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It's been awhile since last checking up on how you all feel about the content! I'll be keeping it pretty multiple choices so feel free to select what you are enjoying most.

I'm a variety artist which focuses on comic creation however it's nice to get some feedback from everyone here and maybe get some ideas for future art!

Currently I do 3 different comics that are at varied lengths and I don't really know the exact number of pages. But I would call Diva to Donuts a longer length more story focused weight gain. Where as The Bites comic series are more gaining focused with some story to keep the gains going. Then I have cheerleader which is leaning into more the Bites style focus where it's mostly on the gains.

So with all that the options below provide me with feedback on current series and comic flow.



Honestly almost all of these are good ideas, but I do want to say that for the last two, taking your time is absolutely the way to go. You aren’t just making “content”, you’re developing a “portfolio.” If they like that portfolio, they will have plenty of time to catch up while you work on what you plan to make next.

Shadow Basilisk

Thanks for giving us the chance to give you feedback with this poll! I’d also like to say that I totally agree with all the positive comments on your work! You are an amazing artist, and I’m excited to see where your art goes from here! 😁