like!




I LOVE these!


“I need (0:06)…You must (0:40). I’m certain (0:55)…you’re not finished (1:19)...handsome (1:39). At that point (1:46)…I could tell (2:15)…he’s immediately transfixed by her beauty (2:53)…and, she’s so enamored with him (3:39). He invites (3:30)…he asks (3:00)…May I (2:19)…spoil (h)er (1:20)?”