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Hey guys, how's it going on?

I am all done with the Lavinia scene, and finished implementing it, also finished the revolt event, hopefully without any remaining bug.

Unfortunately, there are some issues from my day job, I am going to have to share the work load of one of my coworkers, thus will have less spare time to put into drawing and developing

Because of the troubles I encountered in the past two month, the development progress has been delayed, thus, I switched to make another smaller scene after finishing the Lavinia scene, thinking I'd be able to finished it sooner since it's much smaller in scale. But still it's something needed for the progression of its event chain, so I thought it's better I work on it now instead.

I am now hoping to make it to the next release in early November. If I am unable to make it, I will send out the patron reward first, around November 10th.

Again, sorry for the delay.  And thanks for your patience.



Hope you feel better, I haven’t disturb you anymore. Just tell me what you are plan for Williama in the future if you are free. I don’t have any request to force you at all.


Thank you, and sorry for the pass day.