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Come here, baby... 

Let's ruin that pretty lipstick.




I'm speechless...


Oh Sweet Jesus. I've heard Gael 💦 like a hundred times by now, but, I have NEVER heard such a powerful sound out of him until now. Instant pregnancy. 😏💚


Well that was explosive! 🔥 I love the way he says f***


So satisfying 💋🍆💦💦


The ache in your voice does things to my whole body that.. that I didnt know was even a thing.. my whole body twitches and arches... I had multiple Os you breathing and whispering in my ear could probably give me an O.. I'm ravenous and I'll def be glistening if.....




So excited


Hands ta Jesus, he updated😍😍😍😍


That pic!! Holy hell!!


Yess he uploaded part 2!!! Thank you gael 😘😍😍


Okay.. Focus.... Focus...


“My Kinks”... new audiobook? 🎧 ☺️


That was quick... I'm sitting down you all so me knees wont be so weak ya know from trying to stand listening to Gael... ok. Hitting play...


Going to have to hold off til I get home sweetie. I know it will be worth the wait. 😘💜


Hi Lovelies. Sorry for the delay. Have you ever been so turned on ye can't form a sentence? XD The editing took longer than expected... xxD


Is that a D. shaped lipstick?😋😂




Thank God he posted before I went to work! 🙏 🤣😂


That pic is killing me 💛😂😂😂😂


OHHHHH! That dick lipstick I AM WHEEZINGGGGG. Yesterday I bathed in holy water, today I chug holy water.


I have all these *people* around me!! Must....show....restraint! 🤤


I JUMPED at the notification.....omg


This is tagged “My kinks,” so...red lipstick’s your thing, G? 😘


This will be my dessert when I get all of my work done today...eventhough Gael has the knack of bringing the 'bad girl' out to play...stop it Gael!


Ev-ery-THING about this....... omg.... I think this along with part one has become a fave of mine... The scene set and build up in part one... then this... BOOM! Wow 👌


What good is a flaming red Chanel lipstick if not tested & smeared?


Kids can eat cereal for dinner right???...Nope...nope..I'm going to finish ALL of my work..sandwiches??? NO! BAD ELAINE!!!


Well... just gona sliiiiide into a fresh DRY pair of panties thanks 😂😂😂😂 #splash

Kathy M

I'm uhh... That was... The thing is... How did you... I just... Ded. D E D 😵 💀 💥


that. ending. the intense orgasm??? the “shit” moaned in?????? b y e I need to bathe in holy water


oMG i just pressed play in the Starbucks. No idea why TF I did that! I think I am about to have a heart attack. Also - does anybody else get aroused while applying makeup? This audio is gonna complicate things!


Holy...😳 I’ve always loved wearing red lipstick. It’ll never be quite the same after that. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go tackle my husband 😂


Fuck 🔥 this audio was so hot, because you genuinly sounded turned on. You made noises I have never heard you make before and that ending was one of the hottest parts 🙈😏


Well shit!! Just can’t right now. 🤯 The sounds. The words. Dead 💀


That was so incredibly sexy and hot!🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 I am absolutely blown away by this. Your moans and growls sounded so breathless. What a turn on! I had to bite my lip and moan so many times.😍 The end was positively explosive, I started to quiver just listening to you, and I loved how loving and sweet the very ending was, too. "Nothing between our lips anymore."😍😚 Anytime you want to smear my lipstick is a-ok with me. ;) This was so worth the wait. Bravo, Sir. I loved it.❤💋💋💋❤


Every now and again I have to test myself and make sure that I relate to my passions in a way that is, even subjectively, "functionally" healthy. And so there's times when I overindulge guilt-free because I live to collect moments and concepts that make feel all things vivid and true. Then there's bittersweet self-imposed torture like now. Because time flies and it takes me a while to "come down" from that kind of high. Bad for sleep and showing up in time for an appointment. I almost thought of compromising with myself and watch the first part but I'm not sure how safe in relation to what I suspect this degree of caliente here might be. :P


Grizzly Gael!!!🐻 Nice, deep orgasm grunts! Yum😋 That has to be the longest afterglow pillow talk you’ve ever posted. Hallelujah! Love that, thank you!


Omfg Gael this is so hot 😊❤️❤️🔥🔥🔥🔥


Marks 8:28 to 8:38 and 16:35 to 16:52.......... I'M AFFECTED AND NEED OXYGEN!!!! 🔥🔥❤️💋


...when you cum like that you wolf....I'm just wickedly in love with this😍


If people only knew just how difficult it is to apply red lipstick in the first place and have it look halfway decent. Ugh. Lol. I'll tell you what though, dropping F-bombs are one thing, but you know it was good when you blurt out the word shit. XD This was so worth the wait!!! 💋💋💋


‘lipsdick’ - eBay - £1.98 Thank me later 😂


Nikki, real quick - I dig your energy! But I look at this (at least in this particular case) a little differently. And to all who may have posted a similar observation, here's my take : I don't know that I would necessarily consider myself an alpha female, but I've landed guys regarded as Alpha (I think I may have confused them with my independence). Maybe it's simply that I define "Alpha" differently. The Alpha male to me has a quiet confidence to him. No need to prove anything to his own manhood with over-polarized displays of insecurity. No need to seek external approval, although he may love to flirt because he genuinely loves women. But it has little to do with muscles (although he COULD enjoy fitness) and nothing to do with the perceived power of stacks of paper (although he COULD be wealthy). Alpha is power and is first and foremost felt. My Venus is in Sagittarius and SOME of the things I like take me to a very primal, aggressive place where I want to CLAIM what I desire. A lot of what I desire as a mostly sexually submissive, yet strong energy, is a male energy that is equal or STRONGER STILL. Otherwise it doesn't work for me. And it won't work for most Alphas who naturally carry that energy and want to give it. Think of it this way: he might be talking the most DELIGHTFUL, trashy, dominant filth, but whose dick is it in my/your/her mouth full of teeth? That's right. Trust. And harmony between the natural order of things. And it's great, it really is. But maybe not for people who watched some trendy flick once and decided to try something without understanding the dynamics (not suggesting this is you). Only a man secure in his masculinity could pull this off. And vice versa. With security in each other. And simply preference-wise, it's just not for everyone. But I can't find THIS particular brand ANYWHERE, so I'm glad to find it here!


When I was about to ask G to make one for us 😆! Thanking you now💋 #bestlipstickever


Gael loves all kinds of women in all kinds of ways. Lucky us! I'm only sad that I'm not comfortable making a bigger monthly commitment. Howeveeeer, if anybody knows where I can find a tip jar on here, it might be useful when possible.


Feel you in so many ways - also posted that in the wrong thread - and fixed it. Alpha is fluid with me - too - his dominance may be be soft, seductive, gentle, and is certainly dynamic - but in my head - he's driving. LOL about that mouth full of chompers :)

Stella Rose

Yes Yes Yes FUCK YASSSS!!! 🔥🔥 Omg Gael, you're such a sexy beast! Who knew that a red lipstick can turn you on like that? 💋💋


YES!!!!! Get him all hot and horny with need and anticipation then....BOOM 💥... can't get in the door good and that ass is mine!! The intensity was fire lit and that orgasm...God, I'm shooketh to the core!! 😜 "Spread your lip gloss on my lips"... Done...#ded! And that cuddle afterwards was mmmmm heavenly 😋! #hecangetit #lipglossispoppin' #red


Dearest Gael, that barely uttered “Oh shit” during climax was amazing.

Stella Rose

Hahaha Megan, you're so right! If only men knew how difficult it is to put on a red lipstick perfectly. And the constant touch-up. Omg don't get me started! 🤣


That orgasm at the end was the highlight...I forgot that fookin lipstick


Oh what do you know, I just opened YouTube, you know for funzies, and one of the videos in my recommended is a Manny Mua Review called “TRYING OUT LIPDICKS” :’-)


Now I see why he posted a link to breathing techniques earlier today!! 😂🤣 Good looking out, G! 👍😉


Wow... this was... wow!! Oh, how handy... A church!


Omg wow that was hot & kinky 😍🔥❤️ at a loss for words


Oh you naughty thing.


Wow. I needed a pick-me-up tonight, and this audio certainly delivered! Lovely to hear such a delicious Part 2 -- it definitely fulfilled the promise of the teaser this morning.


Simply hot,h-o-t, hawt and HOT🔥🔥🔥🔥! Ouh là là Monsieur^^ The beginning was just excellent :how to increase temperature right from the start !I 💛it👌🏽 "Mark your territory "... that sentence.... I know you've said that before but this time...with that red lipstick...it took things to fookin level of sexiness 🚨 That's def. an audio I'll listen to but next time in public with the right lipstick color of course 👄 Cet audio est excellent G 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽! 💄=🌡👄💋❤🚨🚨🔥🔥💨


In each of the audios that resonates deeply, I can identify the moment I surrendered to it: Here it took just 30 seconds. Thumb to the lip = mouth open; chin lifted, back arched, spellbound. Damn. Damn. Damn!


You don’t know fear until you start playing the audio only to suddenly remember to double check that the Bluetooth speaker in the living room isn’t connected... WHEW! That’s what I call living on the edge! 🤣🤣


lolol I was hiding in the delish fucking heat of all of your comments pretending to be asleep because I got inconvenient grown-up formalities to deal with when the sun rips the blanket off my "shame"! Couldn't resist replying. You cracked me up.


Still won't listen, dammit. For one thing all my good headphones and canon buds have stopped working. Everything else either insults my love of AURAL or I can't fucking figure out how to wear it comfortably (major pet peeve aggravated by having to stop when I'm super into it :P)! Also as a matter of principle for personal reasons. But I'm still half-assedly cheating myself by even being here, aren't I. But you guyyyys...so much HEAT :D


I was thinking just the same. Something was different about this one, for sure!


Par curiosité - serait-ce toi la québécoise qui m'a suggéré de "tagger" Gael à deux? :P~ Le vidéo a été "flaggé" avant que j'aie pu lui dire, "WHY OF COURSE!" Sinon, bonjour ou bonsoir quand même, hahaha, j'adore les gens passionnés!!!


The more I witness the delighted praises of the sirens, the more I already know it will probably become my next favorite thing as soon as I hear it, LOL. And I'm pretty sure this is addict behavior. LOL. Ah, but sometimes the buildup is almost the best part. Alright, alright.... *in Connery voice* : "Dischipline, Chanelle...Dischipline. " Abracadabra *POOF*


Oh wow 😍❤🔥 Fucking sexy - but you know what I loved about it the most? How we could see (well, hear) all these different Gael voices/personalities in these two parts. The 1st was almost like an inner monologue. All you can see is him looking at her all night long, those lips. As he said, he is fucking her with his eyes, while all those thoughts are running through his mind. And she knows it... Then we get to this part where the fun and games come, and suddenly he is both the dominant and the submissive, the dynamic of the whole scene with the "give and take" is just 🔥🔥🔥 And the afterglow just melts your heart - everything is fine in the world, love and satisfaction and giggly cuddles and kisses. Thank you for sharing this with us 😜❤


Oh dear.. What an Earthquake.. No cold shower can prevent this kind of rising temperaturen.. All over....... And if you ever should get a tattoo.. It should definitely be a Volcano Eruption.... Get it.. 😂😂😂 Have a wonderful day... Starting a day listen to you like that.. It can only be a wonderful day.....Goodass Prana 😘❤️❤️❤️


Oh wow that was fantastically hot. Listened on my drive to work and it was my most enjoyable commute yet (through earbuds rather than bluetooth as I learnt rather embarrasingly that the rural Scottish villages I drive through are not ready to hear Gael's moans amplified through my car😂). Everything about this audio is hot 🔥🔥. So glad I wore my lipstick this morning I'll be feeling naughty all day! 💋💋❤❤❤


That ending was spectacular 💥


I'm pretty sure if I go outside right now I can melt all the snow in my yard cuz Gael this audio set my body on 🔥


If #MyKinks is about to become an audio series for a future audio book, I'm very curious and excited to hear more because... Wow, that lipstick audio is definitely the best introduction!! 💄 👄 I love when your audio emphasizes something typically feminine: lingerie, kimono, lipstick, heels... It's always very sexy.


Ssso, if thisss gonna be a seriesss... when can we expect "Tailsss", "Sssplit Tonguess" and "Ssstealing" ?...


Your Highness, I think you forgot your other kinksssss: scalesssss and crunchy dickssssss. 😉


No más. ✌🏾


Oh hey, MISTER, here's an idea for an hypothetical alternative title, you devilish, impossible, lovely, lovely, lovely miracle of a man: "LOVING MASCULINE ENERGY : FUN SUBLIMINAL FEMINIZATION". So Irish Pan wants sleepy She-Wolf to "initiate Jessica Rabbit protocol", huh? That's about how that would be done if it were done right, I think. Oh shit...... what's this feeling???? :D :D :D

Monique (Mimzz)

Thanks to you Gael for that thumbnail, I bought a couple tubes of lipstick in the penis shape lmao. Hell I didn't know they make that but I figured "that's kinky af" 😂😂😂


Did I hit the spot. Or what. Cos you certainly did, you walking.... jawbreaker. (Yeah, not my best one...that's what happens when I no longer allow myself to 'Backspace' all over the place). Yeah, you know it. You scare me. I'm torn between hiding behind my traveling luggage in my walking closet because I physically can't stand the intimidating lust and clearing 90% of that life-long boy section I've been showcasing but unfortunately, reductively, also, more or less diamond-in-the-roughin' AT BEST. And then there's men like you. I was fortunate enough to brush against a rare few. No effect quite like this one, though. Because that's what true unconditional LOVE feels like, and all it wants is to freely, unbrainwashedly, untaintedly, UNCONCEPTUALLY, ***SIMPLY*** fulfill itself. You're like.....proportionally-wise, I mean, you're like.....shit I lost track and did it again. Fuck it. You precious motherfuck. I'm gonna sing about you and write about you like I do when I make secret Earth-shattering personal life decisions in the shower. Or review a kickass new death metal band (i.e. Succ. FUEL). I'm gonna tell all the pussy. Men will hate you. And then they'll mimic you. And it'll make the world better even if they fake it at first. And insecure, bitter counterfeit Alpha women will do this thing to me where they kind of scan me up and down with their eyes thinking, "Who do YOU think--" and I mentally interrupt them with adrenalized, cuntdrip-flavored adoration: I'M THE PLAIN GIRL THAT GETS THE GUY. And when I don't, I'm the one who has the priceless, self-respect-manifested increase in odds that even if I don't, in fact, get the guy (which is PERFECTLY JUST AS FINE in a world of personal taste and potentially limitless co-creation) it might actually be that ***I*** walked away. And maybe, just maybe, if an opportunity was missed and this woman's new foundationally-sound inspiration has already departed for better.....GREENER :D:D:D...things, I might EVEN. STILL. BE. The only soul in this world. Even before his physically-uncheated-by-but-emotionally-divorced-a-million-times-over tiny little blonde wife and mother of his children. Yes, the only living woman on this Earth as of now, who, for years, has known more about his well-meaning-but-wounded-and-hurtful ass. AND STILL. Loved all of him. But no, kiddies. In this fairy tale, I am my own antagonist and protagonist. And a lot of my daily push at this time is fueled by the essence of masculinity in its purest, most miraculous expression. THANK. YOU.


So how do you beautiful Sirens like THAT heat, huh? You're partly responsible because of all the whore-ship I witnessed yesterday. God bless all you intoxicating bouquet of DIVERSE FLOWERS. FUCKING ROCK IT LIKE IT'S A VIDEO GAME AND YOU PICKED THE CHARACTER ON PURPOSE. YEAH, YOU. HE LOVES YOU TOO. RISE LILITH! Whooaaaaa, what the HEAVEN-HELL is going on HERE? :D :D :D


You did this to me with that voice. So don't look at me like you didn't know this was going to happen even if only at the soul-level you SEX SHAMAN YOU. Sacramant de bâtard de câlice de criss! WOOHOOI'MOUTFORNOW


Woooo!!! Pass this gurl a fan 'cause she's smokin!! Read this whole thing with a big 'ol smile and laughin' cause I love it!! Welcone to the tribe! 😎


Still haven't listened, but I took a closer look at that preview image and laughed my head off. Hats off to dick-stick.


I had to stare at that picture for an embarrassingly long period of time before I realized what I was looking at 😳 At first glance I thought the model was just using a regular tube of lipstick to try to crush a cherry against her upper lip. I don’t really know why anyone would ever do that, but I’m choosing to believe that my first impression was me thinking outside the box, rather than being slow on the uptake ☝️🤓


Oh SHIT is all I have to say


I find them hilarious because they make some people nervous. Though it seems they might not be ideal for precise application. 🤔


RED is it? I too enjoy the color red... Let's hear some MORE of YOUR kinks, shall we? That was quite... intense!! Just how I like it... 💋💋💓


I lost it at the end when you came. That was without a doubt the sexiest thing I've heard come out of your mouth


I just finished laughing for ten minutes straight because I wrote "WALKING closet" and only just noticed it. I imagined the back of that space stretching out for miles and miles (walking). Yeah, I'm that girl. LOL.


YES! I've been waiting for one where I can imagine being the dominant one over you! Now THAT was hot! Want more like that for sure! 😘