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Hi again everyone, thanks for joining me again I appreciate it so much!!

Not too much to say this month, I have a new poll up and going for my choose your gain, check it out if interested.

I am currently doing some work for future content in the background and will have some fun things planned in the next probably 4 or so months. I hope you enjoy the current content and what's to come in the future!

Monthly sketch dump will happen a bit later as I am still in progress on some ideas as I am taking the rest of today and Monday off to rest!

ALSO! For those that are curious or interested... Patreon has added a nice feature that will hopefully help people find the art they are looking for. It's similar to the Tags system but they are adding in a collection/gallery view. Still not the perfect gallery layout for art but it's a bit more visually appealing than tags. I'm currently working on setting it up!

You can find it on my main page, example below. Let me know if you want me to make a specific collection.

Thanks again for your new and continued support!