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Hello my Lovelies!

I'm releasing this on YouTube tomorrow.  Here's an early listen.  I hope you like,.. like!

-The Kissing Bandit




😊😊😊 yayy!

Gri (Sassy_One)

Kissing bandit! Love it! Happy weekend, G!


Jeeeeesus. One second in and I'm already covered in tingles.


Mmmm, delicious 🤤


You're my favorite coin operated boy, mister.


The best kinda bandit 😙😚


What a lovely Saturday this will be 💗


2 Thumbs up! Happy Weekend Everyone!


Hope you’re all having a wonderful weekend, you too G!


The kissing bandit? How scandalous ! 😘

Gri (Sassy_One)

You Tube, really?🤔 Mischievous Gael is out for trouble, huh? Let's get it on!!!

Greek Goddess

You said two of my favorite words!Use me!Key words!Im dying! 😵😵 Happy Weekend lovely!

Greek Goddess

I will use you in every way you can imagine!And maybe in ways you can’t really imagine! 😂😂


Thank you, Daddy 💦


The kissing bandit is wonderful, fuck that was hot😍 I can't keep my mind off this! Thank you sir for this wonderful audio(I can call you sir right? Cause I'm going to anyways)🖤🖤🖤


A better cold remedy than chicken soup lol


that insistent tongue noise he started to use lately is my new biggest weakness


Yay!! Much needed after the longest lunch date ever!! Hope you are having a lovely weekend, sir Kissing Bandit! 😙❤ (Hard to steal what so many of us would willingly give 😉)


Sigh... 🤤🔥 While I was listening to this I used my imagination like you said to, and I couldn't help but move my hips around. There was someone sitting close to me and they had no idea 😅 Thank you, daddy. 😏


... With a pretty coin-operated voice Saying that he loves [us], That he's thinking of [us], Straight and to the point! ... Or, y'know, telling us to use him. That works too. 😎🤣


Perfect...just perfect. Thank you Gael 😍😍


Oh my!! I'm in Gael heaven. Kisses everywhere? My lord, hope u have a fire extinguisher!!🔥🔥🔥


That was my first thought!! Seriously. He's asking for it. Oh shit. There I go again.


Do I wanna USE you!!? 🤔🤔 Whaaaaat!! Grabbing ahold to your ears like handlebars on a Schwinn!! 😜 Lips right there⬆️, 👅 down there ⬇️, growls ALL over there 🔄! I got this! #NOGPSNEEDED #hecangetit


Whoa, that made me quiver, and my insides flutter.😍😍 Amazing, G. The Kissing Bandit is welcome to pilfer my wares any time he pleases!💋💋💋❤🍀


wow omfg this is just amazing getting tingles this is so hot 😊❤️❤️🔥🔥🔥thanks g


<i>"My soft lips...where are they?"</i> Oh, dear, are they lost? <i>"Where are you moving them?"</i> ...I see. It's like a video game. Boy, if you sold that on Steam, I think you'd crash it like an airplane with no wings. XD


OMG! Why did I listened to this before attending a wedding! LOL What the Fudge! <iframe frameborder="0" height="260" src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/243470826" width="240"></iframe>


ALL the fucking tingles. ALL of them. Ahem.🖤💋🖤💋🖤💋🖤💋


I'm in the car, on the way to the grocery store, my mom is right next to me...*puts on earbuds and hits play* I'm going in!


Mmmm, the kissing bandit. I love that guy! 😘😂 Thank you. Happy weekend! 💋❤️


LAWD help me, I'm so addicted to this bandit....😘😙😚


This is getting better and better.. And brilliant how you are creating this intimite, close connection... And again that hypnotic exciting voice... Definitely got a raise of heartbeating.. Have a wonderful evening Good ass Prana 😘


Patrick gif for sure! <iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="336" width="480"></iframe><p><a href="https://giphy.com/gifs/reactiongifs-nmwnEm0TET2xi" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">via GIPHY</a></p>


And of course the frisky part comes in once I get <i>inside</i> the building! Walking through a crowd! Surrounded by kids..!! This was the first audio of G's I listened to in a crowded place. My mouth was pressed together like I ate a Warhead, so I wouldn't make any *noticeable* noise. I imagined him kissing my shoulders and back, and shivered at least five times! Those freaking tongue sounds, geez, Gael...!! *deep breaths* Poor Mom was talking to me about groceries, and didn't suspect a thing :D ...But a total stranger in the store might have &gt;~&gt;


"Kissing bandit "YES please😙🤣!have a nice W.end! It was very very sexy 🔥🔥👏🏽👏🏽G! Somehow it reminds me of "i want to be your fantasy" i like when you're getting intimate like this❤❤ You are making me use my sexy imagination ouuhhh baby yes! and I'm not done using and exploring it that is for sure !! "You want my tongue huh?" "Feel that tongue" "you like the way i use my mouth for you?" wooooohouuu 💥💥💥!Y-E-S your mouth is pretty magical Mister !That new "tongue movment" sound you are making is just starting to kill me soflty ☢


Close your eyes, see it, feel it, listen. "You are directing this. You and your sexy mind." "I'll do anything" he says. Anything. So, so sexy. 💋 YouTubers are in for a real treat 😈






Guten Morgen Schätzchen - dears. A nice Sonntag to everyone. I´m in a rush tonight, have to reload the very hot kiln quickly. (Hopefully without burning myself!) But of course there´s time for some daily Fragen. :) Do you still have a Sparschwein - piggy bank from your childhood? When you are in a movie theater do you use your phone? How laut - loud do you like your music? In conversations, do you talk or zuhören - listen more? How long can you go without going on your computer/internet? Danke dear Fraugen, for your Antworten... bis dann. XD


Hi, Claudia! Hi, everyone! Be careful with that kiln, Frau Claudia O.o! Do I still have my childhood piggy bank? Yes. It's Mrs. Potts from <i>Beauty and the Beast</i>. And I still use it for leftover change. I can't bring myself to break it. Do I use my phone in the movies? No. In fact, I put on 'silent'. How loud do I like my music? Not too loud, but loud enough for me to hear throughout a room. I don't really like to turn the volume up that high. Do I talk or listen more in conversations? I listen more. I mostly talk if I really feel I have to something to say, which isn't often. I've been known to be one of the quiet ones. How long can I go without my computer/internet? I know I can go at least two weeks. I can always use pencil and paper to write notes and draw, and I can find something to do. I'm trying not to use the internet so much on my phone. Enjoy the rest of your weekend, awesome people! :)


Oh Gael, you are just something else 🤤💕


I often use my imagination to tweak audios such that they're more suited to my tastes. Sometimes this involves only minor changes, while other times I'll disregard large chunks of an audio and replace them with my own ideas. Given this tendency of mine, I was really interested to hear an audio that was deliberately vague so that the listener could have a bit of a "Choose Your Own Adventure" experience. I've no doubt that this audio has the potential to be very sexy. But I found that, at least for me, I'd have to be in the right headspace in order to conjure up something in my mind that would actually correspond to what I was listening to (e.g., kisses, whispers, growls). I certainly wasn't in a <i>bad</i> mood when I listened to this audio, but I wasn't exactly hot and bothered either. If anything, I was feeling a bit wound up since I'd just finished the end of my work day and I hadn't had the chance to decompress yet. If I'd known what the audio was like beforehand, I probably would've saved it for a time when the good ol' loins were feeling fiery. But since I didn't, my "sexy mind" came up with...well, something that wasn't particularly sexy at all 😝 ********** Gael: "Hey, you." Doctimus: "Oh, hey there, Gael! How's it hanging?" Gael: "You can have me anyway you like, anywhere you like. You can make me do whatever you want." Doctimus: "Really? Anything I want? Alrighty, I'll take you up on that offer! I'll start by telling you about my day because I've been having one of <i>those</i> weeks. You know, the ones that are all 'same shit, different day?' Okay, so my office manager is a total hag-" Gael: "But first I want you to feel my kisses..." Doctimus: "Kisses? Oh, no, don't feel obligated to do that - I have a cold and I wouldn't want you to get sick." Gael: "My soft lips - where are they?" <i>*ASMR kisses*</i> Doctimus: "Oh, so we're still doing the kissing thing anyway? Well, okay, I guess I'm cool with that. But maybe just stick to the back of my neck and shoulders so that I'm not coughing right into your face or anything. Anyway, so my office manager was harping on me the other day about my stats and efficiency in the clinic, and you wouldn't <i>believe</i> what she said..." Gael: "Do you like when I'm kissing you like that? Or do you like when I get a little more...<i>excited?</i>" Doctimus: "...Wha-? 'Excited?' Oh yeah, sure, you're doing great, keep up the good work! Anyway, so as I was saying, I told the secretary that the office manager was being unreasonable because you can only spread our limited resources so thin..." Gael: "Oh yeah, move my kisses where you want them." *thinks* <i>"How about your lips? I'll risk catching your cold if it means that you'll stop telling me the boring never-ending story that was your day."</i> Doctimus: "...Nah, neck and shoulders is good since it lets me keep talking. Now, where was I? Ah yes - as if all that crap at work wasn't enough, the damned maintenance light started flashing on the dashboard of my car. So now I have to find time to take it to the mechanic and - actually, can you remind me to ask them if they can install my winter tires while I'm there? I ought to do that soon, what with the weather getting colder and all..." Gael: *thinks* <i>"Jaysus. She wasn't kidding all those times she commented that she can't pick up on social cues."</i> Doctimus: "...and I still have to do my meal prep for the week, plus the shitload of laundry piling up in my hamper. Fuck adulthood, amirite? Gosh, this reminds me of that time 3 years ago..." Gael: "Remember - you are in control. You are directing this. *thinks* <i>"And you'll hopefully start taking this in a different direction where we do anything</i> other<i> than have this long-winded conversation."</i> Doctimus: "...Are you sure I can still have you do whatever I want? Because...well, there's one thing I've always wanted to do with you, but I was worried that it would be...I don't know, maybe a bit too personal? I mean, I haven't had much experience with this, so I'd love to be shown the ropes and guided through it by someone who's patient and understanding and experienced." Gael: "Show me. Show me where you want it - I'll do anything." Doctimus: "Really? Oh, that's good to hear! Thanks in advance for being so open-minded! Okay, so I suck pretty hard at doing barbell bench presses, right? Now I've tried drawing my legs posteriorly under the bench so that I have a bit of an arch in my back while still keeping my feet planted on the floor, just to stabilize my core a bit more. But I'll be damned if I'm still not feeling the burn more in my shoulders rather than in my chest where it should be. Are my elbows flaring too wide as I lower the bar? I mean, the width of my grip looks okay, but I <i>know</i> I'm doing something wrong and I'm pretty sure there's about a thousand different ways to fuck up your technique with this exercise. Can you spot me and observe my form to see what I need to work on? Oh, and no judgement on how little I can bench, okay? Everyone has to start somewhere, and we can't all break city-wide records." Gael: "I'll do anything to make you feel good." *thinks* <i>"Well, I guess that's a small step in the right direction. With any luck she'll be too busy concentrating on her form to talk."</i> ********** And then since the rest of the audio was mostly ASMR kisses and nuzzles, I let those play in the background while I mentally reviewed my bench technique and tried to think of what I could do to activate the appropriate muscles. At this point I'm still going with my elbows-flaring-too-wide-while-lowering-the-bar theory 🤔 Although I may have to put this one on the back-burner for a little bit, I do enjoy any audio that lets the listener take some of their own creative liberties! There are no limits to imagination, so you can basically compose your own story each time you listen to this. Maybe next time I'll have Gael clean my apartment and groom my cats 🤓👍 #ThisIsHowMyMindWorks #OnlyOneWhoInterpretsAudiosThisWay


G: "You can make me do anything you want" Me: "Rey-Rey and I need help with our groceries. We've worked out a schedule" 😉😂 <img src="https://pics.me.me/real-men-never-take-second-trips-25468834.png"> 😘


Lol, to be honest, Miss LJ, when he said that I was thinking, "Can you come help me clean my condo? Because I've got furniture everywhere but where it's supposed to be right now."


😄 #NotTheOnlyOne 👇🏼 #MaybeItsAScienceThing 🤓 (The browser page didn't refresh until I posted below, so I hadn't seen your comment.. #GreatMinds 👊🏼) #AmIDoingThisHashtagThingieCorrectly? #NotOnTwitter


Why is it that every time I get to an audio, there are 69 comments? Seriously! Every. Time. Patreon is perverted! 🤣


I think someone is looking to be put in Youtube jail. This one is sizzlin’, like. Damn Gael, you are so good at this! 🙌🏻💋


The loud slurp at the end omg I almost screamed it was wonderful you tubers are in for a real treat 😍


Oh dear.


Kissing bandit? Uh, uh, more like the LICKING bandit! 🍑 I've always loved the sounds you make with your tongue. 🔥


You are quite the bandit! Your mouth should be insured for an insurmountable sum. Those licks, flicks and kisses in my ear put a tingle in my spine like you wouldn't believe! You just can't help being sexy, can you?


Delicious! I can't ever get enough of you! I always want more and more! ♡


Ahh... a nice and quiet day in Gaelandia. Come on, tasssty females... let´sss have a goblet of tea and tell me sssomething entertaining!? Hm? And ja, I´m wearing my new FAUX fox fur mittensss today!...


Oooh, a goblet of tea, is it? Don't mind if I do...I must say, Your Highness, those mittensss do bring out the subtle highlights in your most glorious tail today. Entertaining, eh? Hmm...well, given the environment, perhaps you would like to hear that the two little sugar-snaps Elaine met on her most recent vampire-hunting excursion finally hopped into bed with each other, themselves. 😈 She had to show him the ropes, the poor thing, but lucky for her, he's a quick study with his tongue. Or perhaps lucky for him, as it meant she decided not to devour him at the end...


I actually tried to be cautious and say nothing but I can't...I second every single word that Goddess said👆😁😘


Wanted Alive!!! The kissing bandit and lovelies killer!!!


Guten Morgen Gaelandian girls. A pleasant Montag to everyone. And a nice week as well. Yesterday I baked some really tasty but heinous cookies with my little niece. But she insisted that 3 kinds of sprinkels and chocolate and Rosinen - raisins and pink icing are necessary! :) Here are some easy Monday Fragen, if you like... Wo - where are you right now? When doing the dishes, which dishes do you wash first? When you are trying to do something quietly, do you make more Lärm - noise with slow motion or fast motion? Would you want to know what your pet is thinking about? After a shower/bath, do you get dressed in the bathroom? Danke for your Antworten, Mädls... bis später. XD


Oh hot damn! Gael that was so sexy!


Good evening, Frau Claudia and the rest of the Gaelandian girls! Happy almost-Monday to you all! The cookies sound lovely, Claudia – nothing like baking with a young one in the kitchen. Monday is the beginning of a two-day work week for me – classes end on Tuesday and we have Thanksgiving Break from Wednesday until Friday. My students will be a little crazy, but the break will be worth it! Just have to make it through until then. So, on to your easy Monday Fragen: Where am I: At the moment, I am sitting at my dining room table. I just finished a three-hour online tutoring shift (was actually busy for a Sunday night – lots of papers due tomorrow, I guess). This is where I tend to do all of my grading and paperwork. I have an office, but it is full of stuff at the moment – plan to clean it out during Christmas break so I can go back to using it. Dishwashing: My mother always taught me that you wash glasses first, then silverware, then plates, and finish with pots and pans. I’ve been doing them that way ever since I can remember. Noise making: I make much more noise if I do something quickly. I tend to be a bit of a bull in a China shop, so the slower I move, the more coordinated and quiet I can be. Pet thoughts: Actually, I would love to know what my dog is thinking. It probably is one of three things: cookies, squirrels, or sleep, as those are her favorite things in the world. Morning dressing: I dry off in the bathroom, but I get dressed in the bedroom. Our bathroom is right next to our bedroom, so it’s not a very far walk to get there. There you go, ladies! Have a very happy Monday everyone!


Gael- you can put my kisses anywhere. Me- thinks of where I want them. Gael- oh u what them there.. Naughty girl. Me- 👀😳 get out of my head gael 😂 great audio as always gael love the work 😊


In case anyone missed this on the Twittersphere...<br><br><img height="200" src="http://i.imgur.com/IgqEUK3.jpg"><br><br>This awesome community of ours on Patreon/Twitter/YouTube raised a whopping $850 for The Donkey Sanctuary! 😃 And the winner of the raffle was our very own Lovely, Marcia! 🎉<br><br>Well done, ladies and gents! Never underestimate how much good we can do when we work together ❤️<br><br><img height="190" src="http://www.familyfun.ie/site-assets/uploads/2016/11/the-donkey-sanctuary.jpg">

Prue (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-09 22:40:22 Usually I would object to people getting inside my head but you make a very welcome case. Well played! &lt;3
2017-11-20 13:43:47 Usually I would object to people getting inside my head but you make a very welcome case. Well played! <3

Usually I would object to people getting inside my head but you make a very welcome case. Well played! <3


That is really amazing! Congratulations, Marcia! For those of you new to the community or who would still like to help the Sanctuary, you can. Just visit their website, <a href="http://www.thedonkeysanctuary.ie/," rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.thedonkeysanctuary.ie/</a>, for a variety of ways that you can help, be it donations, adoption of a donkey, or by shopping at their gift store.


I hope there will be an audio about how someone who broke up and called off her engagement, then came back with something very erotic and very NSFW so that she will realize that her love can never be replaced. I hope Gael will appreciate this, but all of his audios make you feel that calling off is wrong.