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Hey guys, hope you are all doing fine.

Unfortunately same could not be said about me, I had a seriously episode of migraine this week, and I didn't get to have too much done (worst part of all these is that I still went to work, OTL)

I was working on a system of random event of rebellion, also drew some expressions for the Queen's cousin.

And currently I am working on a new H scene of her.

Thus, my plan for the next release would be:

1. Make sure there's no left over bug from the last update 

2. One H scene of the Queen's cousin.

3. Rebellion system, likely only peasant revolt for the time being.

4. Maybe a H scene for failing the rebellion, or maybe I will put that on hold and make some other H scene first, not too sure on that.



Dunan Rayne

Rebellion! So are you going to add other types of rebellion in the future? and I hope you add a very, very bad guy. I think Duke is such a nice guy. so.. I hope you add a bad guy who treats the queen roughly.


1. maybe, 2. no, the roles are pretty full I don't think there's a need or room for that, also that's irrelevant to the rebellions. the rebellions are just consequence of low status that will be put down and not some drag out event chain.


No that's not the case, and please refrain form talking about topic that might got me in trouble with P here. Discord server exist.