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Quick first bit, if you're not getting notifications for new audios are being posted and you have Gmail, check your "promotions" tab.  Google seems to be rerouting those messages.  I believe if you mark them with a star they will show up more?

But our biggest news is that the Gaelandia Cares charity event has come to a successful close!  Please forgive me for taking so long to post it here but I am so very proud of our community for the work you do for good causes.  I'll paste below the message from the GC lovelies and if you want to see who won the raffle you can go to the post!

~ Proudly, Your Mayor

On behalf of Gaelandia Cares, I would like to thank you all for your support and generosity towards this year’s fundraiser “Shag Off, Scleroderma”,  raising money and awareness toward research, treatment and education of  the rare auto-immune disease Scleroderma! We are super excited to  announce that thanks to this incredible community, we were able to raise  $550 dollars to benefit the Scleroderma Foundation! You are all amazing, every one of you 💕




550?! That is amazing! 😱 So proud to be a part of this community!! 👏🧡


Awesome job, everyone in Gaelandia! This community amazes me.💕 Also, that rerouting thing is exactly what has been happening to me here and there. :/ Not cool, Google! It's like they rubbed their hands together menacingly and decided to team up with the Frustrations Department at Patreon to make for an overall slower and more exasperating experience for us.😂 Thanks, though, G. I'll try your suggestion and see if it helps.🤗😙❤


Thank you Brig and Liisa for the Charity Event. Respect for your encouragement and effort!👏👏👏 Thank you to all who donated and to the winners. JENN (PREEMIE CUDDLER) congratulations my dear. I’ll get to you very soon and thank you everyone for your entries/gift for me to win the Seanie Doll. I’m speechless. As I already said now it’s going to be a double Seanie for me😂since last year I got another Seanie Matryoshka handmade by our own Emmy. Thank you Liisa my love. I can’t wait💙😝 I’m so proud of our beautiful community!!!! Thank you too Sir!


I’m proud to be a part of this wonderful family of Gaelandia ♥️ Thanks to all that donated and to Brig and Liisa for holding the event 💋♥️👏🏻 Good job everyone 🤗


I am a proud mama of our community of beautiful hearts and souls. I'm so very lucky and glad to be part of it. Kindness, care and love along with many other beautiful things are the reason for the success of Gaelandia ❤💚❤💚 And you sir because of your beautiful self and amazing personality and love and care you carry in your heart and soul to everyone, God has blessed you with all the pretty people and things happening to you because you have good Karma and you'll get what you give if not now, later I promise 😊🤗 All the best to you and everyone and have a wonderful day full of magical vibes 🌹


He's bouncing off the walls he's so excited, bb, he gets to be with his Vally beour! He's full of so much "haych" that I had to take his fekkin' fleshlight away - he was wearing the hecking thing out!!!! 😤😂 😘


Thank you lad ☘️🌹 Thank you everyone for your incredible support & generosity. I'm constantly blown away by how amazing & loving & giving this community is. The world needs this kindness & it's wonderful we can do that in our own small way. Keep being kind, keep giving back, keep having fun, & always keep being your amazing selves. 💜 Keep shine brightly gorgeous everyone 💜


Well done Lovelies!! ❤❤❤ I'm so proud of this kind and caring community and happy to be a part of it! 🍀 Much love&kisses&cuddles to all Lovelies and our caring& loving Lion! 💋🍀

Jenn (Preemie Cuddler)

Congratulations lovelies for contributing in such a meaningful way to each other, to strangers and humankind! This community is something special and it’s because of who you attract, Sweet Gael!♥️♥️


We would not exist as a group without you G, remember that always. You brought us together. And to my fellow Lovelies, I am so proud to be a part of you. All of you make me beam with pride for the loving hearts that you share here daily and your constant support of one another through the light as well as the dark times we all encounter. You are an amazing group of individuals. 🙏💚🙏