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Hey how's it hanging? Hope you are all safe and sound, and hopefully doing better than I have been for the past few weeks: One of my coworkers from my day job quit at the start of March, the rest of us have to share the extra work load since then. As you can imagine that effected how much time and energy I could put into working on the game. Hopefully this will not continue for very long.

Thus, not much done for the past few weeks, I finished the foundation of the art for the next event, most of the variations and the written remain to be done.

I was originally planing for the next release on the end of this month, but it seems very unlikely to happen now with my day job situation, hopefully I can get things done before mid-April.



Dunan Rayne

I thought this concept art would be a prostitution event for soldiers. But my guess was wrong. Is this a barbarian tribe event? I hope someday there will be a prostitution event for soldiers and after story.