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Wait....more 2 page extra large size comic page?!




Ahh!!! They’ve gotten even fatter than her!

Lily Avalia

Yo, they been hitting the gym??? They look different somehow.


I'm thankful for these double pages. Been helping with picking up the pace of this flashback.


Why did I never think of “hippo hips”


Those are tremendous hippo hips 😫🥵


They BLEW UP! I hope we eventually get to see where they are now that she isn’t in their lives. Like I wonder if the girl from the smoothie shop grew this big from just the one interaction too

Axel Laperouge

God, those hips and that belly roll are glorious!

Ethan Mathena

I’m loving the comic but can someone please explain why everyone around her is blowing up. It complaining but just curious


To make others feel her massive appetite now that’s a some crazy manipulation


Now that is a beautiful sight!


their just bulking im sure


Hope we can get more of the roommates 🙏


I want to know what to all those girls her coworkers including after events our main story


Love the subtle food stains!


Yes more of this less of liz and more of Christina would love to see how she was fed to how huge she is now


First of all that couch is enormous, Secondly it makes sense that people living with her would get the largest, Thirdly it would be cool to see one of these flashback girls get there own sequence via something like a poll.


Question stands, why did she lose weight regardless? It's a big contradiction. I mean, even if she can, what's the reason? I hope we'll get to know. And btw., I'd also like to know, how old all the main characters actually are currently.


The comic is explaining that right now, however as most of it has been revealed I'll give you what I can. Her powers pass her desires on to others. She is currently passing all of those on to other people. Whenever her craving for food, her laziness, or her want to indulgence resurface she finds someone to pass it on to. This is leading to nearly every girl in range of her normal routine to rapidly gain as they have no way to deal with this massive surge of gluttony, Laziness, and desire to just have more. She also greatly enjoys this, so she is purposely trying to get herself more hyped up for her desires so she can target even more people. Now the real question is, why is she content to just accept this in the current time? That's something am not going to answer yet.


She is passing on her desires to them, things she struggled with, her food addictions, everything. These girls have no natural defense for this so their getting hit hard.


All I will say, is some of these girls, and some who are coming up may have minor background roles, keep an eye on the minor characters.

Zoro E

Damn there huge! I hope Emily appears soon and that silver haired woman is as big as Alex when we see her again


that was fast. love the double features 😁


I kind of want a spin-off story about the roommates from when they started gaining to the present


Love how the green hair girl filled in the area she made fun of Christina for before. They seem bigger than Christina ever was. Is the dark haired girl even wearing anything under her belly?